
Chapter 9: Blade


After groaning from the pain, RJ woke up in an unfamiliar room.

The room was colored in a degraded color green with a ceiling fan, a bed with the man's sword on it, the bathroom, and the only chair which RJ was both on and tied to.

After moving His wrists RJ felt the tight knot tying Him to the chair.



After trying to take off the knots, RJ soon gave up since He didn't have the upper body strength to help Him at the moment.

'I should really do more focussed workouts' RJ thought to Himself.



Suddenly a door opened as if it were a creaky old door and then was slammed back into place by the man who RJ previously fought.

The Man unlike before should RJ His white under shirt that was under the trench coat. Which covered His muscles that seemed to burst.

And the fact that every part of the man's body was covered in scars except on His face and His legs which were covered by the black pants He had worn during the fight.

The man had walked past RJ paying Him no mind ignoring the fact that He woke up except RJ who asked out a question. "The Woman who I was with…..Where is She?"

The man didn't answer and instead asked a question Himself with a gruff tone. "Why can I smell the Dead on You?"

RJ was confused by the Man's questions until a lightbulb flicked in His head RJ had then recited words in His head assimilation clues. "A Black Trench coat and pants…..A Sword…,And a sword…"

"Vampire." RJ then spoke the last word aloud Causing the man to grab His sword unsheathing it from His bed.

Bringing it to RJ's neck until RJ spoke another set of words "Eric Brooks."

The Man took His back, retracting it and instead placing the sword back on the bed to grab RJ by the Neck and asked "How do you know that Name?"

With a chill screaming down RJ's spin telling Him to 'Shut the hell up.'

But against His instincts RJ simply spoke another name "Blade."

The Man known as Blade let go of RJ back into the chair and then sat down facing Him asking the same question. "How do you know…

….My Name?" But instead decided to come head first and ask the question RJ retorted with His earlier question. Which brought them to a stand still.

After several moments of silence RJ noticed something in the corner of his eye was a weird red envelope with a notification of 1 on it.

RJ's eyes followed, wondering what it was taking Blade's attention to the direction He was facing, which to Blade was nothing.

RJ thought it was a system notification and thought about opening it and so it showed.

[Secret Mission: Please the Half Vamp

Definition: Please the Half Vampire Eric Brooks (Blade) in a fight.


Rewards: 53 MP

Failure: System takes 5MP.]

After reading RJ summarized that this was the message that showed itself before He had passed out.

And another facty surfaced in RJ's head 'The system can also take my Mission Points?'

RJ saved this thought for processing later and decided to open the System Shop.




RJ wanted an Item more than a skill, but His current situation didn't allow it. So He opened the Skills prompt.


Doctor Strange's Mastery of Magic: 13,000Mp

Hulks Strength: 1,000,000,000,000,000Mp

Taskmasters Adaptability: 12,000MP

Black Bolt's Voice:17,000MP

Thors Worthiness:500Mp

Toads Tongue: 2MP

Viper's Poison Absorption: 15MP

HammerHeads Skull: 20MP

CrossBones Gun Mastery: 20MP

Callisto's Senses: 17MP

Kravens Athleticism: 20MP

Kravens hunting skills: 25Mp

Morphs Shapeshifting: 50MP

Avalanches Waves: 65Mp

Sauron's Hypnotic eyes: 43Mp

Mavericks Absorption: 37Mp

Wolverine's Claws: 15MP

Magik's Shield Spell: 25MP

Skins Skin: 6MP

NightCrawlers teleportation: 65Mp

Hollows Skin: 78Mp

Phantazia's Harmony: 23Mp

PurpleMans Voice: 100Mp

Masterminds Illusion: 39Mp

Pietro's Speed: 165Mp

Wanda's magic: 350Mp

Visions Intangibly: 192Mp

Gentle Tattoos: 250Mp

Mercury's liquidation: 156 Mp

Hellions Flight: 123Mp

Namor's Water breathing: 28MP

Bullseye Aim: 115MP

Black Widows Stealth: 43MP

Electro's Hand to Hand: 53MP

Daredevils Hearing: 60MP

Iron Fist's Fist: 270MP

Swordsman Swordsmanship: 65MP

Hawkeyes Aim: 97MP

Tony's Genius: 100,00MP

Magneto's personality: 500MP

Bradley's Vision: 45MP

Lizards Transformation: 84MP

God of thunders lighting:333Mp

Loki's Mischief: 167MP]

Suddenly this huge ass list appears in RJ's line of sight and from the ambiguous number of options all RJ could do was smile and think 'Thank you' directing it to the system.

From the endless options RJ couldn't decide on what to pick until He remembered His current spending amount which was 54 Mission Points which just like the system's Shop options will increase soon.

After the endless staring at Blade RJ found a few skills that interested Him.

First was Bradley's Vision. James Bradley was known as a once X-Men with the ability of X-ray vision which would aid mainly in rescue then fighting missions.

Second, Was Suaron's Hypnotic eyes. Just like the former Sauron did have the X-Gene, but wasn't an X-men. Sauron had several abilities including the ability to Hypnotize others with a simple glare.

Third, was once again Calisto's Senses which wouldn't have been bad. Except the fact another key sense skill caught RJ's eye.

[Daredevil's Hearing 60MP

Definition: Able to hear as close to how Daredevil could hear heart beats.

Purchase: Yes No]

Sadly though 60MP was just six above His current spending limit. Which was 54MP so RJ decided on doing the safest option and went with the cheapest of the four choices He could have used to figure out the information.

