
Mixed Between Love And A Non-Human World.

Brittany_Ayers8004 · Teen
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19 Chs

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Back at the tree house anna began digging throught the fridge for something to eat . She was starving .She decided on an oven pizza . Anything else would be to mutch work . She just wanted quick and easy . She walked over to the oven turning the temperature to 400° . Max had went to the back of the house . She guessed he probably had to use the bathroom .Anna was about to fix her and Max a glass of wine when it seemed like all of a sudden her body was on fire . Her bones started cracking and popping . "OUCH" She screamed . She could here Max running throught the house . Anna was laying on the kitchen floor unable to more . She felt like ever bone in her body was braking. Max neeled down beside her .He lifter her head placing it into his lap like a pillow . " You are shifting . I known its painful but as you shift more it stops hurting . Within a few more moments there was a wolf laying on the floor in the place of Anna . It was red with white strips . Her wolf was mesmerizing. Max stared into her eyes trying to contain his inner wolf from loseing control at the sight of his mates wolf .

Annas eyes turned into a deep blue as her mood changed . In the brink of an eye the wolf was now standing on top of Max pushing him backwards onto the floor . He didn't resist . Lust filled her mind as she began licking at Max bare chest . He ran his fingers thought her long mane .'Mark me like i marked you .' Max told Anna throught the mind link ,'Mine !' she said as she bit down into Max shoulder .Sparks ignited from the both of them .Before Anna could realize it she was back in human form on top of Max . At first she was embarased at her nakedness from shifting .Before she could make an effort to cover herself Max pushed he over and was now on top of her . He started kissing her neck . Anna moaned . Max looked up at her stopping momentarily ," You are perfect ." This time instead of kissing her neck he went further .He started licking in circles around her nipple .Hearing the pleasure escape her lips he started sucking .His hands traveled up and down the inside of her leg .Anna needed his touch , she needed it now .Anna grabbed Max hand forcing him to touch her . Max stopped looking up at her ," Baby are you sure you want me to ." Anna couldn't even speak she nodded her head eyes still closed ready to indure the please he was about to bring to her .

Withought looking away from her Max started rubbing her her lips . Annas eyes where closed she threw her head back opening her mouth letting out a gasp of pleasure . In the moment Max realized that she had never been touched before .He parted her lips alowing the tip of his finger to stowly slip inside her . As he pulled in and our Annas body started shaking . Max was losing control of his worlf . He growled ," Mine !" Grabbing her by the waist he picked her up off the floor .Kissing her passionatly pushing her up against the wall . Anna ran her fingers thought his hair . She could feel his member rubbing between her legs . Her head fel back in pleasure allowing a deep moan to seep through her lips . Max couldn't wait any longer he bumped into ever wall as he carried her into into the master bedroom laying her down on the bed . Anna grabbed his hips forcing him to push his member up against her lips . "Please Max ! Please ." She was ready . Maxed leaned over the top of her inserting heis member inside of her . He moaned at the feeling of her wet tightness .Annas boddy began shaking . She was moaning louder and louder . Max thrusted himself inside of her ,"Please ." Was the last thing he heared before he went dark .His wolf was now in control .

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