
Chapter 10: Wendigo

After being untied, RJ followed Blade to the room next door to see Zee Zee.

Once the door was open Zee Zee came out running into Blade attacking Him with Her sharp nails.

"It's okay!!" Screamed RJ

Zee Zee was within a hair length away from scratching Blades throat out if it wasn't for RJ warning.

Blade didn't flinch at Zee Zee's attack and only stood still waiting for Zee Zee to lower Her claws.

Once Zee Zee compiled by lowering Her claws She went into RJ's arms giving Him a hug and whispered in His ear "Are you okay?"

RJ felt many feelings from Zee Zee one regarding His lower area with a beautiful Woman hugging Him who also smelled like something RJ couldn't describe but undeniably enjoyed.


Blade coughed getting what seemed to be the couple's attention and asked "What do you know about Vampires?"

Zee Zee like RJ didn't know much about Vampires or anything supernatural until Blade asked Her "do you know what a Wendigo is?" Suddenly as if a switch went off in Her head Zee Zee's became red with rage and began to attack both RJ and Blade.

Blade tried to attack Zee Zee only to be stopped by RJ's words 'No! She's probably not in control of Herself." RJ didn't know how to describe what was happening but while He was lost in thought Zee Zee attacked Him knocking Him back into a wall which He fell through.

Blade was astonished by Zee Zee's strength and quickly pulled out His sword which clashed again with Her fingernails. Blade noticed that something obviously wasn't right with Her and noticed Her eyes, their pupils increased in size and the color in Her eyes was crimson like a Vampire.

Through the skirmishes between Blade and Zee Zee, RJ called Klaus Giving Him their location and told Him about Zee Zee losing control of Herself. Klaus wanted the reason behind Her outburst and was given a one-worded response by RJ "Wendigo."


Klaus who received the bizarre message told Scepter and Knox to follow Him which they did with haste only to run into a creature of night a Vampire unlike the TVA agent from before this was a full on Vampire that pitch black skin, blood red eyes, long ears shooting backward in the shape of a bats, and the four fangs it had to suck both the Life and Blood out it's prey.

Klaus saw the Vampire but was appalled at the sight because within the Vampires grasp was a woman. Who was bitten by the Vampire and screamed in pain begging for the pain to stop only or Her prayers to not be answered.

Klaus, Knox, and Scepter were about to attack the Vampire only for it to react first. The Vampire looked south of it, seeming to look at Klaus and the others only for it to look past them. The Vampire, after concluding on where to go, jumped out running in Klaus's direction.

Klaus and Knox armed themselves beginning to attack it while Scepter had a gun in case it got past them or to provide cover depending on how the situation went where all passed by the Vampire who transformed into a puff of black smoke leaving them well…in the dust.


RJ stood up after sending out the message to Klaus and popped His neck in the process of standing by placing His hand on His neck. "I can't seem to win today." RJ scoffed and then walked back to Blade and Zee Zee who were duking it out at each other letting loose.

Zee Zee was obvious with Her attack patterns being just forward attack scratches that wouldn't do much even if they landed. Blade could easily counter them and Kill His target but couldn't since He needed both This woman and the mysterious individual with that unknown device for information.

Suddenly in the middle of their fight RJ appeared talking to Zee Zee to get Her out Blade's way and tried talking to Her only for it not to work and to be catapulted off Her by none other than Zee Zee Herself.

After falling off RJ corrected His fall and landed on His feet. While Blade swung at Zee Zee which She countered effortlessly. While countering Blade reached into His pocket revealing a vial of green liquid and threw at Her hitting Her face.

Zee Zee then covered Her face from the pungent smell of the vial and while doing so Blade swatted Her with the hilt of the sword knocking Her out. As RJ was about to thank Blade for not killing Her a voice spoke out. "Interesting?"

Both Blade and RJ's attention was taken to the voice seeing the Vampire that ran away from Klaus's group and spoke out again "I never thought that abomination would have been helpful in any way till today that is." RJ was confused by how a revaluting Vampire like the one before him had such a calming voice that could put the most angered person to sleep.

Blade on the other hand knew better and spoke out with His sword in Hand "What Dracula." Dracula lost His interested look. He gave Zee Zee and looked at both RJ and Blade with a disgusted look at them "As always your revolting as ever Half-Blood." Dracula didn't hold His tongue at Blade since they both had a relationship they shared for decades that wouldn't seem to fade any time soon.

Dracula's gaze soon met with RJ's which interested Him ever so slightly because Dracula sensed something in RJ he hadn't seen in a long time and His disgusted look then shifted to curiosity asking "Who or what should I say are you?"

