
SCP-049 -117


The sight of the figure in the plague doctor mask sent a ripple of unease through the gathered doctors. The mask, a historical symbol associated with times of severe illness and fear, seemed oddly theatrical and unsettling in the sterile environment of the medical facility.


Yet while the gathering of medical professionals was unease and confusion. It seemed the guards knew something as after a moment of being stunned by shock they all reacted as one.


The man in charge stepped back, while the others stepped forward. Their guns all tightly gripped in their hands and pointed forward. The click of the safety being disengaged echoed with their boosts on the floor.


"DOWN!" They all shouted in unison as they aimed at the plague doctor. Their leader also screamed into his radio. "Containment breach! Code double black! I repeat, containment breach, code double black!"


What happened next was pure pandemonium. No sooner had he shouted into the radio before loud alarms started blaring, red lights flooded the room while every doctor with half a mind quickly got as far away from the plague doctor-dressed person as possible.


Despite being targeted by all those guns and guards shouting for him to get down, he calmly remained standing.


[Containment Breach: code double black, evacuation of all essential personnel in progress!]

[Containment Breach: code double black, evacuation of all essential personnel in progress!]


Loudspeakers screamed out automated messages while more guards came rushing in. forming a large circle around the plague doctor, while the rest of the doctors were herded together in a corner away from him, though even they had guns pointed right at them.


The guards maintained their perimeter around the plague doctor, whose calm demeanor in the face of heavily armed opposition was unsettling. "Why aren't they taking him down if he's such a threat?" Dr. Maria Siemionow whispered to Dr. Strange, her voice a mix of fear and curiosity.


Strange couldn't help but feel that that was indeed a very good question. The way they acted, they clearly saw a major threat, yet they didn't shoot? Strange.


[Containment Breach: code double black, all essential personnel successfully evacuated. Nuclear self-destruction devise is now armed!]

[Containment Breach: code double black, all essential personnel successfully evacuated. Nuclear self-destruction devise is now armed!]


When that alert blasted over the loudspeakers, there were two very different reactions throughout the room. The guards, soldiers, or whatever seemed to calm down a bit, while the rest of them, including Strange, felt dread and fear.


Panic ensued among the doctors, their fear palpable as they realized the extremity of the measures being prepared. Yet the guns remained pointed at them. Making them fearful of moving or even getting up from their huddled together pile.


[Emergency protocol ALPHA-ROMEO-OMEGA now in effect; all personnel with a clearance of rank 3 or above may manually activate the nuclear device with verbal activation code X-Y-11-22-Z]


[Emergency protocol ALPHA-ROMEO-OMEGA now in effect; all personnel with a clearance of rank 3 or above may manually activate the nuclear device with verbal activation code X-Y-11-22-Z]


Another damming message echoed through the room, making everyone all the more fearful. Strange couldn't help but curse at the leader. He had just told them that they weren't in danger, yet now they might get vaporized by nuclear flames any moment.


He really hated being this powerless, having no control at all. He didn't even know what was going on. Any moment could be his last, and he wouldn't even know why the strange guy dressed as a plague doctor had caused all of this.


And just who was the person they were expected to operate on, whose safety being at risk required arming a nuclear bomb? Surely, not even the president was that important.


"SCP-049! You are surrounded, obediently let yourself be contained, or we will open fire." Someone shouted.


"Now there is no reason for all of this. I just came here to help. I heard you were looking for a doctor, so I came to offer my own help." The plague doctor said calmly, apparently not at all afraid of their guns.


The men didn't response, but neither did they open fire. Making Strange and the rest of the doctors who cowered and listened in curious about why not.


"We didn't expect you here, and this level of operation is beneath you, plus the patient is shy, they won't appear before you, but if you agree to be transported to another SITE for containment, we will agree to give you test subjects to aid you in your cure." The leader stepped forward and spoke.


The plague doctor stood silently, as if weighing the words and the offer. He then looked back towards the cowering doctors. "I guess I have little choice; if I resist, you will use that bomb of yours, which will be most unpleasant."


The guard leader nodded. "Correct, now you will need to follow the proper procedure for transport, I hope you will continue to comply." He said as more men rushed into the room, wheeling a large metal box.


It seemed that no further words were needed as under the blinking red lights, the blaring alarms, and the constant automated messages, the strange man in the costume silently entered the box that was closed behind him.


The door locked shut, and Strange watched as the box being picked up and moved. The guards still pointing their guns at him, even though the plague doctor was out of their view.


"So, who wants to take the blame for this clusterfuck?" A young woman asked as she walked up to the man in charge, her tone of voice suggesting that she wasn't actually looking for volunteers.


"We aren't really at fault, surely the one in charge should take the blame again." the someone else said, properly whoever was in charge now that the leader looking one was gone.


"You're not in charge, so shut the fuck up. This is going to go up to the O-5's and we need to make sure that none of it lands on us." She hissed at him.


"We were just following orders, and we did everything we could." The leader protested, only for the woman to smack him over the head.


"You let that thing get into the facility and you let it threaten the entire staff. You failed miserably and the higher-ups are going to have our heads, so if you don't want to be the one who gets fired or worse demoted to D-class we better find someone else to take the fucking blame." She hissed.


"Fine, fine, you're in charge." The man grumbled, clearly unhappy with his position.


The woman smiled and then looked around the room. Her gaze quickly fell on Strange and she frowned.


