
MHA: My Pyrokinetic Career

Trevor Lauvier was a teenager who had died after taking a shower. After he had died, he got sent to a dark abyss, Izaqith. Soon after, a divine voice spoke to him. It gave him three options: 1. Remain in Izaqith 2. Go to 'Heaven' 3. Reincarnation Trevor chose reincarnation and received one wish. How will Trevor live in a world filled with villains and heroes who can destroy him? How will Trevor survive in this world filled with the diseases called quirks? Is Trevor truly schizophrenic? ******************************** DISCORD Discord Invite: https://discord.gg/hZC64Xryne ******************************** My Hero Academia doesn't belong to me (Obviously.) This story is just for fun, shits and giggles. ********************************

Polarization · Cómic
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10 Chs

Re-Chapter 2: How Familiar

While a middle-school boy sat in a chair, sleeping, heartbeat monitors echoed in the room. Two people were lying on separate beds, a man and a woman. Both the man and woman wore light-blue hospital gowns.

The tranquil silence was interrupted when a nurse opened the door, the door faintly creaking. "Sir... sir, visiting hours are over.." The young anti-social nurse said nervously. 

But as soon as the nurse had finished her nervous statement, time seemed to pause. Suddenly, a glowing ghostly orb appeared, descending towards the boy. As soon as the glowing orb had arrived in front of the boy, it went inside him. The orb seemed to lose its brightness and opacity, becoming dimmer and more transparent, till nothing remained.

When the orb disappeared completely, time seemed to resume. The boy's eyes shot open. The boy began looking around hysterically, unsure of where he was.

But the boy became side-tracked when he heard a woman's voice. "Sir, I'm going to need you to leave the premises. It's already after visiting hours for the hospital." The nurse said more firmly this time.

"Oh... I see, okay...?" The boy said, unsure of what was happening. He made his way towards the opened door. Before he exited the room, he glanced at the two beds containing a woman and a man. There were words on the front of the bed. They were the names of both individuals, "Naomi Laurier" and "Alastair Laurier."

"How familiar," The boy said faintly, almost unhearable. Then he glanced at both individuals, but not long enough to get any details before being pushed out by the nurse.

The confused boy proceeded to walk through the gloomy hospital hallways. All the boy could hear were doors sliding open and shut, the air ventilations, screams, cries, moans, gasps, grunts and hisses of pain, people talking in low voices, and a low-volume radio or TV.

The boy soon arrived at the entrance/exit of the hospital. The boy walked out, welcomed by the near-blinding sunlight dazing his eyes. His ears were greeted by the sounds of cars driving past, people's footsteps clacking on the ground, and the murmurs of people complaining. 

*1st POV

As I was walking in the hallway, I started to recall my death and the meeting with that voice. I remember asking for a system. The question is... is it how it would usually be in novels? Do I say status or system? Welp... I can either try or overthink things.

"System," I murmured, my voice drowned out by the busy streets of.. wherever I am. My thoughts were then interrupted by a transparent black screen before my eyes.


{Congrats, you have received your 'Super-Power System' from Goddess Nike!}


I didn't have much time to recognize what had just appeared before me before a new set of words appeared in front of me.


{Hard Work, Gambling, and 'Capitalism' Will Make You Stronger.}


So that must be my system. But I didn't have time to continue thinking as more windows popped up.


{Please Do Your Best to Change the World and Obtain Victory by any means. - Goddess Nike}


So the divine voice I heard when I was in 'Izaqith' must be the Goddess Nike. I guess that makes sense. Considering her voice was beautiful and soothing. But another transparent black screen appeared before me, interrupting my thoughts.

{ You have received [Beginner's Gift] }

{Do you accept}

{Yes} {No}


I decided it'd be best for me to take the free gift. Who knows, maybe there's something that will come in handy.

"Yes," I murmured. There's no reason to have people thinking I'm schizophrenic or insane. Again, the transparent black screen appeared in front of me with white text.


{-Skill: Observe,

-Quirk(s) Mastery +10,

-Item: Identification,

-Previous Soul's Memories (1/8) }


Suddenly, my head started to ache and hurt. I saw memories that were mine but also weren't mine at the same time. It was an awkward feeling.

In this world, Trevor lived with his grandmother, Koyori, and his older adopted sister, Hana. His parents were in a coma after an incident. No matter how hard I tried to 'remember' details about the incident, I couldn't. It seemed I had to unlock more of his memories.

There's no point in trying more, no more crying over spilled eggs. The other rewards were just as intriguing, an Observation skill, Identification, and Quirk Mastery +10. My thoughts were interrupted by someone screaming at me.

"Oi, dickhead, move out the fucking way!" An angry guy with short brown hair with shaved sides yelled at me. He had a strong British accent. The average-looking British guy wore a maroon raincoat with black accents.

"I'm sorry, sir." I apologized since there was no reason to start something at night with some angry British guy in Japan. There's the Kanji I've been seeing around buildings. I know, stupid of me not realizing faster. 

