
Mixed Between Love And A Non-Human World.

Brittany_Ayers8004 · Teen
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19 Chs


The house was very quiet . Anna rolled over expecting Max to be laying beside her , but the bed was empty. Annoyed she sat up and climbed out of the bed .She walked out of the bedroom rubbing her eyes at the amount of light that was in the house . What time was it .

Voices came from the kitchen area . Anna walked quietly around the corner not wanting to alarm whoever was in there . She stepped around the corner to see a young boy about 13 and max sitting at the bar . Anna looked around the kitchen for a coffee pot . Surely they drank coffee . Bingo .The coffee pot was to the side of the wine rack on what looked like some sort of buffet table .It held all kinds of goodies that go along with coffee . She walked over to it popping open the top to insert a filter ." Goodmorning ," Max said as he stood up making his way around towards her .He wrapped her in his arms , kissing the top of her head ," Did you sleep good ?" Anna rubbed her eyes looking up at him . She could still go back to bed . Max laughed at her reaction .Letting her go he grabbed a bottle of water and pored the water in the back of the coffee pot , proceeding to make her coffee for her . Anna turned around to face the boy who was now standing as well .He bowed to her ," Hello Luna . It is a pleasure to meet you. " Anna suddently realized she still had not brushed her hair or changed out of Max's t-shirt and boxers . She blushed looking away . Great. Wait , Luna . What does that mean . " My name is Annistasia but you may call me Anna . I am not Luna . Whoever that is ." Max chuckles ", You are my mate that makes you the Luna of my pack .Or shall I say the queen of my pack ." Max looked towards the yound boy ," Andrew you are excused . I would like to be alone with the new Luna . " Andrew nodded his head walking out the door . " That was rude .I need to find a hair brush anyways. Yall can finish taking about whatever. "

" Annastasia . Love you are a Luna now . I am the Alfa .Me and you are the queen and king of this pack .Nothing is rude , but blunt .I have to maintain the power in the pack to stay Alfa. " He lifted her up setting her down on the counter . He brushed he messy hair behind her ear placing a kiss on her cheek ." You are my queen ." The coffee pot had stopped . Max turned around filling up a coffee cup ," Cremer or sugar ?" Anna was surprised he even have suger or creamer he seemed like a guy that drank his coffee black ." Both please . " After a few moments Max turned back to her placing a cup between her hands . " I like it when you wear my clothes . They definitly look better on you than they do on me . " Anna blushed looking down at her cup of coffee .

Max lifted her chin kissing her on the lips. " Darling I know you have had a tough few days .Why don't we forget about it all for the day and do something together .Anything you want . I don't care what we do . As long as I am with you I am happy ." Max looked towards the entrance of the kitchen and wistled . Coco came running in wagging her tain in excitment . Anna quickly sat her coffee down and hopped off the counter. She sat down on th floor as Coco jumped into her lap licking and rubbing all over her . Anna had missed her and apparently Coco had missed her about the same. A tear fell from her cheek and she hugged her pup. She rased her hand for max to help her up . Max gently pulled her up wrapping his arms around her ," Happy ?" Anna smiled kissing him on the cheek ," Yes, thank you ." Max lifted her up to sit her back down on the counter when Anna wrapped her legs around his waist .Max looked down at her cute face ." I love you Annistasia . Where have you been all my life ? " He pulled her higher up burrying his face into her neck kissing her gently .Anna gasped ,"Right here . "

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