

An explosion ends the life of a young university student, but fate had other plans for the young man as he's brought to life once again but NOT on his world. Follow the adventures of the Demon King as he struggles to the road of heroes.

Shadow_Wolf13 · Cómic
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10 Chs


I woke up to the sound of beeping, my whole body was in pain and I couldn't remember anything. What happened? I asked myself mentally and tried to recall my latest memories.

I remember using my unknown energy and identifying it as Ether Gear, I also realized that I have the powers and appearance of another anime character, Shiki Granbell. What else? I remember wanting to show off to my parents so I went to their lab back at grandpa's place, and then... then...

I snapped open my eyes and sat up with tears in my eyes "Mom and dad" I say unconsciously out loud not knowing I wasn't alone.

"I'm sorry Shiki. If only I came home a bit earlier than they would..." my grandpa said before choking in tears. I looked at him, he's obviously not at fault but I can't help but be mad right now, they're dead. DEAD. So what? I was brought to life in a fantastic world, only to lose my parents? I never even got over the loss of my previous family, and it wasn't long ago that I actually started seeing them as what they were. MY parents. I finally stopped comparing John Arcane to Haruto Tsukiyama and Sakura Hagino to Hikari Tsukiyama and faced reality as it is, my former parents were alive in the real world while I was here in a fantasy world with a new loving family having the blessing of being given a second chance. What good is this chance if my parents aren't here? But I'm not alone, I still have grandpa Ziggy, aunt Kokoro, uncle Tobio, and finally Ochaco.

I look at my grandpa who's now a crying mess, much like me who started crying without realizing and charged into him, and as always he welcomed me with open arms and hold me close.


"What happened?" I asked my grandpa, my voice was hoarse from crying, my eyes burned and I had a major headache but I wanted to know. I looked around the room taking notice of the white walls and machines, I finally came to the realization we were at the hospital.

"I'm not sure about the details, but what I know from the conclusion I came up with and the doctors. After you witnessed their... after what you saw you awakened a secondary quirk that's related to your dad's. It's gravity-related; it allows you to freely control your personal gravity. This effect can also be applied to any person or object you make physical contact with and it's not restricted to antigravity like Ochaco's. You completely destroyed the house and you fell unconscious afterward. You've been sleeping for three days now."

"What happened to Haruno?"

"He was shot in the stomach, lucky bast... he survived... Do you think you can tell me and the detectives exactly what happened? If it's too early I can..."

"I will, I want him to get what's coming for him"

"Alright then," my grandpa said with a small smile then got up and went to the door, probably to call both a police officer to take my statement and a doctor to examine me.

The doctor came first. It was a tall woman with pink short hair and green grass eyes, she had a small diamond shape mark on her forehead. She introduced herself as Sakura Haruno, when I heard her first name, I clenched my hand as I remembered my mother of my former life, seconds later realizing that her surname is the same as that bastard. I doubt they have any familiar relationship, that guy didn't have a family. Never got married, both parents passed away from villain attack, no siblings.

After Dr. Sakura, I'm not using that surname, examined me, she said I was uninjured and that we could go home in the afternoon, I simply had overused my quirk and was tired. As she got out, I heard her giving someone outside of my room a warning that if not being careful with their words, they would end up in immense pain.

Then two men came inside one was obviously a detective, he had short brown hair and wore a long coat. He introduced himself as detective Naomasa Tsukauchi. The other man had short, slicked-back black hair and dull blue-gray eyes; he wore a suit that screamed government official. He gave a small nod to my grandpa, indicating that they knew each other, and then precedent to introduce himself to me as Daisuke Kambe.

"I'm truly sorry for what has happened and for bringing it up, but I need you to tell us exactly what happened that night. Do you think you can do it?" Detective Tsukauchi asked me and I gave a small nod, I took a deep breath and started explaining.

"I was in my room trying to use my second quirk. Once I did it, I run to the lab to show it to mom and dad. Once I entered, I saw my dad holding mom, she was covered in... in blood... he looked at me and told me to run he was... he was shot" I stopped and took another deep breath before continuing. "When I looked up, I saw Haruno-san he was a close friend of my parents and coworker, he told me to leave, but I was frozen, then he used his quirk on me and pointed his gun, and fired, next thing I know I'm using my quirk and the bullet hits him instead and then grandpa came"

"Do you think you can tell me about his quirk? Your grandpa said you're very knowledgeable about them"

"His quirk is zero sense. He can erase the senses of his targets, vision, hearing feeling. But he has to have visual contact with his target"

"You said he used his quirk on you..."

"I'm not sure why, but his quirk stopped working on me. It was probably the high emotion state I was at the moment along with my quirk getting also stronger" I interrupted him

"Do you have any idea of what he may have wanted?"

"Probably my parents' research at quirks along with the new enhancement they were trying to create"

"Enhancement?" Mr. Kambe asked

"It was a government authorized research, actually it was more like requested of them by the government. It was supposed to enhance the quirk and helped it evolve and become even stronger. The enhancement syrup worked but it was only temporally, it worked for two to three hours and once its effects came to an end there were side effects, like low stamina, body pains, and headaches. That night they were working on the syrup, they were on a breakthrough. That's what Haruno-san was probably after, he always asked questions about their research and more specific about the syrup."

"I see, thank you for all your help, last question... do you have a name for your new quirk?" he said and smiling at me, trying to smooth the atmosphere a bit. It was a nice try I'll give him that.

"Satan Gravity" All three of them looked at me.

"Any specific reason for that name Shiki?" Asked my grandpa.

"It feels right... Kambe-san, what does the hero public safety commission wants with me?"

"High-Intelligence is a strong quirk, combine it with Satan Gravity as you named it, and you get a compelling individual, not only in raw power but also a very bright mind"

"I'm not planning to harm anyone; he may have killed my parents but I don't want vengeance..." My grandpa put his hand on my shoulder and gave me a small proud smile.

"I know kid, but the raw power you displayed was incredible and the hero association believes it's too dangerous to leave it unchecked"

"Daisuke" my grandpa warned the young male agent.

"I'm sorry Sensei, but they want to keep an eye on him, more specifically they want to train him, quirk base, so nothing like that can happen again."

"Hero training" I intervened and once again all their eyes were on me "I'll finish high school studies soon enough, later I'm planning on gaining multiple Doctorates. I'm aware I'll have to enter a hero high school later on and I will, but I want to learn martial arts and swordsmanship. I'll agree only if my grandpa can train me. Of course, if you're okay with it." I said the last part to my grandpa.

"I don't mind Shiki, but don't you think it's too early for you to start training?"

"Maybe if we start working with your quirk now and some light body exercises that are ideal for a kid your age. Then we can slowly proceed in more intense work after you get your doctorates" Kambe-san said "Also there wouldn't be a problem with sensei training you"

"Please Grandpa"


And just like that, years of training and studying began, until finally, the day I was waiting for was here. The entrance exam of UA high school.