I should probably head home first. According to 'my' memories, I'm in front of Hosu General Hospital, Tokyo, Japan. I guess Lil T was living in Hosu. It's not the best for later in the plot. It just spells trouble.




I finally arrived in front of the wealthier apartment Past Trevor lives in. The apartment building was guarded by M.I.B.-looking guys. They looked like they'd pull out the memory-erasing neuralyzer at any time.

I decided to pull out the ID I got from the beginner's gift. Because to get into the apartment building, I'd need that ID. 

After pulling out the ID and showing it to the guards, they let me through.

As I walked into the building, I was greeted by a soothing atmosphere in an apartment lobby, with soothing instrumental music playing, echoing in the room. 

I proceeded to walk towards the elevator and pressed the up arrow. I waited for about a minute before I heard a ding. The elevator had arrived at my floor, and I walked in.

Very soon after, I arrived at the floor where my grandmother and adopted sister lived.

"Young man! What have you been doing to arrive home so late!" 'My' grandmother voiced angrily.

It's better if I act like the Trevor from this world. 

"I was at the hospital with Mom and Dad, Oba-chan," I said, slightly unfamiliar with familial suffixes used in Japanese. 

Oba-chan stood there with a slightly saddened expression. 

"Trevor, the hospital will call us when they awake. You don't have to visit them almost every day." My grandmother said, with a knowing expression.

"Besides that, Trevor, you have only ten months till the Yuuei Entrance Exam. You should start training both your body and your quirk even more." She told me with a serious expression. 

"I know, oba-chan. I have to train harder to protect our family." I responded to her with a serious expression.

After that, I headed to my room. I remembered I had to continue reading the information on the rewards from the beginner's gift.

I already had 1/8th of the memories from Trevor. So, next would have been the observation skill.

Observe: This skill lets you peek into another person's status. Only you can see the status, thanks to the system. You can view someone's name, their condition (how healthy they are, are they dying, etc), their race (human or meta-human), and their quirk(s).

Okay, that's useful. Over the next few days, I could investigate people. It'd make it easier, especially with people with quirks like Toga's Transform. 

But onto the last reward, Quirk Mastery.

Quirk Mastery is pretty self-explanatory. It is the mastery of your quirk. How much you know about your quirk, what it entails, flexibility, applications, control, and going past your limits can increase your quirk mastery. But that isn't exactly easy. If it were, everyone would be strong.

For example, the only known fire quirks in MHA were Dabi and Endeavor. Dabi had a more advanced fire quirk than Endeavor, but both were powerful.

Endeavor's control was insane in My Hero Academia. He was able to concentrate his flames and heat on his feet to achieve limited flight, and he has shown that he could shape his flames into long-range and melee weapons.

Similar to Endeavor, Dabi had very well-developed control of his flames and could project them far from himself and in large amounts. 

Furthermore, his flames possess greater firepower than his father, Endeavor's, Hellflame Quirk, and they became even stronger when Dabi felt strong emotions.

But yeah, that's pretty much what quirk mastery entails. But I should view my status now. 

Now, I'm not going to lie. I'm excited to know what quirk the Past Trevor had. It's enthralling. I get to have superpowers. 

I mean, who hasn't wanted superpowers in their life?

"Status!" I said excitedly. I mean, I get to see my superpowers! 

So, as soon as the translucent black screen appeared before me, showing me my status, I saw my quirk. 

"Oh? How lucky!"

I knew what my plans were to improve my quirk.




Ha, Author Polar here. ;)

How'd you like that cliffhanger? I know very devilish of me! But I already planned out his quirk before re-writing chapters 1 and 2. 

Trevor can get more quirks in the future, but I want to make that difficult, yk? That'd be way too easy to get OP quickly. There's also the fact he'd have to learn how to use the quirks. 

But thanks, everyone. Yk, you giving me happy birthday wishes! I appreciate it.

The next chapter will either contain the ten-month training or a time skip to Yuuei's Entrance Exam. Also, why am I going with Yuuei instead of U.A.? It's because it's easier to type, and it sounds cooler.

I'm also going to answer two questions from the previous chapters.


"Is this a single fl or harem, author?"

I think they meant ML, as in male lead. I'm not sure as to whether I'll do romance in general. I suck at understanding romance in real life. Which makes it harder for me to write about it. It's not that I don't have any romantic experience. It's just a small amount of bad experiences.

So, I'm most likely not going to do that as much as I'd like to. If I do romance, it won't be doing a harem story.

Harems are usually a double-edged sword in that they gather attention and appeal. But, in return, it degrades the quality of a story over time.


"Is this going to be a neglected MC story?"

Even before this, it wasn't going to be a neglected MC story. I've never liked those types of stories. I mean, why make your OC go through literal hell?

But that's all the questions that have been asked. 

Make sure to give some criticism and things I should fix going on from now on. 


See you next time, Author Polar out!

You never know when a machine gun made up of ones and zeros will push you to your death-

Polarizationcreators' thoughts