

An explosion ends the life of a young university student, but fate had other plans for the young man as he's brought to life once again but NOT on his world. Follow the adventures of the Demon King as he struggles to the road of heroes.

Shadow_Wolf13 · Anime & Comics
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New Life

"Time Skip 5 Years"

I was never into anime or manga. Sure, I was a nerd but not that kind of a nerd, I read comics like Batman and Spiderman and played video games like Mortal Kombat, Persona 5, and Assassins Creed.

I loved both the Dc and Marvel universes, though If I had to choose a favorite hero then it would be Batman or rather the whole Bat-family, as people called it. Why? Simple, everyone in the family didn't possess a shred of unnatural power, they trained their bodies to the maximum, all of them were geniuses and most importantly they didn't count on some superpower, they had gadgets that if destroyed put them in a HUGE disadvantage but in one way or another they always came on top, even in the direst situations.

In Mortal Kombat my favorite character was Scorpion, I mean how couldn't he? He is a badass fire-spitting, demon ninja from Hell. How can anyone say no to that? Anyway, as you can see, I was always into martial arts, but the thing is as much as I was into it, I never, not even once tried it. Well, new life means new experiences and new chances.

Anyhow, Carl on the other hand was a major anime and manga fan, he called himself an otaku, and most of the time he would talk about anime. There were times that it became annoying and told him to shut it, in a good way of course, (now I regret those times). Every Saturday we would have nerds' night, where we would meet in Carl's apartment and either play video games, read comics or manga then share our thoughts and compare it with science, we would watch movies and of course anime. Before my death we had just started Naruto Shippuden, Carl had already watched it about three times but he had decided I needed to be cultured in the art of the ninja. Can't say it was bad, but still, I wouldn't watch it by myself.

You can imagine my surprise when I finally realized that I wasn't reincarnated in a normal world, rather I got reincarnated in the world of hero academia, was it? Yeah, something like that. Carl and I watched this specific anime, unfortunately, after the first season Carl asked me if I wanted to see the rest of it, I denied it because the man character was a crybaby with a major crush on the guy that had the same name as me at the time, Katsuki. As for that guy, while I didn't dislike him as much as the protagonist, he did piss me off, he had major angry issues along with a superiority complex, not to mention he told the protagonist to kill himself.

Man, how I regret not watching the whole series now... I only remember a few things, but from what I remember I better get strong and fast. The only problem is, I am already five and I don't have a quirk, that's why I asked my parents to see if I was quirkless turns out I wasn't.

My quirk is High Intelligence, it's significantly above the standard genius-level intellect; and gives capabilities such as exceptional intellectual capabilities, mental capacity and concentration, memorization, perception, deduction, analysis, and many others. In other words, I'm a genius. I never thought much about it before seeing as I was already a college student and I had knowledge of my previous life, I did speak earlier than usual and it was in English instead of Japanese but once again previous knowledge. See in my previous life my mom was Japanese while my dad was American, obviously, I spoke both languages, but I was raised in America with a few trips to Japan, it was simply a force of habit.

Anyway, as cool as intelligence is that bird monster will be too strong and without a proper study, I doubt I would be able to find a weakness. Luckily there was more to my quirk than I thought, from what I overheard my parents say about me there were traces of unknown energy inside my body. They believe it might be a secondary quirk. I tried to use said energy but nothing.

You're probably wondering who I am in this world. I should have started with that... in this life, my name is Shiki Tsukiyama, I honestly don't remember If there was a character in the anime with my name. My parents are Haruto Tsukiyama & Hikari Tsukiyama. They are both scientists in a place called I-Island that's also where we live.

Let's start with my father. Haruto is a tall man with blonde hair and onyx eyes, his quirk is Gravitational Upforce, he can drastically decrease the gravity in a certain area, causing everything to float upward. He is a quirk scientist, meaning he studies and analyses the capabilities of quirks, more specifically how to rid of the quirk's weaknesses but at the same time how to strengthen them. He's a gentle and funny man, he likes to help people and loves spending time with me, mostly because I let him talk on and on about his research, which is pretty cool, it's also a win-win he talks about what he loves and I learn a dozen new things about quirks, sometimes we even study books about them and analyze them, you can say he has become my personal tutor in this department.

