
MHA: New Generations

A story of a young bot with a deadly power in the world of MHA. Due to this he is shunned by society and becomes somewhat antisocial but learns to break out of that as he advances with his classmates in the prestigious U.A high hero corse.

LegendaryKing13 · Anime & Comics
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17 Chs

Chapter 13: The World Will Know Fear

After the deaths of Brightburn and Moonlight the two villains prepared for the final step in their plan. Red Rum moved in front of Legion and stuck her hands out in the air and Legion took a deep breath. 


Legion's eyes lit up and went wild. He pointed his hand forward and all technological devices in the area shut down including the gate blocking their path. 

[Character Analysis]

Villain Hero: Legion

Quirk: Technopathy

He can control any electric powered technological devices in a certain radius

As soon as the gate went down the villains were greeted by a barrage of bullets coming their way. The bullets made their way straight towards Legion but Red Rum quickly created a barrier made purely from the blood of the defeated heroes. The blood barrier took all the hits and the two walked forward. The closer they were, the more terrified the guards became.

With the flick of a finger the blood barrier returned fire. Mini blood bullets were formed from the barrier and were sent into the guards bodies, completely destroying their organs. The more guards that were taken out the more blood Red Rum could take. It was like an infinite cycle that fueled the villains' artillery.

Soon enough all the guards that came across them now made a trail of bodies all the way to the intended destination. It was the communications room, the place that stores all the controls for the prison and the key for the mission's success. 

Legion looked straight at the door and placed his left hand forward. He focused all his control to this specific area and every single piece of technology in that room was disabled. The door shutting the villains out from the room opened and within an instant Red Rum rushed in and slaughtered them like sheep. The room was garnished in blood and the corpses of the fallen guards. 

Legion made his way towards all the controls and saw the wall of screens that showered every bit of the prison. He looked scanned through all the security cameras looking for the targets but to no avail. Since that had failed he searched through the records of the criminals and found each prison cell that held the villains. Legion turned to Red Rum and instructed her what to do next.

``Kumori you will free the others while I go for HER``(Legion)

She simply nodded before being handed two printed files holding the whereabouts of the target. She turned around and blitzed off leaving Legion in the room alone. 

He took a deep breath and created a nano shard disc that condensed allowing Legion to stand on it. As soon as Legion had a firm stance on the disc he commanded it to move forward and so it did.

Meanwhile Red Rum ran around the prison looking for the targets and made it all the way from the fifth level to the third level. 

Tartarus had levels to their prison and the lower the level the more high threat villains are found.

After making it to the third level Red Rum was greeted by a barrage of bullets but it wasn't something she couldn't handle. Wasting no time she created a blood barrier which consumed all incoming fire and sent them right back to where they came from. All the guards protecting the cells all lost their lives and fueled the quirk that had killed them. 

After massacring the guards Red Rum ran off looking for the targets and it was not long till she finally found one. 

She was casually dashing by before her eyes saw the face of someone familiar to her. She instantly stopped in her tracks and stood still in shock

``Chisuke…``(Red Rum)

The person in the cell gazed at Red Rum with a genuine smile of happiness on their face. This person was a dark haired female with purple eyes and two tiny moles on the side of her cheek. Their body shivered for a second before yelling out in a joyous plea. 

``Kumori!!`` (Chisuke)

Red Rum walked up to the cage smiling and watched the girl on the other side. She snapped out of this state and quickly freed her from the cell.

The force field that divided the two parted and Chisuke rushed towards Red Rum and embraced her. The dark and gloomy villain smiled for the first time in years. It was a truly happy moment in this dark and depressing prison. 

The two ended this warm embrace and Chisuke bombarded Kumori/Red Rum with questions.

``Where have you been, how did you get here, are you ok?`` (Chisuke)

Kumori answered all questions thrown at her nonchalantly, not even missing out the slightest detail.

``I've been hiding around here and there,`Legion brought me here and I'm slightly hungry but other than that good.`` (Kumori)

Chisuke sighed in relief, glad to hear that she was fine before thinking on the second question that was answered. She grabbed both of Kumori's shoulders and shook her like an empty bottle of ketchup. 

``LEGION IS HERE``(Chisuke)

Kumori gripped Chisuke's hands, stopping her from rattling her before replying with a confused ``yeah``. The happy go lucky look left Chisuke's face as thoughts ran rampant in her mind. ``Guess it's time`` :Chisuke said in her head as a slight smirk came on her face. Her wonderful quote would be interrupted by the sound of an elevator arriving on the third floor.

Both Chisuke and Kumori turned to the elevator as it stopped its descent. ``Here they come`` said Kumori as she sent the blood spiraling around her body. Chisuke silently giggled before pulling back her hair and looking straight ahead with a determined look smeared on her face. She placed the hand nearest to Kumori outward before activating her quirk.

