

Amelie is a young and beautiful businesswoman trying hard to set foot in the industry with her new company, ran with the help of her cousin,Dennis. The events lead to her taking the place of her cousin's fiancè-to-be,Rosè, in an arranged marriage settled by Rosè's family. Her soon husband?None other than the heir of the prestigious Yoxal group, Aiden Yoxal, the temporary ex-boss she had no less than a few months ago. At first, Amelie is thrilled to have her kind ex-boss as a fake husband.It was better than a complete stranger,right?Plus they seemed to get on pretty well together.But his attitude is completely different?He looks at her as if she is his enemy! Soon her husband's indifferent and cold attitude turns Amelie into a cold and indifferent wife. What will happen to these two? Will they finally divorce or will they give this marriage another chance? But it won't be so easy when the world's most stubborn man is against the world's most stubborn woman.

WandererXXII · Ciudad
Sin suficientes valoraciones
79 Chs

Chapter 3

"So when are planning to propose?"Amelie said before she took a sip of her fresh cranberry juice.

"I already got the ring and have booked the tickets,hotel,everything.I am planning to propose to her during our trip in Toscana in August."

Amelie got excited.As a hopless romantic,she loved listening about other people's love stories.

"So have thought about how?"

Dennis who was usually a man of few words had his conversation switch turned on.His eyes shined as he spoke.

"I am already visioning it.A beautiful sunset.Us on a yacht in the middle of the sea,her in a sundress that flows with the wind.I'm also planning for a firework show after the sun sets during our candle lit dinner."

"That's so romantic!"God,when will it be me? Then her face changed to a teasing smile."I didn't know you were such romantic one Danny.As the folk says it's always the quiet ones.Very nice,Danny.Very nice."She said the last few words in in english with a strong local accent while nodding slowly in approval.

Dennis lowered his head in embarassment.He had been giving her a lot of material to tease lately.

After more chatting,two hours had already passed.Amelie checked the time.

"I have to go to the company today to check a few things.Let's end it for today." They both got up and headed outside.After getting to the parking place she gave him a high-five,a hug and then they both went to their cars.

Amelie drove for 40 minutes and reached a building.She parked her car into the underground parking place,locked it and headed for the elevator.

After reaching a certain floor,the receptionist greated her and Amelie greeted her back with a sweet smile,completely changing her cold aura.She proceeded to greet all the people she saw as she headed to her office.

Amelie had studied engineering and payed a lot of attention to programming during her time.After finishing her bachelors she immediately worked part-time as a programmer in a company while continuing her masters in software engineering.After finishing her masters and working full-time,she had risen from her position many times,but her ambition had never been satisfied.

Though she had plenty of money for a comfortable life,she would do freelancing in her free time.It wasn't easy for her to get a foothold and be recognised and trusted for work,but she had worked hard and tried to improve herself and in a few years she had finally started to bloom.With the help of her cousin Dennis who had studied IT,both of them managed to create a small online company,which resulted with a lot of success and earnings.

Soon the projects that they would take on started to get bigger and some were also from the goverment,so a working ground became a necessity.

Amelie's family had owned quite a bit of land for a hundred years in the capital city,making its value crazy high in this country.After a lot of development projects took place in the capital city.Their family had refused to sell the land and had kept it,since they knew its value would continue growing.And just as they expected a huge housing project and an important road project took place in the area where their lands were and in just barely her twenties Amelie was already the owner of 20 something apartments,without counting the stores.Amelie had also two older siblings and her parents who also owned the same amount as her, together with the other extended family that also had their own share of apartments here,this area was basically their surnames turf.

Amelie gave all the stores and apartments for rent,but she would rarely spend that passive income on herself since it didn't feel rightfully hers,no matter how many times her parents would tell her it was hers.

The only time she actually used it was when she needed office grounds.She joined 4 apartments under her name together and made it a comfortable working space for her and her teams.Amelie had the rules so her teams wouldn't slack off,but they also had quite the individual freedom.She had read a lot of psychology books,done a lot of questionnaires to build this place so everything could be perfect,including the good pays because she was a particularly "everyone should get what they deserve person",people would fight for a place in her company,but to their bad luck,they didn't recruit often and mostly worked with other freelancers.

It had almost been 1 year since their company had been settled and it had been showcased in a lot of magazines and articles,since it had been an unique and new concept,together with having a beautiful and young leader of course it would put their small company in an even bigger limelight.They didn't need to do any publicity since her and Dennis were enough,their family genes made them proud.

Amelie had been typing on her laptop completely serious,while wearing a pair of cat eyeshaped,red glasses.The screen light reflected on her glasses ,reflecting on her brown,big eyes.They completely lost their real adorable and kind look when she was serious.

For Amelie this pretty face had been both a blessing and a curse throughout her life.When she used to work for other companies,nobody would bother taking her seriously because of her young looks and they would always think of her as some airheaded,immature person that was only looks.She was about to be in a few months 27,but looked like she was 21.Her mature style would make her pass to 24,but since she was someone who dressed depending on her mood,often people would misunderstand her for a university student.

A knock was heard outside.

"Amelie,we're closing right now,shouldn't you be home by now?"

Amelie checked the time on her phone.The time was 21:46.She murmured."This late,already?"

"I'll just finish this and leave uncle Ajet!"

"Tsk,tsk,you're the one telling other to not stay late and take care of themselves and here you are leaving the last!"

Amelie just laughed "What can I do uncle I'm the boss,I have more responsibility."

Ajet just shook his head a left.

After 20 minutes Amelie finished what she had at hand and took the laptop with herself.She said goodbye to the security guard Ajet and left for home.