
chapter 9

The next day, Charles woke up in a better mood than usual. The reason for this was because he would finally start learning the language.

Charles didn't like being able to not understand or communicate with others when he was out and wanting to buy something.


After Charles woke up, he changed out of his pajamas and into some blue shorts and a white long sleeve.

He then put on his socks before walking to the living room.

Reaching the living room he saw his grandfather making breakfast. "What are you making" Charles asked as he walked to the couch and sat down.

"Sausage and eggs" he responded.

After a couple more minutes he finally told Charles to go to the table.

Sasuke then brought the two plates of food to the table. After everything was ready, they began eating.

"So, are you excited to start learning Japanese" Sasuke asked as he looked at Charles who was stuffing his face.

Hearing the question, Charles swallowed his food and responded after a couple more seconds.

"Yeah, I guess. I need to be able to speak and read it if I want to live here" Charles said as he started eating again after answering the question.

"That's good, the tutor will be here in an hour" informed Sasuke.


After eating, the two sat down on the couch and watched tv while waiting for the tutor.


The hour quickly past by, and before they knew it, there was a knock on the door.

Sasuke got up and opened the door letting in a young women with long black hair. "Charles come and greet the tutor" Sasuke yelled from across the room.

Charles then got up from his spot and walked over to the young women. "Hello, I'm Charles" he said introducing himself in English.

She gave a small smile and responded "Its nice to meet you Charles. My names Yuki".

Sasuke then left the living room and walked into his room letting Charles and Yuki start studying in peace.

"Now then lets start with Katakana first" Yuki said as she started teaching Charles the alphabet.


After three hours of hard core studying, the session was finally over.

"Thank you for having me. Your grandson is a genius, he soaks up everything I teach him like a sponge" Yuki said as she was just outside the door.

"Thank you for coming. We'll see you tomorrow" responded Sasuke.

Yuki then smiled before bowing and walking out of the door.

The rest of the day was uneventful. Charles did nothing but watch tv with his grandfather and eat.


The next day Charles went for counselling. This time as soon as he entered he walked to Zack and greeted him.



They then went on to play games that Charles didn't enjoy at all. After the games were done the two sat down and talked for the whole break.

Before they had to go to their one on one counselling session, Charles told him if he wanted to do something tomorrow to which Zack happily agreed to.

Before walking into Sakura's office, Charles switched with Danny.


Time passed by and the counselling session finally ended.

Charles talked to Zack a bit and ended up getting his number before leaving with Sasuke.

After getting home Charles waited for Yuki to tutor him again. After the tutor session, Charles said goodbye to Yuki and did nothing else for the rest of the day.


Finally it was the next day. He didn't have counselling or any tutor sessions and today was the day he would go outside without Sasuke with him.

He used his grandfathers phone and called Zack.

"Zack, Come to where I am. I don't know my way around the city" Charles said making Zack laugh.

"Haha, ok sure. Where do you live"

"*** ********"

"I'll be there in a bit, I'll call you when I'm there".

Hanging up the phone Charles walked to his room and changed out of his pajamas. He put on jeans and a blue shirt with a black hoodie over it.

He then went to the living room and watched tv until he heard a knock on the door. Charles opened the door and yelled "Bye" to his grandfather who laughed and yelled back.

He then walked through the neighborhood with Zack.

"What's something fun to do here" Charles asked with a bored expression.

"Hmm, Fighting people is pretty fun but I doubt you'd do anything" Zack said as stopped walking and looked at Charles.

"You think you're stronger than me" Charles asked, stopping as well.

"No, no , I know I'm stronger".

"Wanna test that out" Charles said as he started releasing string from his finger tips.

"I'll be happy to, but lets go to a spot me and my gang hangout at" Zack said making Charles draw back his strings.

They then walked through different neighborhoods. After a while they finally reached an abandoned warehouse.

Zack then opened the door and walked in. Charles followed him and when he walked in he saw other kids there.

There was a girl with long black hair and an overweight boy with brown hair.

"Zack, so this is the guys you were talking about" the girl with the long black hair asked.

"Yeah, he is" Zack said with a smile.

"He seems weak" the fat kid said.

Zack looked at Charles and translated what the fat kid said.

"He said you look weak"

[That fat kid just call us weak] Tony said.

[ I don't like violence but we should show him why people shouldn't mess with us] Danny added.

Charles looked at the fat boy and girl and smiled with his eyes closed.

Before the two knew it strings came out of Charles' fingertips and tied the fat boy up. "What'd you say fatso" Charles asked in English.

"Unfair" he cried out.

Zack and the girl laughed aloud. "Haha, Aizen, you really shouldn't call people you don't know weak" exclaimed Zack.

Charles chuckled a little before letting the fat boy go.

Aizen chuckled and rubbed the back of his head while he said "Sorry bro, didn't mean to be mean".

"He said he's sorry" Zack translated.

"Its fine" Charles said in English.

The boy not being tied up finally realized that Charles spoke English.

"Zack, How are we going to be able to talk to him if he cant speak Japanese" Aizen asked.

"That's why I'm here. Anyways me and him are going to fight, stand by and watch this" he told them.

"You ready" Zack asked Charles.

Charles smiled before whispering "You can have your fun Tony".

[Hahah thanks buddy. Finally] Tony said as he took over the body.

"3,2,1, go" The girl counted down.

Tony let out a big smile as he summoned his strings and used them to make a bat. Zack seeing this smiled and rushed at him.

He then took out a pill from his pockets and ate it. Once he reached Tony he punched as hard as he could.

Tony seeing this used his strings. Strings came form his fingertips and wrapped around his arm. Tony then pulled down, making Zack's punch miss him.

Zack was shocked Tony did what he did but he quickly got over it. Tony then dropped his bat and punched at Zack's face.

Zack's arm still being wrapped with string made it hard for him to dodge the punch. *Bam* Tony punched Zack's stomach.

"You're pretty good" Zack said as he looked at Tony.

"You too" Tony said as he felt a sharp object near his neck.

[Switch back] Charles said.

They then switched back and when Charles was back he looked at Zack and said "Rematch".

Zack laughed before saying "Sure, but you wont win".

"Lets see about that".

The girl counted down again and as soon as she said 'Go' Charles summoned his strings and made them attack Zack.

Zack tried cutting them but wasn't able to. That's when he got tied up and dragged towards Charles. "Pretty simple" Charles said.

"Damn you got skills" Zack said making Charles undo the bindings and letting him go.

Zack got up from the floor and dusted himself off before introducing the members.

"Anyways, good fight. Now then let me introduce these guys" Zack said.

"The girl in the black jacket and jeans is Mikasa. The fat kid over there is Aizen. Wanna join our gang" Zack asked as he put his hand forward.

Charles looked at the group for a minute before deciding...


AN: AS you can see Tony like fighting with his fists more than strings. He could've ended it faster but he doesn't like doing that unless its a fight to the death. Charles is completely different. He will end the fight as soon as it will start, or at least try to.

- What could the pill Zack took in the beginning. What did it do.

-Will Charles join the gang?

I hope you liked the Chapter. Thanks for reading!

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