
MHA: Icy Relevation

Born during the season of winter, around Christmas time, the sky dropped pellets of snow just for her. A vital prodigy in the world of quirks, a child fated to become one of the strongest with her quirks had finally arrived. The once star of U.A had finally returned. ---- read my bio yourwinter

yourwinter · Cómic
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15 Chs


"Match begins!" 

Eira started it off quickly as she threw icicles at Momo who created a shield to block the incoming attack. 

"Don't cover your eyes, you won't be able to see your opponent." Eira said. 

"Huh?" Momo muttered. 

She lowered her shield and noticed Eira was right in front of her. Before she knew it, a foot was coming directly to her side as she blocked it with her shield. Momo could feel her arm stinging with pain just from the sheer power of Eira's kick. 

"Everything about you is average at most, are you sure you want to become a hero?" Eira questioned. "Be aware of your surroundings, I could've pushed you out of bounds a couple times already."

Momo was listening to the words that damaged her pride while blocking the relentless attacks coming at her. First was icicles and now there were random spikes appearing on the ground that were sharp enough to impale her if she wasn't careful. 

She created all that she could, but when she saw the huge wall of ice coming at her. It killed the little of hope she had left in her heart. She closed her eyes and waited for the impact, but it never came. 

Slowly, Momo opened her eyes one at a time, and noticed the wall of ice stopped only a few feet from her. 


"Look down." 

Momo glanced down to see that she had crossed the edge of the line and ended up being out of bounds. 

"Don't feel frustrated, instead use this as a lesson. Mistakes remain mistakes if you don't learn from them." Eira said. 

"Okay…" Momo muttered. 

Despite feeling down, Momo was glad that she was given this opportunity to fight against a real pro hero that was around her age. Sure, she was slightly envious, but who wouldn't be? 

"Next one to come up on stage, Katsuki Bakugo." Eira said.

"RAH! IT'S FINALLY MY TURN! BRING IT ON!" Katsuki exclaimed as he ran onto the arena and charged at Eira. 

"The match hasn't begun yet-"


"No matter what you, any hero, or any villain do to me. I won't die." Eira said with a grin. "It seems like you're more of an exciting one, let's play!" 

Eira grabbed Bakugo's wrist just before the explosions sparking from his hand could reach her. 

"Uppercut." she muttered. 

On timing, a pillar of ice shot up from the ground, and directly hit the bottom of Bakugo's chin causing him to fly upwards. 

"Is that all you got?" Eira questioned. 

Bakugo gritted his teeth and focused on the explosions emitting from his hands. Using it, he propelled himself forward faster and faster to the point where he turned into a human projectile. 

"Impressive momentum and power, I'll applaud you." Eira said, watching Bakugo come closer and closer to her. "This is where it ends." 

A loud boom echoed around the stadium as smoke erupted from where the two once stood. Everyone was anticipating despite the obvious outcome, but there was that slimmer of uncertainty that Bakugo might've won. 

But as the smoke faded away, the two figures were finally able to be seen. Eira was standing up looking down at Bakugo who was gripping his wrist. 

With that, everyone's question was answered. 

"Midnight." Eira called over. "Can you check on his injury?" 

"A minor injury, nothing the nurse can't handle. He should be fine within fifteen minutes." Midnight said. 

"That's good, he's going to be fighting in a couple matches. Get him ready as soon as possible." Eira said.

"Don't worry about it." Midnight said. 

Eira turned on the mic, "With Bakugo as the last one I'm fighting against, my assessment is over. This could have meaning to it or maybe I just wanted to have some fun. But I can tell you all this, the heroes that I fought against earlier will have a huge impact on the future." 

"How can you tell?"

"If it's true, write down their names right now!"

"Then what about yourself as a hero?"

The audience shouted questions after questions, but one of them piqued her interest. 

"Myself as a hero…that's an interesting question. I've always been doing what I think is right and differentiating it from the wrong. And if I think there is something wrong, I will do my best to fix it at any cost. Follow your own beliefs and don't let anyone get in the way of that, even if it's a pro hero or your idol." 

With that, Eira handed the mic over to Midnight, and walked into the tunnel where All Might was waiting for her. 

"Something you have to say?" Eira asked. 

"That was quite an answer you gave there." All Might replied. "I was wondering if there was a deep meaning behind it."

Eira smiled and looked away from All Might, "Who knows? I'm sure you know the answer. I'll tell you right now though, the three years I've been gone? I've fought against…some interesting people." 

"Care to explain?"

"Whether you're a hero or a villain, it's just a meaningless title at the end of the day. A lot of people are corrupt, I'm sure you know. But the most corrupt people could be working alongside you and you'll have no idea until the day comes where they stab you in your heart."

Without waiting to hear All Might's response, she left, and made her way towards the stands where everyone was cheering at the ongoing battle. 

"Todoroki against…?" Eira muttered.

Momo was slightly startled at the familiar voice of the person who took a seat next to her. 

"That's Izuku Midoriya." Momo said. 

"Midoriya, huh. It seems like he's quite strong himself, being able to keep up with Todoroki for this long." Eira said. 

"Yeah, he even made him use his left side. His father's side of power, fire." Momo added.

"A blossoming friendship, I knew I wasn't wrong." Eira mumbled. 

"Hmm? Wrong about what?" Momo asked. 

"That the people I assessed would have a big impact on the future, including you, Yaoyorozu." Eira said, locking eyes with Momo. 

Feeling slightly flustered by the comment and the sudden eye contact, Momo quickly focused on the match that was about to come to an end. 

"T-thank you." she said. 

Eira watched as the match ended with the winner being Todorki, but the most exciting match was yet to come. 

Todoroki against Bakugo, two of the strongest students of Class 1-A were about to go at each other. 

"You said Midoriya was able to make Todoroki use his fire power?" 


"Let's see if Bakugo is able to do that."