Using the quirk Chisuke pulled in a ball of blood from Kumori's spiral before refining it into a thin but sharp katana. She stood in the `Te Ura Gasumi` stance as she waited to face the opponents to come. 

The Te Ura Gasumi Stance is one of the many katana stances in traditional Japanese swordplay.

Meanwhile on the further floors below, multiple bodies laid immobile as Legion made his way to the first level. Unlike the other floors above that were severely under guarded and had a lack of technology to back them up due to Legions quirk this floor was like no other. Since it housed world ending catastrophes that were far beyond the term human the H.A( Heroes Association) spent time and money focusing on this singular floor. They kept the room dark and equipped those that guarded it with heat sensing goggles infused with night vision technology. It had pieces of technology kept inside its wall that weren't visible to no mere man and some that were visible but could eviscerate anything that stood before it that were unable to be stopped by a simple quirk. This floor was even guarded by both heroes and guards alike. It was also rumored to house quirk dampening mechs that were made by Earth's greatest engineers/support item creators.

Legion stumbled on the last elevator and entered while preparing himself for anything he could stumble on on the last floor of the nightmarish hell of a prison. As soon as the elevator landed on the first floor and its doors opened he'd be greeted by high powered energy beams flying at him. The villain quickly created a shield from his nano shards to take the blunt of the attack. The beams burst through the shield and also damaged the elevator Legion stood in. 

Legion pushed the nano shard shield forward as attacks were continuously fired at him. With this wave of nano shards Legion took the chance to leave the elevator. He leapt out of it and retaliated with a cluster of nano shards forming a huge shard that was flung towards the direction of the attackers. After the attack was sent Legion heard a clang sound before the shard was sent flying back at him. The sharp and deadly weapon grazed Legions cheek as he kept trying to evade and protect himself from incoming attacks.

Blood gashed from the cut and splattered on to the ground. It was something Legion had barely experienced. His quirk allowed him to become the ultimate defense against anyone he fought so of course the calculated villain was surprised.

The shower of energy beams continued ultimately making Legion move back instead of his ideal plan of advancing. He created two giant nano shard claws that flipped a row of giant sheets off the tungsten floor and used it as a way to buy him some time.

Even as the plates were flipped up the attacks didn't stop and it only gave Legion a moment to recalculate all his actions. He had planned for this day using every waking second of his petty life for 19 years, but he could not have foreseen the true might of the worst floor in Tartarus. Well it was no time to worry about what went wrong because if he had not figured out anything in time this hell of a place would be his burial ground.

The villain looked towards one of the weapons attached to the wall on the left as it continued firing at him. He then turned to the right and saw the same. Legion leaned back into his cover and formulated a plan within the minute. 

He created a giant shard created from the nano shard bits Legion took a deep breath and leapt over his cover. The villain flung the shard forward, towards the enemies hidden by the darkness. After being thrown it seperated and all that could be heard were the groans and yelps as the shards pierced his opponents. Two sentry like weapons attached to the walls, both on opposite sidturned directly at him and fired a barrage of energy beams.

Legion leapt into the air with the help of his shards, completely avoiding the attack. The sentry followed him, not wasting a second to attack the invader. Legion created stepping pads mid air he used to avoid the attacks and get closer to one of the sentries. Soon he was right before it, holding a huge shard similar to the one he made before, floating above his palm. 

You'd think he'd throw the weapon right at it but instead he landed on top of it while looking to the other sentry. The foolish Ai fired at Legion but before it could hit him the villain leapt off making the sentry he stood on take the forefront of the attack for him. The sentry was destroyed and the same was about to happen to the second on the other side of the room.

Legion leapt into the air and threw the shard hovering above his hand. Like a speeding torpedo the shard entered one of the sentry's exit holes while it prepared another attack. Due to the blockage the large amounts of energy that was supposed to be released overloaded and caused an explosion, taking the sentry out in the process. Legion landed on the ground after destroying his last roadblock to success. He brushed debris off his dark cloak before stepping forward to his final goal but in the heat of battle he had forgotten all about the one thing that he should have feared the most.

As he stepped forward towards a large metal door, where the mystery person resided, suddenly two axes came down and stopped his advance. It was so sudden it shook the villain. Legion looked to his left and a giant robot with menacing glowing red eyes. It was completely made from the same nano tech Legion uses and on his right was a similar robot.

After his gaze landed on them he remembered the final level to this dungeon like prison level.

