
Monster Reign

The world is attacked by unknown monsters and creatures with a few people surviving the apocalypse. What do they do to survive..... and will they survive?

Shubh28 · Fantasía
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13 Chs

Play to survive - 2

"The next game- you will pass through two artificially designed biospheres, first will have a very high temperature, higher than the highest recorded on Earth and second will have the lowest temperature, lower than the lowest recorded on Earth. You have to survive and pass through these biospheres and enter a cave at last where a pearl is kept. Whoever touches the pearl last will be dead. You can't choose by yourself this time who has to die.

"But you told us we can choose" I came forward just to find the reason behind this.

But no response came back and soon the biosphere appeared all around us. We could feel the heat. The temperature was rising too fast and reached its peak even before we started. Not even minutes were gone since this level started and we were already struggling with the heat. It was truly very intense, never in my life had I experienced that much heat. We were boiling. Our minds gave up, and the most dreadful thing was that our skin began to melt. I forgot everything, I lost my senses, I couldn't feel, hear or speak anything. I don't remember anything about what happened to my friends or me after that until I reached the gate to the next biosphere, which was freezing cold. My body was disfigured due to the melting and it froze as it is in this cold. I no more looked like a human, I was disastrous. And this sudden transition in climate, from extreme hot to extreme cold, could not be handled by my body. Something strange happened inside me. My mind, which just began to recollect, was again losing. Somehow I moved towards the end of this part. Still not remembering the events happening to me. I got inside the cave having a normal temperature *thank god*. But this hot and cold made a huge impact on our brains. We were gone mad. Each of us forgot about the others and just wanted to touch the pearl at any cost. I don't know how we remembered this task and not anything else. So each of us ran towards it, stopping others from reaching there, even putting them in deadly danger. We were not knowing what we are doing. I and Priya reached the pearl and were safe. Both of us got out of this brain-killer, slowly regaining everything. And then we realised Adam was not with us. We were shown the game and burst out in tears when we saw ourselves killing Adam. We couldn't believe it but our mind was not stable at that time. A voice addressed us about the next level - "The next game is simple, just about survival", our surroundings turned into a room as we were being explained the game, "You have to survive in this room for as long as you can. The one to survive will advance to the next game and the other one will be obviously dead. You will find many surprises in this room and have to overcome all of them to stand till last. Your game starts now".

"I wonder what surprises could be in here"

"Let's see and try to help each other whenever needed", She told.

The first few minutes were fine and normal and we were getting bored. I was about to sleep when I felt that the temperature has suddenly increased a lot, it was getting hot, We were sweating too much. Many objects were hot as the sun and a few began to melt. Maybe this is the first surprise. I wasn't able to resist it more but somehow I handled it but fainted. Immediately after the temperature dropped by around 100 degree Celsius. I was still unconscious although Priya tried to wake me up. I wasn't in my senses completely but still could feel myself converting into an ice piece. And the environment wasn't like that in which I could get up. I laid there only. When I woke up, it was normal then. She was sitting on the bed, covered with a thin blanket. It was so cold that the snow froze on the walls. We were hungry and thirsty but nothing was kept in that room, not even water. Soon one more surprise opened up. Water entered the room through the bottom corners. It was running at a high speed and the room was filling quickly.

"They must have listened to our thirst"

And the worst was coming now. Not only water was filling up the room but also snakes came with the water, not baby-sized but large ones, thickness as much as us, the ones we haven't seen ever before. This is the most dangerous level of the game. We were floating but for how long? The roof was near, the whole room was going to drown, we prepared to store our breath and also stay away from snakes. But the moment the room drowned, the room disappeared and we were back in another room, that looked like some control room. At some distance I saw someone running towards us, shouting my name. I tried to find out who he was, "Jacob! Is it really you? Alive?", I ran and hugged him, I was very glad to see him, "But how is this possible? You died, right in front of me!"

"I will tell you everything, Robert but first let's get outta here and save your friends", Jacob asked me to follow him.

"She is the only one left. Kevin and Adam are dead" I couldn't even speak properly while saying this.

"No, they are alive. Come with me".

We followed him. This place was a maze but surprisingly, Jacob remembered all the ways and he was so confident whenever he made a choice that we were never unsure of our destination. We reached a cabin. Adam and Kevin were there, lying on a mattress with their eyes closed, tubes connected to their body.

"What is happening with them?"

Jacob replied, "What else Kamrales do? Making a Kamrale out of humans"

"We should stop them", Priya looked around for something useful, "There must be something we can refer to to stop this".

"Who is she?" Jacob whispered to me.

"She met us in India when we were in her parents' museum, not the real ones, this is a bit complicated. She is originally a Kamrale, was. She got to know this 1 - 2 days back. When she was asked to go back with them, she refused and was left with no Kamrale personality. She is not a monster but more caring than us so no need to fear her".

"But how did you reach India?"

"Dude, what are you talking? We are in India"

"Has this apocalypse affected your mind this much? We live in Sweden, we're in Sweden". My mind got jumbled, what is this happening?

"Hey boys, will you help here or just keep mumbling there?" Priya shouted to us.

"No need to search for anything kids" we ran to a corner as we soon as turned around to see who it is, "because you are also going to be like this"

"But why Chakravartin? Why do you need to do this?" Priya asked courageously.

"Because we love and care for the real Kamrales. These puppets will fight for us against our enemies. So, even if they die we don't cry for them. Ah! The reports are completed for these two". Just then a group that looked like armed forces, broke in and aimed their guns and shot Chakravartin. He instantly vanished, not sure if he was dead or not. The forces called out to us and took us somewhere with their helicopter. We also took Adam and Kevin with us, though they were yet to wake up. When I saw outside, I realised this was really Sweden.