
MHA: New Generations

A story of a young bot with a deadly power in the world of MHA. Due to this he is shunned by society and becomes somewhat antisocial but learns to break out of that as he advances with his classmates in the prestigious U.A high hero corse.

LegendaryKing13 · Cómic
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17 Chs

Chapter 14: Conference

A few hours after the treacherous break-in into Tartarus in the city of Musutafu, swarms of reporters flooded the outside of the Heroes Association from all around Japan after gaining a tip about a massive group of heroes arriving there for some reason. Soon fancy dark limos drove by, some windows were shut and completely tinted which hid the people inside of it while some were completely opened showing the heroes inside of it. 

From the stylish and elegant Nuclear Hero: Phantom with his radiant white hair and a smile that could charm many.

To the number 20th hero, the Egyptian hero: Anubis. A man that wore the image of anubis wherever he went.

What is going on here?? 

A question both the reporters and heroes asked themselves.

The arrival of all these top tier heroes had shocked the crowd until the top trio made their entrance which completely broke them. Unlike the others who appeared in fancy cars and limos they instead did it the old fashion way, DRAMATICALLY.

Both reporters and heroes felt a chilling breeze before seeing an ice trail form above their heads that spiraled until it touched the floor. Using this trail The Half and Half Hero: Shoto slid down before being followed by Dynamight in a flamboyant display of both power and skill. He completed several front flips in the air before using an explosive burst to slam him down to ground level. Upon landing debris scattered in the air covering him in a thick, dusty haze. Soon he emerged from the haze revealing his iconic and aggressive hero outfit that represented both his quirk and his brash personality. 

The crowd of reporters erupted into cheers but there was still one missing. A massive gust of wind burst forward slightly obscuring everyone's view. In this sudden burst of wind the afterimage of a white cape flashed by in the air. After the wind settled a figure could be obscuring the sun. 

A spectator pointed at the figure and yelled out: ``There he is!!. THE NUMBER ONE``

Amidst the blinding light of the sun an even brighter light shone as Deku smiled before rapidly making his descent on to ground level. It was like a speeding bullet that could be unavoided. Everyone who stood in range of his descent covered their eyes and shield their faces but like the kind hearted person he was, Deku used float to stop his rapid descent before he landed.

All who shield themselves looked at the glorious  number 1 hero as he smiled towards the crowd. The reporters erupted into cheers and continuously took photos of this iconic trio. In all this excitement some of the trios old but still close friends came running up, that included Kirishima/Red Riot, Kaminari/Chargebolt, Tenya/Ingenium and some others from both Shiketsu and U.A.

Upon seeing them Kirishima yelled out.


Upon hearing that hilarious nickname, Bakugou instantly recognized the voice yelling out towards them. He turned away from the crowd and saw Kirishima along with Kaminari and Illda in their hero outfits which looked like a more updated version of their previous ones from when they were younger.               

Kirishima, Kaminari and Illda made it right in front of the top three heroes and upon arrival Kirishima high fived Bakugou before bringing him in for a manly hug. Surprisingly the roughian didn't fight back and smiled while doing so. The two groups greeted each other before engaging in conversation with one another. 

Soon they were instructed to enter the building at once. All the heroes that stood dormant outside made their way into the huge building which was as big as a skyscraper. Upon entering there were swarms of heroes all clustered up together like some convention. Some were familiar to this large world of heroing and some were fairly new but all whether how big or small they were in the eyes of the world questioned the reason for this gathering. 

The room went black and a spot light touched down on a singular person in a brown jacket and a neatly pressed black pants.

    ``Welcome heroes both new and old. I thank you all for clearing your busy schedules to be here. Some may be wondering why are we all here today  and that's because something world changing has happen but not in our favor.``

The man spoke with class and authority, for that something he needed to be in his position. He was not any ordinary spokesman but the chairman of the H.A( Heroes Association). It was very rare for a man of his position to be at a meeting with the heroes in person meaning this was definitely something critical. 