``The sentinels``(Legion) 

Both robots slammed the sides of their axes into Legion, sending him back before emerging from the wall. They were like giants compared to Legion and their only goal was to stop all who came near to that door. The two giant sentinels walked forward while clenching their axes. The calculated villain scoffed before pointing at them. He stretched his fingers outwards and attempted to use his quirk to depower them but nothing. Once again he attempted to shut them down but like the previous attempt nothing worked. Legion now suspected they had the same tech that was implanted in this room but at least he could still use his shards to attack.

 Or so he thought

When he attempted to fire shards at them, nothing. He tried once again with all his might but not even the slightest movement was made. The villain's eyes widened as he wondered what was going on with his quirk. All quirk dampeners in the prison were dealt with upon his arrival in the prison, unless. Of course that was the only thing, the sentinels had quirk dampeners impeded inside them.

With this new discovery Legion was practically defenseless against them. The two sentinels closed in and swung their axes towards Legion's head.

While he was against a battle that seemed unbeatable, in a couple floors above him Red Rum/ Kumori and Chisuke cut through hoardes of guards like wheat in a field. Soon they made it to the second prisoner they had came for. They were locked in a special made cell that was so confined they couldn't move a muscle. Red Rum placed a device on the door that completely shut it down. It easily opened and released the beast that was inside. 

The person leapt out and landed a top both Kumori and Chisuke with a smile on their face. 

``Im free!!`` (Mystery person)

This person had long burgundy hair, pale skin, sharp teeth and crack marks along their face. They looked down at the people they landed on and instantly recognized them.

``Kumori, Chisuke!!`` 

It also seems they knew them as well on a personal level. 

``Nice to see you again, Yoshitsugu. You seem to be in good shape``(Kumori)

Yoshitsugu smirked before getting up off them and like Chisuke questioned them about how they got here. The same answer was relayed to him slightly surprising him but he knew the real meaning of this rescue  exactly like Chisuke.

The trio had no time to catch up as  more guards rushed down the halls hoping to both prevent the villains from freeing anymore prisoner and capture them so they did no more harm. Kumori and Chisuke both decided they should go now seeing as if they didn't they would be captured but Yoshitsugu had other plans. He suggested they freed another prisoner he had gotten close with in this prison. They were right beside his cell, encased in one similar to his. 

The sisterly duo tried to refuse but ultimately gave in when he threatened to let all of them get catched. You might have thought it was an empty threat but due to the type of person Yoshitsugu was it was better to believe anything he said. The two created a blood barrier, preparing for any upcoming attacks that might be sent at  them while Yoshitsugu used the device that set him free to release this mystery prisoner. 

Steam flew out the encased cell before someone leapt out and unto Yoshitsugu. They had not realized who they had landed on until they pushed themself up. The person who had falled on Yoshitsugu was a female who's face was obscured by a mask with two badly made eye holes  made by the prison to maintain her current sanity. Through the eye holes Yoshitsugu could see her eyes go wild and swell up with tears after seeing him.


She embraced him and so did he with a calm, relaxed look on his face. 

``It's good to finally see you, Yuu''(Yoshitsugu)

This warm and fuzzy interaction was cut short when a group of guards entered the area, guns blazing. The blood barrier took the impact of all bullets and spot them right back at the guards. Some were injured, some avoided the attack but it didn't matter how long they put up a fight because in the end each of these villains could single handedly wipe the prison out. 

Yoshi and Yuu both looked at the guards with devilish grins on their faces before running in and releasing a hardened dark substance from their spine that ripped through every single guard like thin sheets of paper. This strategy that had come out of nowhere was a good one. While Yoshitsugu and Yuu tore through the guards, Chisuke and Kumori created a defense that would grow bigger and stronger with each person that fell. 

As the slaughter continued on the third floor, down below Legion was having plenty of trouble with these SENTINELS. With the absence of his quirk all he could do was avoid attacks that never seemed to end. His stamina was slowly being sapped away while these sentinels were only getting more aggressive and faster with time. 

One of the sentinels brought down their giant axe on Legions body attempting to slice him in half but he narrowly avoided it by rolling under the swinging weapon. Or so he thought. After rolling he was slapped by the side of the axe and catapulted into a wall. Upon impact his T1 - T6 snapped out of place and the sounds rattled through his body. The first sentinel pointed the tip of the axe at Legion and surprisingly fired a tiny energy beam that tore through Legion's left hinge joint before he could even touch the floor. His body descended back down and he landed face first into the metal floor. The pain he was feeling was immeasurable and his left hand was now unable to be used. 

He pushed his body back up and looked at the nightmarish robots as they marched forward in unison. Is this where it ends…


Legion rose from the ground and looked at both of them with his mask now deactivated. They began lightly jogging after a few seconds of walking normally before completely rushing in. The first had their right arm outwards in a blocking position while the other had the opposite arm outwards. These behemoths imitating charging bulls attempted to smack Legion back with only their raw strength. In an instant Legion slipped under their arms while pulling out a shard hidden in his pocket. In one singular jab Legion pierced through the cracks in the sentinels armor and dented its core. The second sentinel spun around while clenching unto its axe while the first went to slam Legion, who was directly under it. As the axe came in Legion leapt in the air and slipped over the weapon.

