
MHA: String Demon

- A boy born in a superhuman world full of heroes, who civilians idolize. Great right, NO! Nothing is always as it seems and isn't always sunshine and rainbows. Especially for Charles, a boy who's been raised in a terrible environment. With Drug addicted, and Alcoholic parents who abuse him, and in an area where crime rate is at its high, will all these problems lead Charles down the path of a hero,  Villain or something entirely different. Name: Charles Sato Blood type: O Favorite things: Food, Toys, and Freedom Dislikes: Parents, Heroes, Drugs and Alcoholics Quirk: Strings - Able to generate strings from his finger tips, or wrists. Quirk Potential: C --------------------------------------------------- Pic is from google and I own nothing but the OC's.

Legend27 · Cómic
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28 Chs

Chapter 10

[AN: Sorry for not posting for a while. I had a couple of projects to work on so I wasn't really able to write much. This chapters a bit shorter than what I'd usually write but I couldn't really do much.(Wrote this while working on my projects so it might be a bit rushed)]


[I say we join them] Danny said

[Same] agreed Tony.

"I'll join. So who's the leader" Charles asked.

"It used to be the three of us but now that you're in it, its the four of us. Everyone who will join from now on will be lower than us" Zack explained.

He then went on to translate to Mikasa and Aizen. The two then cheered and walked up to Charles putting out their hands. Charles knowing what they wanted, shook them.

"Well then now that we're complete, what our name" Aizen asked Zack.

"Hmm, I dont really know".

"How about you Charles. You have an Idea of what our gang name should be" Zack asked Charels after not being able to think of a good name.

"How about, The Heavenly Demons" Charles suggested.

Zack thought it over and translated it to the others.

"Sounds cool" Aizen said.

"Yeah, sounds like it could scare others" exclaimed Mikasa.

"They like it. So from this day on other future members will remember us as the Four Gods of the gang" Zack said to Charles and then translating it.

"Good, but I don't know your quirks. You guys already know mine but I'll say it again. It's strings" Charles said as he generated strings from his fingers as whipped them at table in the warehouse, cutting it into pieces.

Zack smiled and told him their quirks.

"Mine is 'Drug Lab'. I'm able to make any kind of drug as long as I know the ingredients to make it. Aizen is able to boost his strength and speed by 2 every ten seconds. Mikasa has the ability to manipulate water" explained Zack.

"Show Charles your quirks".

Mikasa hearing this lifted her hand and generated a small water ball and changed its shape into a car.

Next was Aizen's turn. "Boost" Aizen said as he then punched a steel wall making a small dent in it.

"It can get stronger but I need to wait a bit" Aizen explained, making Zack translate it to Charles.

Charles nodded and then went on to ask Zack more about his quirk. "So you can make drugs right. Does that mean you can create new ones".


"Great. Now then what do you guys wanna do" Charles asked.

Zack thought a bit before asking the other two.

"What do you guys wanna"

"We can go to my house. My parents are barely ever home anyways" Aizen said.

"Sounds good" Mikasa said.

Zack then translated what they said to Charles, who easily agreed to the plan. They then left the abandoned ware house and walked to Aizen's home.

The four reached Aizen's house ten minutes later.

Walking into the house, they took off their shoes and followed Aizen into his room.

After getting to the room and sitting down, the four went on to turn on the old gaming console and play games for hours.

When they were done, it was already 6pm.

Mikasa, Zack and Charles got up and said goodbye to Aizen before leaving the house.

Zack and Mikasa walked Charles home since Charles was new to japan and didn't know the directions to his home yet.

After arriving at Charles' home they said goodbye. Walking into his house Charles was greeted by his grandfather who was cooking in the kitchen.

"Perfect timing. Dinners almost ready. Go wash up real quick though" Sasuke said.

Charles then did just that.

After taking a quick shower he put on his pajamas- a baggy black shirt and blue shorts- and walked to the dining table.

Charles then sat down and waited for a minute before Sasuke brought two plates of Alfredo Pasta to the table.

The two then went on to eat dinner and discuss their day.

After eating a good hearty meal the two watched a bit of tv before going off to bed.

The next day Charles had both tutoring and therapy so he wasn't able to hang out much with Zack, Aizen and Mikasa.

Days past by and Charles was either at therapy, studying the language, doing something with his grandpa or hanging out with the gang.

Time went on like this and before they knew it 6 years had past.


AN: 6 years, wow. That's a big time skip. Anyways You guys don't have to worry about the story going too fast. I jumped this far ahead cause I cant really have them do much at 6 years old.

- Things are about to heat up and the gang will start doing things. I will explain what they have been doing during the six years so stay tuned.