The man pointed behind him and a screen suddenly appeared from the darkness. It turned on and showcased security feed after last night's break in into Tartarus. The feed showcased the destruction caused to the floating prison, something that was only once at a time when villains were reigning supreme. 

``Last night a break in occured into one the most secure facilities in the world, one that lead to the near destruction of it``

An image of Tartarus popped up on screen after he spoke. The heroes became shocked, not because of the image but at  the destruction that was done. What person in their right mind would go to Tartarus in the first and someone with that much power to leave it to near destruction.

Was it a demonstration of strength?

Another attempt at starting a war?


A way to create simple measly chaos?

All of these motives were unclear but as the meeting progressed some may be answered. 

The chairman was handed a file that rested upon a lectern in front of him. ``The prison granted us with information that was documented and given to high tier heroes, some of whom are standing in the crowd today`` said the chairman as he began to open the file. Some of the heroes that were given this file consisted of the top ten heroes, Red Riot, Anubis, The Jet Black Hero: Tsukuyomi and the top three. 

The chairman took a deep breath before beginning the report. 

  ``As you may know last night a break in had occurred into Tartarus prison by a group of well organized villains. They disabled all defenses and all quirk dampeners scattered around the prison. These villains broke in and escaped with four prisoners.``

Some of the new and low ranking thought why would they take such a risk for four measley villains when they had access to the entirety of Tartarus, that's what the chairman had brought up next.

``The prisoners freed all have several things in common except 1 that is. Inmate #3241 also known as Yuu.``

  ``She was arrested 6 years ago after she murdered several families while in a bloodlusted state. Her quirk is shadow whip which is similar to the quirk of one of the other escapees. It allows her to create a whip encapsulated by darkness itself and manipulate it anyway she wants. The other three inmates all were captured around the same time, a few weeks after All For One was defeated by our now number one hero. They also were the first to not let out a peep during several years of interrogation even up to their escape not a word was said that brought anything up. We don't even know their government names.``

This information given rose even bigger questions upon the ones they had already had. ``In a case like that, how would one even classify these villains?" said one of the heroes from within the crowd. The H.A chairman replied by telling the sole hero they simply use their prisoner numbers when mentioning them. The hero nodded before the presentation continued on. 

``Though we may not know any personal information concerning these villains, what we do know is that their quirks pose a threat to the entire planet. Thus their imprisonment in the lower parts of Tartarus.``

Upon hearing this Dynamight marched forward with his hand extended in the air. With a stern look on his face he asked the question: 

``What are these supposed planet ending quirks``

Even the answer to that question was unclear. The power, origin or abilities were unclear to the H.A, all that was was what seemed to be the quirks ability to the naked eye and that one had the power to be activated even while quirk dampeners were still in effectknown was that. All these responses were proving that they had no clear plan in dealing with this threat that had now been let free on the world and that they were gonna wrap the heroes into it. 

Understandably Dynamight was irritated at the response given to him and stood their grunting as the chairman proceeded. 

``The following is a list of quirks we believe that these prisoners possess.``

On the next page of the document holding the information was a list of 4 quirks believed to be held by the escapees, one being the quirk mentioned previously: Shadow Whip. 

The chairman brought up the quirks on the monitor for the other heroes who weren't provided documents to see. 

``Inmate #32034 has the power to control the blood of any living organism. It seems she can also harden and change its shape. Inmate #45392 seems to have the power to freely manipulate a dark substance similar to Inmate #3241 but the most terrifying one of all has to be Inmate #55237 also known as Prisoner X.``

A video clip inside of her cell from a few months was shown to the crowd of heroes which sent a chill down some of their spines. 

``We do not have a clear idea of what her quirk may be but what he does know is that upon her arrival she was able to murder 16 guards and 21 prisoners without moving a single limb while the quirk dampeners were activated. She even managed to destroy one of our sentries bare handed while cuffed. That's what makes her terrifying, thus a cell made specifically for her with the help of support item genius Mei Hatsume``

From the video feed alone the heroes knew this villain was terrifying just from looking at her but the feats of chaos she had performed while under the effect of quirk dampeners was what began sinking in the severity of the situation at hand. The chairman once again pointed to the screen as he spoke. He informed the heroes that they still had no idea who the attackers who did this except for one. 

