

If you want to read up to 20 chapters ahead go to https://www.patreón.com/cornbringer

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[Alex Walker POV]

I watched as Set powered up, channeling all of his power out of his realm, finding myself genuinely surprised by how much power he had in store, nevertheless, it would not be enough, not even close.

"So, still confident?" Set asked, and I could tell he was certain the battle was now in his hands.

I said nothing, sighing in disdain before matching his power. I had played enough with my food as it is, and I wanted to finish this quickly, that putrid worm had lived more than enough. What really shocked me was how blind he was to everything outside himself. Even a blind man could've seen the power difference between us, but he was so certain of his power, he was blind to anything beyond his own preconceptions.

"Time to end this!" Set snarled, launching a powerful set of energy blasts my way, each one with the power to consume galaxies, which I dodged easily, while dissipating the energy within each blast with my own energy.

Trying to push his advance, Set moved towards me, following up with a series of powerful attacks, both physical and magical, leading to a flurry of exchanges as we locked into combat.

He was confident, overwhelmingly so, so much, he had yet to realize I was blocking and matching every attack with ease.

I sighed, pushing him back with a wave of gravitational force, before moving behind him, finally tapping into my current limit, ready to end the fight.

"What–" Set muttered, paralyzed by what he saw in me as overwhelming power. Just before he took the full brunt of a devastating blast on his body, as I used [Requiem].

The attack sent Set hurling out across the dead galaxy I had selected for our encounter, his body spinning wildly and out of control, disintegrating in his path many planets, until he finally stopped on a planet, creating a massive crater upon his landing.

"H-how… it's been only a few days…." Set moaned in pain, questioning how I had surpassed him so fast, as I landed a few feet away from him. "I c-can't die here…" he added in horror, trying with all of his might to drag his body away from me, while trying to open a portal to his realm, sadly for him, I was blocking his attempts to do so.

Letting him struggle for a bit like a dying fish, I moved to where he had landed, and summoned an empty vial, getting him some of his blood from the ground.

With that done, I saved the vial in my inventory, before walking towards him as he struggled to get away, erasing his other heads and necks with a quick wave of my arm, before slamming my feet on his remaining neck, stopping him from moving any further.

"I can help you! Together we can fight Knull!" Set cried in desperation, resorting as his last ultimate effort to begging.

"You truly are pathetic," I muttered, leaning forward to look him in the eyes. "I've been told snakes taste like chicken, I wonder if that's true…" I smiled, as Set realized what was about to happen, he who sought to devour me, would be devoured, how ironic for him.


Having devoured Set, I teleported back to Sif, using the purified vial of blood I had acquired on her, healing her curse.

A few seconds later, she shot up from the couch, her heart beating fast, as she looked around, failing to notice me the first three times her eyes passed around me.

"Alex!" Sif exclaimed, finally noticing my presence, as an expression of dread dawned upon her face. "Adara! He's our–" I stopped her, giving her a hug.

"I took care of it," I whispered in her ear. "He won't be a problem anymore, for anyone."

"He…" Sif muttered, connecting the dots before hugging me back, "I was so scared… I was afraid he would kill you…" she cried.

"He tried, he failed," I chuckled, breaking the hug to give her a kiss. "He wasn't even a warm up."

"But, didn't you say last time he was stronger than you?" Sif smiled, wiping the tears of her face with a hand.

"That was two weeks ago," I winked, grinning playfully.

She chuckled, giving me another kiss before asking, "What happened to him?"

"I ate him," I replied, earning a look from her. "What? He wanted to eat me, so it was only fair." I shrugged.

"Fair enough," Sif chuckled again, taking a deep breath, before panicking all of the sudden. "Hela!"

"What about her?" I asked, tilting my head to the side.

"He teleported her away! We have to find her!" Sif replied, her eyes full of concern.

Had those two become friends while I was away?

"Okay," I nodded, summoning Hela to the room with a thought.

"I will kill that bastard," Hela muttered in a dangerously low tone, her entire body covered in blood, and it wasn't hers. "No matter how long it takes me, I will…"

"Hela, what happened?" Sif asked, rushing to Hela's side.

"The bastard teleported me to a beast infested forest full of reptiles, leaving me to die! But if he thinks not having my powers is enough for some brainless animals to kill me, he's severely underestimating me!" Hela spat, anger clear in her voice. "I might be weak, but I have more than enough experience to compensate! Now, call Alex, and tell him I need my powers to kill someone!"

"Hi," I waved at her.

"Alex! Good! Now please release my seals, so that I can shove my blades through that bastard's ass repeatedly!" Hela said, wiping some blood off her face.

"He's dead," Sif replied.

"And he was way… out of your league, but I appreciate the sentiment," I added.

Hela blinked, before sighing, "I know, I just wanted to have a go at him. Did he suffer?"

"Yeah, a lot, he wasn't able to hurt me in the slightest," I replied with a grin. "Not only that, but after I had crushed his spirit, I ate him."

"You ate him?" Hela repeated.

"I ate him," I nodded.

"Good enough for me," Hela sighed, her eyes scanning her body from top to bottom. "Well, seeing as the threat has been neutralized, I have other things to do, like taking a bath… for example."

"I thought you enjoyed a good bath of blood," Sif remarked with a playful smile.

"After almost drowning in reptile blood, I take back my statement," Hela replied, rolling her eyes at Sif.

They had truly become friends… What in the hell happened while I was gone?

"Fair enough," Sif chuckled, pointing at her bathroom, "You can use my shower if you want."

"I most certainly do," Hela nodded, taking the offer.

I smiled, snapping my fingers, returning to Hela what I had taken away.

"I was about to ask you to do that," Sif said, smiling as Hela inspected her adult body with a grin.

"You were?" I asked, not all surprised by her statement, I mean, from what I could see, they had become besties while I was gone.

"Yeah, I needed a training partner," Sif nodded.

"See you in the arena," Hela chuckled, walking towards the bathroom. Her dot on my minimap green.

"So, friends with Hela huh?" I snickered.

"Continue on that path, and we will have a problem, mister," Sif smiled, playfully threatening.