RJ was confused by Dracula's question and simply attacked Him using His foot and kicked the Vampire only for the collision to send RJ back instead of Dracula who simply grabbed His chin and rearranged His jaw since that was the bone RJ had hit. "Interesting? Pathetic but Interesting?"

Dracula stared down both Blade and RJ emitting His aura which to Blade was normal but to RJ He couldn't even compare to it. To him Dracula was a Giant and Him a Ant. Blade this time reacted grabbing a white object tied to His belt which once grabbed was thrown to the Vampire King and exploded on contact releasing a white light sending the Vampire away turning into smoke.

As Dracula fled Blade picked up Zee Zee after placing His sword away and told RJ to follow Him which was a simple thing to do until once they reached the outside stairs of the Hotel to get to the ground floor Dracula reappeared and smiled showing off His fangs. Blade instantly tossed Zee Zee off the stairs which RJ jumped off to grab Her and after landing Heard Blade scream "RUN!!"

RJ didn't need Blade's words but still ran on command hitting the streets as Dracula watched them leave. He stuck His tongue out and spoke "You know once I kill you I'll feast for as long as your blood holds value which knowing your mother would last but a second. Half-Blood."

Blade showed an emotion He had hidden away throwing away the lock and key only for it to resurface with Him screaming in an emotion that stirred Him for Years. Rage. Blade swung His sword at Dracula who easily dodged each attack and with each Strike Blade was led down the stairs by Dracula. Where once at the foot of the stairs Dracula began His attack which consisted of Claw scratches and His tongue which had a mind of its own and the strength of a spear.


RJ ran with the knocked out Zee Zee in His arms away from Blades and Dracula's fight and ran towards the lampposts on the street. But once the Lamp Posts were in view RJ saw something else. The Streets that were flooded with people were now empty and nowhere to be seen. The noises that covered the street were gone and the joy on everyone's faces weren't there to be seen; it was as if they were an illusion casted by a strong Magician or WIzard.

"RJ!" Klaus called towards RJ taking His attention with Knox and Scepter at His sides staring at the unconscious Zee Zee in His arms. Klaus didn't bother to ask what happened and took a vial of a green liquid and equipped it to a syringe gun and shot it into Zee Zee who had let out a moan of pain from the liquid being shot into Her.

"What are you doing!" Cried RJ "He's giving Her a calming sedative." Countered Scepter. After all the liquid was in Her system Zee Zee woke up from being unconscious in RJ's arms and shyly asked Him to place Her down which RJ did. Zee Zee intended to thank RJ for helping Her but before She could. Blade was thrown through a wall passing through it and towards the lamp post right passed RJ and everyone.

"Cough, Cough." Blade coughed up blood from His mouth after hitting the lamp post and after he did a red tongue appeared from the shadows and licked the blood off the ground that Blade had coughed up and after licking it. The tongue disappeared back into a shadow and then a voice rang out into everyone's ears. "Well I guess I was wrong about your blood tasting well enough for a second. *Spit* It's not even worth that much Half-Blood."

A black figure appeared through the Shadows and then showed its horrendous figure and once it came into the light. Dracula stared at RJ and Zee Zee and was surprised by the extra numbers and looked at them and back at Blade and spoke out again. "It seems you have friends. Which is astounding given your Nature Half-Blood." Blade muscled Himself up with His left hand on the post for stability and used His right hand to cover His ribcage and felt two broken bones.

*Sniff Sniff*

Again Dracula sniffed the air and then looked at Zee Zee "I see another Half Breed I never thought I'd have something to gain from that Abomination and I hate to repeat myself which just shows you how much I *care.*" At the finishing words of the table Dracula's eyes grew Crimson and stared at Zee Zee whose eyes also began to glow Crimson.

At the motion of Her eyes changing, RJ tried to knock Her out only for Zee Zee to push everyone backward with Her strength and jumped toward Dracula and stood beside Him. Dracula then stood straight, placing His arm around Her side and said "I believe it is time for us to leave." At the mere mention of the word 'Leave' both RJ and Blade jumped and ran towards both Dracula and Zee Zee only for the shadow to overtake them both and disappeared from their grasp leaving both RJ and Blade in the dust.

"If you wish to save the girl? Give me what I want, Blade." Dracula claimed His prize and left with nothing visible including His voice. RJ saw Blade on the ground with Him and reached towards Him and screamed "What the Hell Just Happened?!?" Blade didn't even bother looking at RJ and broke away from the ladder's clutches and stood up. While RJ was given help by Knox Blade had to stand by Himself so as He stood Klaus asked "Who are you."