My mother's name is Hikari. She has long Black hair with gray eyes, her quirk is Cyber Mind, the power to possess a computer-like consciousness with advanced capabilities. Like my father, she is also a quirk scientist, and unlike him, she is also a Microbiology expert as well as a robotics genius. I mean her quirk is cyber mind it's obvious she is into robotics. Obviously, she is the "Leader" of this family. She knows everything and always has the last word. We spent a lot of time together inventing, right now we are trying to make a health care robot, it will have more than a thousand different treatments, supreme knowledge of every medical field including phycology, mental illnesses and of course quirk illnesses and treatments. It's actually a family project, all three of us work on this. The inspiration behind this project is in fact how few healing quirks there are and as a result how few doctors. As for her character, it's 90 degrees different than dad's; she can be a little extreme and times violent, she is rather blunt making her seem rude, but her opinion is always valued by most of the scientists.

Finally, there's me, I have jet black hair just like mom but I have dad's onyx eyes. Because of my intelligence, I already have finished middle school, I wanted to finish high school but mom said to wait a little, other than that, I have started to study quirks as you already know with my dad, obviously, I keep improving my knowledge in robotics but I recently started studying Nanotechnology along with space & mechanical engineering, since I'm already fluent in both English and Japanese, courtesy of my past life, I decided to learn a new language. That's when I realized that my quirk's memorization, mental capacity, concentration, and learning capacity were higher than I expected. I ended up learning Spanish, Russian, Italian, Korean, and Chinese within two months. I thought about learning France, German and Greek alongside Latin because why not? But decided to wait for a little, though I want to learn them before I awaken my second quirk.

Even though we live on the island we go at least twice a month back into Musutafu, where we stay with my grandfather (dad's father) for the weekend. His name is Ziggy Tsukiyama, unlike dad, he's a Major General in the Japanese army, you're probably thinking that he's as strict as hell, but you couldn't be more wrong. In reality, he's a rather laid-back kind of guy, relaxed and a pleasant presence, always joking. Not to mention how proud he is for his children my dad and dad's little sister Kokoro. My aunt may not be a scientist like dad but she has a small business with her husband, they have a daughter in my age, funny thing she's only three days older than me. Her birthday is on 27 December while mine is on 30 December, she always calls me otouto, meaning little brother, if only she knew. Anyway, the thing is my cousin was one of the basic characters if not a main character of the show.

She has chubby ever blushing cheeks, short brown hair, and huge brown eyes. Have you guessed it yet? Her name is Ochaco Uraraka, quirk name: Zero gravity. She's also adorable and I love her like a LITTLE sister, if broccoli hair tries and makes a move on her, well he's going to have a very dangerous enemy.

In a way everyone on my father's side has a gravity-related quirk, as I said before my dad's quirk is gravitational upforce, my aunt's quirk is gravity negation, making her able to negate her personal gravity, as you already know Ochaco's quirk is zero gravity allowing her to remove the effects of gravity from solid things upon touching them with the pads on her fingertips, and finally my grandfather's quirk is Attraction & Repulsion, he can use various means of gravitational force to either pull objects towards him or push them away, in a 400 meters radius. (One thing you most definitely need to know about my grandfather, he is a total badass, martial artist, gun expert, and weapon master in general.)

It's quite obvious that my second quirk is gravity-related, seeing as my high intelligence quirk is a mutation from my mother's quirk. Question is, what is the energy floating in my body? I tried to analyze it with my parents but it's nothing we've seen before, I can feel the energy and rearrange it a little bit, but I can't use it yet.

We were currently at grandpa's house, unfortunately, he had to go into a general's meeting. Mom and dad were in Dad's old lab, yes, he had a lab in the house before going to I-Island, they were in the middle of a breakthrough in their research about quirks. I, on the other hand, was in my room trying to activate my quirk.

