
Mixed Between Love And A Non-Human World.

Brittany_Ayers8004 · Adolescente
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19 Chs

Out Of Place

Anna finished up her coffee while sitting on the couch with Max watching a movie . It was like being in a movie theater . Max was sitting at one end of the couch ehile she streched her legs across the rest of the couch , leaning against his chest , he had wrapped his arms around her .

A nock came from the door . Max got up and went to the door. It was a womans voice . Anna couldn't hear what theycwas saying but she was to comftorable to get up .A few moments later Max appeared in front of her holding a bag out to her . " Here I thought you might want something to wear othet than my shirt and boxers . " Smiling Anna reluctantly took the bag and went to the master bathroom .Closing the door behind her she emptied the contents of the bag onto the counter . A purple hairbrush fell out first. God she did really need to brush her hair .Second was a dress . Anna sat the bag down picking up the dress . It was peach colored . Wow this must have been expensive . Anna slipped the dress on , carefully zipping up the back .The dress was beautiful. She had never had a silk dress before . The dress ended right above her knees showing off her olive complection .

She grabbed the back again this time looking inside instead of just dumping it out there was a pair of tan wedge heels to match the dress .Also a box .She grabbed the box carefully opening it revealing a diamond necklace . Her eyes widend . Had Max bought this for her ? Excitedly she put the shoes on . Fastened the necklace. After brushing her hair she turned to look in the long mirror that conected to the back of the door. Woah . This was definitly a new Anna . The woman she saw in the mirror she had never seen before . The woman looked more like a high class model or something .

Anna opened the bathroom door . Sitting infront of her was Max his eyes scanned every inch of her. " You look amazing ." Anna blushed tucking her hair behind her ear. " I don't think I can except these things . They look every expensive . " Max stood up grabbing her by the hand . He twirled her in a circle making her giggle . " For you Luna , nothing is to expensive .I have a surprise for you . You are going to love it ."

Now ouside of the tree house a black gmc waited at the end of the steps . Max held Annas hand guiding her down the steps . As they reached the truch Max walked to the pasenger side and opened the door for Anna to get in . After she got in Max hurried to the drivers seat and got in .

" Where are we going ?" Anna asked excited to know where Max was taking her . " Well if u really want to know that bad I will tell you ." Anna thought about it for a moment ," Its okay don't tell me . I want it to be a surprise . " Max smiled grabbing her hand in his .

The truck slowed down turning into a parking lot . There was shopping centers everywhere . Anna was in awe . The building were big . She had never eally been shopping before . Bethany normally just went without her and picked out all her clothes for her . " Are we going shopping ? " Annas eyes wide in excitment . Max smilled ," Well I thought if you are going to be living with me that we needed to buy you some clothes and get you the necesity items you need . "

Stay with him ? He wants me to move in with him . " Do you want me to live with you ? " Max smiles shyly at Anna ," I would love for you to . I can't stant the thought of you being very far from me . Especially after I marked you last night . You belong to me now . And as soon as you shift , you will mark me to and I will belong to u ."

It was all still a little over whelming to Anna . Either way she still wanted to go shopping . " Okay then lets go ." Anna hopped out of the truck ,followed by Max .She walked into one of the shopping centers .There was so many clothes she didn't even know where to begin . Max walked to one of the employees asking for help to look for Anna some clothes .

The dark haired lady guided Anna towards the more fashionable variety of clothes . Max stood back allowing Anna and the dark haired lady go through the clothes till the buggy was completely full.

" This way ma'am to the fitting room . " After guiding them to the fitting room the lady disappeared . " Max this stuff is to expensive . Are you sure about this ?" Max pushed her towards one of the unoccupied stall ," If you like it we will buy it . " Max stood outside the door . With every outfit Anna came out and showed him . From the look on his face he liked the outfits .

After trying on all the different outfits. Anna came out of the stall with her peach dress back on ." Are you ready to check out ? I have one more place I want to take you ." Anna nodded walking back towards the front of the store .

After paying for the clothes Max asked Anna to stay by the outside of the door while he put her things in the truck .He returned shortly after ." There is one more store I would like to take you to ." Anna smilled grabbing Max hand ," Lead the way ."

They past several stores before Max stopped opening up a door inviting Anna to walk inside .The store was sparkly . A jewlery store . " Pick something . Anything . I want to buy you something nice that you like ." Annas eyes were wide . Wow there was so much how could she pick something . She walked towards the counter looking into the glass . Max walked on towards the oposite side . While Anna was looking she didnt notice Max and one of the employees pick up a tray of rings and placing them down infront of her . Max placed his hands on Annas hips getting her attention ," I would like for you to pick one of these . You are now mine and I want everyone to know . I can't stand the thougjt of someone else in the pack gaucking over you .I would probably kill them ." There was eight different rings placed infront of her . Each one was completly different . She had never had a ring before . Carfully she pick up each one trying them on ." This is very nice but could I choose a pair of earings or something ? I don't think I am ready for this ." Feeling overwhelmed she found a bench and sat down .Max kneeled down infront of her ," If you would rather leave that's okay . I'm sorry for pushing you . I just love you . You are mine .I want you to have everything you want. " Anna nodded her head not wanting to look at Max ," Can we just go back to the tree house ? I don't really feel like shopping anymore . I have never really been shopping in my life so it feels a little our of place. " Max looked at her with understanding . He lifet her up off the bench into his arms .Kissing her on the cheek he said ," Lets go home darling ." Without a pause or a glace at the people in the store who was now stating at them he carried her out the store .

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