"Shit, what do we do with all them?" she asked the man she just took command from.


"Well, the most brought them here to do a job... its properly fine to just let them continue as planned until we get new orders at least?" the man asked.


The woman shrugged and turned towards Strange and the others.


"Alright, back to work, the alarm was a false one, a drill, and you all failed, now back to the task at hand." She said, and everyone stared at her.


Not a single of them believed a word of what she said. that wasn't a drill, that wasn't a false alarm. whatever just happened, the ones in charge were ready to blow them all up.


"Who the hell is that?" Someone asked.


"what the hell just happened?" someone else asked.


"I don't believe a word you say, I'm out of here." someone else said, and soon many followed his example.


Yet, in the outrage, they had clearly forgotten that the guards were armed.


"No one is going anywhere!" The woman shouted as the men pointed their guns towards the fleeing doctors.


That was enough to cause all the doctors to stop and cower once more.


"Fuck this is a mess. you." The woman in charge said and pointed at one of the guards. "Go find someone, we need some orders."


The guard looked towards the other guards, and the one who was the most senior among them, and he nodded, causing the guard to rush off.


"The rest of you, keep your eyes on the doctors, anyone moves, shoot them. If any of them run, shoot them. If they try anything, shoot them. If they sneeze, shoot them."


"Yes ma'am." They answered in unison, and the doctors felt dread at her orders.


This was a nightmare.


Here they were all trapped someone, with some crazy lady now in charge, and a fucking nuclear bomb somewhere nearby. Yeah, this job was turning from a dream opportunity into a real living nightmare.




Everyone in SITE-009 had a headache due to the situation that just happened and they were either scared of having to take responsibility for this mess or worried about what would happen to them in this crazy place.


In SITE-001, within the wing of O5-1. The few members of Alpha-1 stationed here at all times suddenly rushed towards a small room, which normally just contained a small indoor pool. That pool was nose violently bobbling, as if boiling.


Then suddenly, Alexander appeared within the water, his O5 protective suit activated shielding him from the water.


"Report! What is happening!?" He shouted as soon as he was out of the water. He had just been in his office moments before; everything was going normal, and suddenly there was a containment breach of code double black.


He was furious, and he wanted to know what the fuck was doing on!


The member of Alpha-1 saluted. "Sir, SCP-049 was detected within SITE-009, and the site commander activated emergency protocol Alpha-Romero-Omega."


Alexander frowned and stared at the guard. How the hell did SCP-049 get into an actual site without their noticing? 'Wait a minute? 49? when did that guy even get summon?' he suddenly thought, unable to remember any nmentions of that guy.


"Get me a proper report, I'm going to my situation room, keep me up to date on every detail." He ordered as he started to walk down the corridors, leaving behind wet footprints.


He wasn't even sure where the hell he was going, but he damn well knew that he was going to find out, and to do that he would need to access his files.


His walk through the site was quick, and soon he found himself in front of a wall. "I am O5-1, Alpha-1, code 30994-2018-01, allow me access ." He spoke into a microphone and soon a large portion of the wall opened up and revealed a room.


The room was much like his own bunker back at SITE-009, just better in every way, with a large computer terminal, which was far more advanced then the one at home, walls filled with folders holding important information, copies of SCP files, emergency procedures and much more.


The one thing that was not the same was the chair, which was a bit too soft for his liking.


He quickly sat down in it and activated the computer. the first thing he did was look up the file for SCP-049, making sure he knew what he was dealing with, for while he had a good idea of which object that was, he needed to be sure.


It didn't take him long to find the right file.


SCP-049: The Plague Doctor


Object class: Euclid


Special Containment Procedures: SCP-049 is contained within a Standard Secure Humanoid Containment Cell in Research Sector-02 at Site-19.


Well he knew that was awfully outdated, as it very much wasn't there, not since the CK class event, even less so since it apparently was running around his SITE-009.


SCP-049 is generally cooperative with most Foundation personnel; outbursts or sudden changes in behavior are to be met with elevated force. Under no circumstances should any personnel come into direct contact with SCP-049 during these outbursts.


As he continued to read, he was indeed able to fully confirm what he knew about the object. It was indeed a rather high-risk one, not for containment, but for death. After all this one could kill anyone with but a touch.


That, combined with the seeming impossibility of killing or truly harming the object, could potentially make it a force to be reckoned with, which is why such an object should never even get near to him, but less inside the damn SITE, he was living in.


Someone better find him a proper answer to how and why this happened, or he would be most displeased.


With the information about 49, he then switched to his own site, checking what had happened there.


SITE-009: Situational Report


Containment Breach: code double black


The situation is currently being resolved. SCP-049 is cooperating with transport to Site-19 SITE-009 and will return to normal containment protocols once a full sweep of the facility has been completed.


The doctors invited for Project 99999 have not been harmed, and SITE is awaiting further orders.


Alexander nodded. 'Good, good, everything was under control and the problem would soon be fixed.' or so he hoped. He wasn't happy with the situation, and he had no idea why the object even came here.


The fact that the doctors were not harmed was a relief. The last thing he needed was for Strange to suffer an accident and draw attention from the ancient one.




If you want to read up to 10 chapters ahead or even get the chance to pick what SCPs get summoned, or just support me, visit my p.a.t.r.e.o.n.c.o.m / SCPsystem