Just like before I could feel the energy within my body, I rearrange it by turning it into power, I guided it towards my hands, and then spread it in my body. I open my eyes and I see I'm floating; no floating isn't right. It's more like falling upwards, currently, I'm at least 20 inches off my bed. That's when I notice my hands, the sleeves of my forearms have been torn off, on my hands were green markings with a tint of blue. There where ring like circles in each of my fingers with each having a line in the middle pointing towards my nails, in my knuckles was diamond-like shape marks, which from each, with the exception of my thumb, were lines ending just above my wrist, likewise, my wrist had four small squares and under them were another four lines that in their end hugged my forearm. There is also a green aura surrounding me.

Seeing my hands, I remembered a character from another anime that Carl and I watched, if I remember correctly the anime was called EDENS ZERO and the protagonist's name was Shiki, just like mine. I think I also look a lot like him as well. There wasn't supposed to be a character like me here, not only because I'm a reincarnation but also because this body and powers belong to another anime.

The more I think about the anime the more I remember, we watched it once we finished Naruto and before we started Naruto Shippuden, Shiki was the Demon King and possessed Ether Gear, his gear was called Satan Gravity.

Satan Gravity, it feels right to call it like that. Wait a minute, I'm supposed to be the demon king in a world filled with heroes?? Then again Shiki was a demon king only in name, and besides, I'm not Shiki. Well, I am, but I'm not that Shiki.

I've got to say, that's an amazing power to have. I deactivated the flaw of Ether, (yes, the energy in my body is Ether), and I fell thankfully on my bed unceremoniously. I quickly got up and run to my parents. What? I may be 26 mentally but I'm also a five-year-old and I do have childish feelings and desires which I can't control.

I run to the lab and called for them, what I saw made me freeze, my mother was in my father's arms, blood running down on her chest and from her lips. Her eyes were completely devoid of life and filled with tears. My Father's wide black eyes were on me, his eyes were filled with tears as well, but there was also desperation and fear in them. He's still alive. I kept repeating that in my mind, he opens his mouth and yells "Run". And then the bullet pierces his skull. I see him falling along with my mother; both of their eyes are on me.

"Listen to your dad Shiki, run I don't want to kill a kid," said a voice that was completely devoid of emotion. I look at him, and to my demise, I recognize the man that was standing in front of me. His name is Sakumo Haruno and he was a coworker and a close friend of my parents. He was supposed to be a friend... but he killed them.

I felt my senses start turning off, that's his quirk. He can delete momentarily the senses of his target, the one weakness he has is that the target has to be in his field of vision, I looked at him once more he had a cruel smile now, I saw him lifting the gun and pointing it at me. Without realizing I fell on my knees, tears running down my face making the world a blur.

Then I looked at my parents' dead bodies, their eyes still filled with tears just like mine, their eyes are on me.

Hatred and anger filled me. I could feel the Ether in my body increasing, but this time I used it throughout my entire body. I could see my reflection in my father's eyes. My hair and skin color change into a lighter shade, light-colored Ether markings appear all over my body, and a pair of energy horns appear on both sides of my head.

I'm not sure what's going on, but what I know is he has to pay. I can hear him pulling the trigger. Everything slows down, his quirk stopped affecting me forever ago, and I can clearly see the bullet coming towards my chest. I release a high amount of energy along with a scream and everything around me is being pushed away, walls break down the roof is being broken, yet the debris isn't falling down, they are being pushed away as well the bullet is being fired in the opposite side. I can see him falling, blood coming off of his stomach, then someone calls my name with desperation. I'm too tired to answer or to get up, wait when did I fall down? I can hear my name, that voice is familiar.

I can feel two strong hands lifting me, and I look at my grandpa's crying and devastated face. "You're alive". He tells hugging me tighter, he keeps repeating it again and again. Then nothing, everything goes black.