[Purchase Calisto's Sense's

Yes No]

'Yes' RJ thought. After the thought reached the systems servers. RJ felt everything around Him.

From the bugs around the apartment to dust mites all across the room.

RJ then after learning this feeling decided to put it to the test by closing His eyes focusing. Focusing on everything around Him.

Until what seemed to be Black and white all around Him only visualizing things through song only placing everything together piece by piece.


RJ heard a mumble of sorts in the room next door and decided to focus on it basing on the voice of a woman in her early twenties and seemed to have their mouth tied shut.

"There's Zee Zee." Rj opened His closed Eyes and then went back to the topic with Blade, but instead of asking where Zee Zee was RJ asked "So why are you here?"

All Blade did to respond was Grunt.

After a few more minutes Blade finally spoke "I came to find the source of the Vampires in this area. Now why are you here?"

RJ responded in kind to Blade speaking, responding "I am also here for the same reasons you are."

Blade's eyebrows raised up in confusion and before He could ask why RJ answered "The Vampire that died Faded away into dust and it probably got stuck on me after it died."

Blade then placed His right hand on His chin forming a pensive look and began thinking about how unnatural RJ and His partner were.

Blade in confusion asked a question "Then explain your partner?"

RJ thought for an answer on what He should say and before He could RJ's Tempad Vibrated from Blades trench coat pocket that was on the ground next to the bed.



Blade hesitated before going to the coat and placing it on the bed over His sword after taking the Tempad out of His right pocket.


It continued to vibrate in Blade's hand. Where Blade saw an orange screen projecting on the rectangular watch like device.

In Blade's confusion RJ spoke "If I don't answer they'll know somethings wrong."

Blade didn't want to waste letting others know something was wrong. "Here."

Blade placed the Tempad in front of RJ where then suddenly the orange screen turned into a clear visual flashlight that scanned RJ's face making sure if it was Him and spoke.

"Welcome back Agent RJ-213." It beeped.

Before RJ could speak Blade interrupted Him "If you try anything I will snap your neck."

As Blade was known for His Brutalness RJ gulped down His saliva in fear and then spoke.

"Open any unread messages."

The Tempad followed RJ's order and opened a voice message from Klaus saying.

"RJ! Where are you! If you don't respond in your current position within an hour. You and Agent ZZ-832 will be considered Traitors and will be tried for your crimes."

Both RJ and Blade read the message both with different reactions. Blade was astonished with how clear the voice messaging was from a watch that seemed to be ahead of His time.

RJ, on the other hand, was worried. Because He still needed the TVA for their technological advancement and still needed a Tempad that couldn't be tracked. So that he couldn't be found while on His journey of traveling the Marvel Cinematic Universe.

RJ instantly spoke out to Blade "I know we just met, but I need to keep this job for my Goals and am willing to give anything to keep it."

Blade didn't trust RJ's words for all He knew this could've been staged by RJ's higher ups in case one of their Agents were captured.

Blade didn't know what to trust and responded with a way to test RJ's resolve.

Blade then stood up grabbed His coat and sword putting all of it on with RJ's Tempad telling RJ as He dressed. "Give me access to this device."

Almost without hesitation RJ conceded and gave Blade access to His Tempad saying "Miss Minutes."

Suddenly a holographic clock appeared on RJ's Tempad in front of Blade causing Him to jump back from it drawing His sword. Placing it next to RJ's neck and hearing.

"Howdy RJ????"

Miss Minutes was confused at this scene. Seeing Her benefactor Who's helped Her through somewhat of Her emotional dilemma with or without either of them realizing it. Being held against His will, Miss Minutes felt threatened and nearly tried to grow in size to try and scare the suspicious man with a sword, but stopped at RJ's words.

"It's okay!" RJ confirmed and said "He just hasn't met an AI before!"

Both Blade and Miss Minutes calmed down after hearing RJ's words, but still both of them took a minute to calm down before they both lowered their guards.

After waiting for five minutes Miss Minutes asked RJ "What do you need RJ?"

Miss Minute looked at RJ and not Blade acting like five minutes ago didn't happen waiting for RJs answer.

"I-I want you to give Blade access to my Tempad." RJ stuttered but gave the message.

Miss Minutes wasn't sure If She should give this Blade character access, but decided against it doing what RJ asked of Her.


The Tempad beeped. And Blade looked at it on the ground and then back at Miss Minutes speak "It's done. Is that all Honey."

RJ was a little freaked out at Miss Minutes wording due to Victor Timely's talk with Miss Minutes on making a body for Her. But didn't show it and simply nodded His head yes.

Miss Minutes returned the nod with a smile and then turned to Blade thinking 'He better not try something.' And left.

Blade saw through Miss Minute's stare and understood the meaning of it and met Her with a stare without any meaning except bloodlust.

Miss Minutes then disappeared back into the Tempad. For Blade to then pick it up going through it only finding unimportant functions like the Follow, Training, and Map function. Blade nearly gave up going through the Tempad until the info function showed on the pristine orange screen.

After tapping the app with RJ's guidance Blade found digital files appearing in front of Him in holographic form.

Blade saw years on the right corners of each file from 1929 to 2024. All Blade could do was wonder at the information He had in His grasp, but stopped Himself from becoming corrupt.

Blade after stopping Himself gave the Tempad back and then untied RJ and left going to untie Zee Zee. Leaving RJ in both dust and wonder on why Blade released Him.