
MHA: Gomu-Gomu no mi

A boy who was sent into the world of MHA with the powers of Luffy's devil fruit to please a ROB. Watch as he becomes the strongest he can AU

stay_at_home_pig · Cómic
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18 Chs

Chapter 14: Fight

Chapter 14: Fight

(Wow guys, this was supposed to be mondays chapter, but you guys hit 150 power stones AGAIN, so here we are. The 3rd extra chapter of the week)


However, just as I moved, the A-L Nomu showed up right in front of me. Shit, did it have a Hardening and Speed based quirk? What are its other 2?

As if to answer my prayers, I watched in slow motion as the A-L Nomu tried to grab my head, and the temperature of the surroundings just dropped.

Shit, a cooling manipulation quirk? I can't get frozen, but I can certainly become brittle and harder, not allowing me to stretch easily. I can't stay around it for too long.

However I was just too slow, as the Nomu easily grabbed my head.

As he grabbed my head, I felt a massive shockwave come from the bottom of the dome shattering the glass, and I saw Midoriya, sending, or trying to send an upper-cut towards Shigaraki.

Quick thinking from him as always, since not only was he trying to save Asui, but me as well. He probably saw the Shadow from where I was.

Unfortunately, it was not enough for the A-L Nomu to let go of me.

I tried to inhale more ait to expand my hand to the point where the A-L Nomu could not hold me, but he simply changed the way he was grabbing me, to cover my mouth and lift me upward.

"SCREEEEEEEEEEEEEECH!" The A-L Nomu shouted, as it jumped up and slammed me onto the ground with all its force.

"BOOOOOM!" A massive explosion was heard, as everyone including Shigaraki and A-AM Nomu turned to look at me.

I am 99% sure I have broken some of my rubbery bones, however that is possible, or at least that's how it felt like with how much pain I felt.

Then, once again, another large sound was heard as the USJ door was forced open. Thank god.

"Everything is okay. Because I am here." All Might said in all his glory.

Have never been more happy to see him…well hear him, I couldn't see anything but a purple idiot without a skull right now.

I heard his powerful steps resounding throughout USJ as he narrated what had happened.

"I had a bad feeling, so I stopped my chat with the principal and came. I came across Young Ida on my way here, and he told me everything that had happened. I also heard Young Luffy"

"EVERYTHING IS OKAY NOW. BECAUSE I AM HERE!" Shouted All Might as all the students cheered in his appearance.

In the next instant, he looked around, as he saw Eraser head at the top of USJ, hanging from the cloth of his, as A-AL Nomu stopped chasing Eraser Head and stared at All might.

He then looked at me. I swear on my life, the next instant, all I heard was bones being broken, grunts from villains and the A-L Nomu screeching as he got punched off of me.

"Are you okay, Young Luffy?" He asks, as I look at his face. Even a baby could tell right now, the symbol of peace was not happy. The villains are in for a world of hurt.

"Never better." I said as I stood up.

However, before I could actually say anything else, I felt my body get moved and a surge of wind, as we were moved far away from where we originally were, Eraser Head was also beside us.

What the hell…just how fast is he???

"Aizawa, get the kids out of here. I will take care of this." All might said.

"You heard him, MOVE!" Shouted Aizawa as he started running.

"All Might, don't do it. That Nomu…is apparently your counter. It took my punch without reacting!" Midoriya said.

"Young Midoriya, don't worry, I'll take care of it." All Might said, as he began his onslaught.

Right, time to help the symbol of peace however I can.

"Eraser Head, erase the decay guys quirk when I get near him. Midoriya, get ready, I need you to take care of the other Nomu."

"What are you talking about ! We have to run, you cannot compete at this level yet!" Eraser Head shouted, but I, who was already in Gear 2, ignored him and carried Midoriya.

After reaching halfway between me and Shigaraki, he realized we were near him and said," Nomu!"

The A-L Nomu immediately jumped in front of him, as I threw Midoriya right at him.

At the same time I could see from the corner of my eye, All-Might Back dropping the Nomu.

"SMASH!" Shouted Midoriya as he got near A-L Nomu. He needs to change his naming, people are going to figure this out if they aren't stupid.

I ran right past A-L Nomu, and shot a punch towards Shigaraki.

Now, what are you going to do, Kurogiri?

Right as I thought that, I saw a gate appear in front of my fist and one to the left of Midoriya.

Right I expected this, protect your master over the slave. Sorry Midoriya, I saved us a lot of trouble so just take the hit.

"BOOOM!" Another explosion sounded out, the Nomus body being broken in 2.

All Might let go of the Nomu and came towards us. Shigaraki did try to touch me, but not only did Eraser Head erase his quirk, Todoroki and Bakugo also came by, the freeze boy freezing him and the bomb boy blasting his face.

All Might however, was stopped as he was shocked from a regenerating A-AM Nomu, he couldn't think of fighting a super-regeneration quirk in his weakened state right now.

"All Might, we should run. Your ti…" Midoriya said, after standing up from my punch which I tried to stop half way, as he stopped himself.

All Might gave him and everyone else a thumbs up as he said," It's okay, watch. What a pro hero can do."

As All Might was face to face with A-AM Nomu, A-L Nomu, Kurogiri and Shigaraki, I was doubting whether we could win this fight.

"Kill Him, Anti All Might Nomu, Shigaraki. The other Nomu and I will take the others." Said Shigaraki as all 3 of them began moving.

As Shigaraki and A-L Nomu charged at us, all they said was a blur before they were both stuck to a wall.

Actually, this might not be that bad. If I am not wrong, A-L Nomu's quirks are to counter me, temperature control, hardening, speed and probably super-regeneration with how easily it is getting up. All Might can take that, we just need to stall.

All Might and A-AM Nomu started to clash, as All Might said.

"If your quirk is not shock absorption but resistance, you must have a limit! You were designed for me? If you can deal with 100%, then I will go beyond that! "

Honestly, it was a sight to see in real life. A barrage of punches being thrown left and right like it was nothing. Shockwaves being sent everywhere from the A-AM Nomu's punches.

You could tell that All Might was calculating where to punch and which angle to hit, to make sure all the shockwaves are hit into A-AM Nomu.

He then decided to use A-AM Nomu like a sandbag, throwing him left and right, destroying USJ.

"Hey villains, have you ever heard these words? OVER AND BEYOND, PLUS ULTRA!" He screamed, dealing with the A-AM Nomu once and for all.

As A-AM Nomu crashed out of the place, the shockwaves reduced and Shigaraki and A-L Nomu could finally move.

"It seems like age is getting to me, in my younger days, 5 punches would have been enough. It took me more than 300! "

All of us sweat dropped at this…so this was the gap between me and number 1. Is gear 4 with basic Haki even going to be enough?

"NOMU, CONTINUE!" Shouted Shigaraki, as the A-L Nomu charged at All might.

Shit, I thought since A-AM Nomu didn't attack his weak point he wouldn't be too tired but I was wrong, All Might is not moving at all!

I charged at him, but it seemed like my worries were for naught since from above the sky a tall, tanned, broad-chested, muscular old man showed up and slammed the A-L Nomu into the ground.

He had a finger in his nose and was slightly slouched. His back was facing towards us so a cape with 'JUSTICE' written in massive Kanji could be seen. The man was also wearing a dog mask.

"Yo, Yagi, you seem to be getting weaker."

I could recognise that voice anywhere…its him, it has to be him…the fucking bastard who left me and did not say anything for 5 years.

"Is that…" Midoriya asked, looking at me.

"Yes, that's my grandpa…Monkey D Garp."