The attack that was meant for him hit the first sentinels straight in its waist bringing more damage to it's core. Now Legion was positioned behind the sentinels he could swoop in for an attack but he didn't. He allowed the second sentinel to remove the axe from the others body and march forward. He shut his eyes as the sentinels swung their axes attempting to slice him in half. Suddenly his eyes flew open and he leapt in the air within a singular bound.

As the axes swiped through the air Legion used his strength to push the axes forward with his legs, increasing the speed of the swing. Both axes cleanly swooped through the sentinels body and cut them in half. 

The tops of their body fell back marking the end of that battle. With their defeat the quirk dampeners became offline restoring back Legions quirk.  Legion looked down on their now destroyed bodies before saying ``Cheap hunks of junk``

He turned around and looked towards the door. Now that his quirk was back there was nothing stopping him now. He drew short breaths and he limbed forward with his left hand holding his right arm in place to prevent irritation.

    ``One step closer``

He rose his left arm and pivoted it forward. The atmosphere began to intensify, all the tech in the room…no, the entire facility went haywire and Legion's pupils began flashing images of computer code. His canine like teeth bit down unto his bottom lip which drew blood in a continuous stream. The room began shaking it was if gravity had become more intense. 

Legion yelled out with all his might, finally bursting open the door. As soon as the door opened a mysterious haze spewed out. The room as pitch black with not a single glimmer of light to be seen but nevertheless the villain entered. As he limped forward Legion removed the device he optained from the criminals a day prior to the raid. 

Soon a person became visable with several restraints covering their body including both leg and arm restraints that were stronger that titanium . They had curly hair thats color wasn't quite visible due to the darkness surrounding them. 

Legion placed the device unto the arm restraints and like a chain reaction all restraints were broken. The person fell but Legion swiftly caught them.

``Master, are you ok?``(Legion)

The prisoner rose their head revealing their feminine features. She placed her hand upon Legions left cheek and began speaking to him softly. 

``So, you finally came for me, Ryoken.``

``It took longer than expected but I'm finally here, Rui.`` (Legion)

The two stepped out of the dark space and into the room before them. Rui looked around her then at her hands. She shut her eyes feeling every ounce of power flowing through her body. It had been so long since she felt the touch of her quirk.

``I can feel this world has been peaceful since I have gone but let's see how much have forgotten, who I am`` (Rui)

She flung her fist forward with so much strength to break through the air like butter. Her fist came in contact with a wall in front of her and created a huge dent but released a large shockwave that shook the entire prison. 

She withdrew her fist from the wall and looked down at it, slightly disappointed at the output of strength that was released. 

``Seems they had forgotten about me but I'll make them remember`` (Rui)

Back on the outside Yoshitsugu, Chisuke, Kumori and Yuu had escaped the cold insides of the prison and now we're waiting on Legion. Yoshitsugu was getting more tense as the seconds went by, he had no interest in being here any longer and felt if they stayed any longer they would surely be captured. ``Where are they`` Yoshitsugu yelled. Kumori told him to be patient before a sudden burst of guards came running out. Sarcastically Yoshitsugu said this was where patience gets you before standing in a battle stance, ready for the gift that was about to happen. Before the two groups begun their battle the guards felt a chilling pressure that brought them to their knees. 

Their breathing became harsh and their pupils began bulging like they were about to explode. Yuu looked down at them confused wondering what was happening but instantly Chisuke and Yoshitsugu instantly recognized the cause of this strange phenomena. 

``SHES HERE`` (Yoshitsugu)

Rui walked forth with Legion by herside. Her right hand was extended forth in the same direction of the guards. Her warm breath was so thick in the cold atmosphere that it was practically visible as she moved closer towards the guard. 

``Seems that the prison was restricting my power but it's still not even near my original power`` (Rui)

She slowly clenched her fist making all the guards heads buldge. She twisted her wrist and like balloons their heads popped, spreading  blood all around the metal floor. Rui let out a chilling sigh before walking towards old friends. Upon arriving face to face with both Chisuke and Yoshitsugu she embraced them tight almost so tight they could not breath. This greeting was cut short by Legion telling them to save the reunion for later before swiftly whistling. 

A giant winged beast with an enormous muzzle and muscles that were on par with those of a bodybuilder emerged from the water carrying Battlefreak, Shark Robu and Leviathan. The beast swooped in and picked up the others that were on the ground before carrying them off into the moonlight.