
Siege of Faysummit II

*Serafall Leviathan POV*

I look out of the window and see many people preparing for battle. Not too long ago, Lexian announced that they would fight against the full force of the Tepes Faction.

"Lady Leviathan, What should we do?"

I look at the Young Lion, who is eager to help the Vongola family fight the Tepes faction.

"Nothing, As much as I want to help them, we can't help them if they didn't come to us first."

"But why?!?"

"As I said earlier, we can't help them if they didn't come to us first."

"Yes, but why?"

"We are not Vongola ally, and we also not the enemy of Tepes faction."

"What? Are we not the enemy of Tepes faction? I thought we were already enemies to those vampires after they attacked and killed one of our people."

"Yes, but the council decided not to declare the Tepes faction our enemy."

"That is absurd."

"Yes, I should not tell you this, but there is a corrupt council member. That is the reason why we did not declare the Tepes faction as our enemy."

"Dammit. Is there nothing we can do?"

"No… Sadly no. We can only fight for the Vongola family if they come to us and request for an alliance, and even then, the only people that immediately fight for them are only us. If Lexian requests for a reinforcement, his request will need to go through the council, and you know the council has a secret relationship with the Tepes faction."

"... So what are we doing here? If we are not helping them, we should go back to the underworld, right?"

"Even if we cannot help them in the fight, we can still help them protect the innocent people in case the vampire successfully breaches inside the barrier. That is self-defense, Right?"

"I see."

I smile at Sairaorg and look out of the window and see the citizens of Faysummit busy preparing the incoming force of the Tepes faction. I hope they can win this fight.

~ A few hours later~

I look at the clock and see that it is already 7 PM. Currently, I'm on top of the roof of the hotel we stayed in. Next to me is Sairaorg and his peerage looks in the same direction I see. In front of me is a blackened sky. It was a thousand or even a hundred thousand bats covering the night sky. The aura around also begins to decrease more than it should be. I can even smell the stink presence of the undead coming here, and I know that the number of undead will be around a few thousands of them or maybe more.

A few more hours pass by, and suddenly, I see many undead getting out from the thick forest. I also see a few hundred vampires flying above the undead.

As I look at the vampire, I frown a little. Their aura is different than it should be. It feels like a dragon aura. Do they have a sacred dragon gear on their force?

I snap from my thoughts when Flavius Tepes, the brother of Marius Tepes, shouts.


After Flavius shouts, the undead begins to charge toward the army in front of the gate. On the other hand, the vampires that float on the Sky begin to bombard the barrier of Faysummit. So the fight for Faysummit has started.


The sound of an explosion filled the cold night.

The ground is filled with undead and many races fighting each other, on the Sky filled with rainbow colors of spells fired by either Vampire and Vongola families.

In the Sky, a group vampire fight against Carol and her squad.

Carol, flying above the rest of the vampire, fires her cosmic power toward the vampire she can find. Carol's cosmic attack hit one of the vampires and destroyed his left hand. The vampire looks at Carol with a feral like look before charging at her with insane speed. After arriving in front of Carol, the man points his hand toward Carol and creates many magic circles around Carol, and coming from the magic circle is an elemental spell.

Carol quickly creates a barrier around her body and blocks all the incoming attacks. However, when she releases her barrier, the vampire comes in front of her and swings his left hand that should be gone. However, instead of a normal hand, it has the shape of a dragon hand.

"So you decide to reveal your true self, huh?"

"Oh? You know about this?"

"Of course. Our Lord Spy already knows about your deal with Rizevim Livan Lucifer."

"Then, I don't need to hold back anymore."

The man's body begins to change and grow into a gigantic size. His body begins to take the shape of a black western dragon. Its mouth is filled with sharp teeth and on top of its head are two horns. The Dragon has four wings and six legs. It has forked tails.


However, before the former vampire, now a dragon, finished his speech, someone from the wall shouted.

"Our first target has appeared! Fire the cannon!"

Suddenly a massive cannon appears on top of the wall of Faysummit and shoots a beam of destruction toward the newly revealed Dragon. After five beams of destruction, the cannon stopped. Carol looks at the Dragon that got hit by Melammu Dingir, and when the dust is gone, the Dragon is still standing, but its body is filled with injury. One of its wings almost disappeared from its body.


While the Dragon explains his power proudly, Carol gathers her cosmic power. After the Dragon finishes his speech, she fires her cosmic energy enchanted with Cloud flame and obliterates him with a fully charged and multiply photon blast.

Carol looked at her new target, but before she could attack her next target, Flavius shouted to his army.

"Show them our power! Begin the Transformation!"

Slowly the vampire that fights the people of Faysummit begins to change, and their body enveloped by a black mud-like substance. A second later, their body begins to transform into many types of dragons. Some of them have an eastern dragon, and the others have the shape of a western dragon.


It was a sight to behold. A few hundred dragons appear in the middle of a forest.

Seeing the vampires changing into a dragon, the people that fight on the ground began retreating inside the wall.

After all of the people get inside the wall, many cannons appear on top of the wall, and the number is around fifty cannons. There are also people on top of the gate. It was Lexian and his guardian. Medea with her Owl Agathe, Amelia with her Polar Bear Popol, Mordred with her Panther she named Amber, Kushina with her white fox she called Yuki, and lastly, Carol who slowly joined her Sky summoning her Harpy Eagle.


Hearing Lexian command, the Melammu Dingir begins to fire a beam of destruction toward the army of dragons in front of the city.

The Siege of Faysummit has entered a new stage.

The advance chapter can be found here:


Or if you want to give me some coffee


LuxVonDeuxcreators' thoughts