A villain by the name of Battle-freak, known for his great strength and lack of fear. In the 4 years Battle-freak has made a name for himself by killing both top ranking pro heroes and villains alike.

After this information was revealed out in the open some of the heroes began trying to piece all this information together to come up with a image of what might be the cause of this sudden break in. 

``That concludes this briefing, for now this is all the information we have but investigation is still underway`` said the chairman before the number #1, Deku asked a question that truly crushed the morale of some of the heroes.

``In all of this you forgot to mention something, the casualties.`` (Deku)

The chairman sighed before telling Deku he was hoping to skip this part. With an emotionless reaction on his face the chairman read out the casualties.

``2,450 out of 5,000 guards identified as dead, 120 missing, 1,340 out of the 5,000 have major injuries leaving the rest injured or uninjured, 2 pro heroes dead, entire security department dead…``

As the list went on horrified expressions rose upon their faces. ``Those aren't villains, their monsters`` said a rookie hero as they shook in fear. Soon the list of casualties ended and the rookies along with some more experienced heroes were distraught. A hero wearing a silver coat with fur around their neck and razor sharp fangs sticking out their mouth shouted out asking if the chairman expected them to defeat the monsters who did all of that. 

``No, I will not force you to fight but I will ask. We here at the H.A are assembling a task force in order to combat and retrieve back these villains. We have fought through many hardships and overcome them all. This is only another one of these hardships that we can overcome, I, Yuigi Kutatsu, Chairman of the Heroes Association, ask to borrow you strength for the safety of mankind.``

The chairman of the H.A extended his to the crowd after delivering such an inspirational speach. With that the confidence of the heroes rose once more but some still were unsure about all of this. With that the meeting had ended with mixed feelings.

Back at the dorms in the dead of night Jinko stood on the balcony of his dorm room, hands rested upon the railings and his eyes entranced by the beautiful night sky. A deep sigh was let out before he heard the sliding of the glass door leading to the balcony. Jinko turned his head to look behind him and saw Yusei wearing a striped tank top with the patterns of a tiger on it and simulsr shorts. Jinko turned his head back around as Yusei approached him.

He stood beside Jinko before asking him why was he out here. Jinko simply told him he needed some fresh air. It was just that at all and Yusei knew that as well. He asked his friend why has he been acting weird as of late. Jinko did not answer and simply stood their with his hands shaking as It rested upon the rails. 

Almost instantly Yusei identified it and placed his hand upon Jinko's back.

``You don't have to tell me if you don't want to, I'm just concerned for you thats all`` (Yusei)

Jinko gripped the rails before taking in a deep breath. 

``No, it's fine`` (Jinko)

He turned to Yusei and began telling him the reason why he was being more distant than usual. 

|``Earlier this year someone I loved died during a fire and I couldn't do anything about it. I was right there and I could do nothing to stop it, I felt so powerless and when we were introduced  to rescue training I remembered that same bone crushing feeling as I watched everything I loved burn down. Its just that I can't stop thinking about it, what if I don't have the strength like last time, what if I mess up!?``

As he released the thoughts that plagued his mind in the open he began hyper ventilating but Yusei calmed him down. ``You won't mess up, your one of the strongest people I know and I'm sure that you have the capabilities to surpass your fears`` said Yusei as his bright smile shone upon the worried Jinko. It reminded him of it's grandfather and a smile appeared on his face. 

``Thats the first time I've seen you smile before. Its good, you should smile more`` (Yusei)

Jinko looked at him slightly confused and stated he always smiles. A shocked expression came upon Yusei's face making him shout; ``THATS A SMILE``. Yusei continued to ramble on while something on the ground level watched them. It could not be made out and simple stared at them with a smirk on its face. 

 ``Ill be seeing more of you, Mr Kasayami``

End of Chapter