

If you want to read up to 20 chapters ahead go to https://www.patreón.com/cornbringer

Discord invite: https://discord.gg/XHduApz

I had no internet to post till now. My bad.


[Alex Walker POV]

I opened my stats to check how much Set had given me, level-wise. As I had yet to check that. Mostly because my first order of business was healing Sif, so I really paid that part very little attention.



Name = Alex Walker.

Race = Unknown.

Title = The Gamer.

Occupation = King of The Nine Realms.

Ranking = 90th.

Level = 3192.

Weapon = Serenity [Equipped.]

EXP =82.1%/100%

HP = 1,972,519,000/1,972,519,000.

MP = 2,644,350,000/2,644,350,000.

STR = 1460070 (+190%) = 4234203.

VIT = 1578015 (+150%) = 3945038.

DEF = 1251289 (+150%) = 3128223.

DEX= 1439325 (+150%) = 3598313.

INT = 2115480 (+150%) = 5288700.

CHA = 867894 (+150%) = 2169735.

WIS = 1515478 (+150%) = 3788695.

WILL = 7008215 (+150%) = 17520538.

PER = 1076456 (+150%) = 2691140.

LUK = 10000 (+150%) = 25000.

STAT POINTS = 83812.

MONEY: 43,020,785,212.99$]

He had given me four hundred and sixty-six levels, not bad.

My stats were really insane with Serenity equipped, a plus 150% to all stats just by having the weapon equipped.


Name = Alex Walker.

Race = Unknown.

Title = The Gamer.

Occupation = King of The Nine Realms.

Ranking = 90th.

Level = 3192.

Weapon = Serenity [Not equipped.]

EXP =82.1%/100%

HP = 789,007,500/789,007,500.

MP = 1,057,740,000/1,057,740,000.

STR = 1460070 (+40%) = 2044098.

VIT = 1578015

DEF = 1251289

DEX= 1439325

INT = 2115480

CHA = 867894

WIS = 1515478

WILL = 7008215

PER = 1076456

LUK = 10000

STAT POINTS = 83812.

MONEY: 43,020,785,212.99$]

And that was without Serenity.

The difference was palpable.

Beyond that, I was happy with my progress so far.

Leveling wise.

Now that I think about it, leveling has become easier again. Before absorbing Tiamut, leveling was a very hard ordeal, but now, it was like before, hell, even faster.

I wonder why?

Wait… what am I doing?

"Don't question it, Alex, just accept it," I sighed, this was, after all, one of those things you didn't have to question. Like free food… wait, no, you do have to question that.

But that's beyond the point, right now, I need to talk with Thor before leaving back to the dungeons again.

According to Sif, his mission had affected him emotionally. So, as his brother, it was my duty to help him out.

"Brother," I said, opening the door to his room.

"Brother," Thor smiled, and immediately I was able to see what Sif had seen in him.

"What happened?" I asked, walking towards him.

"I… it's nothing," Thor smiled, waving my question off.

"Thor," I said, putting my right on his shoulder. "Talk to me."

"I killed a lot of people, brother," Thor muttered, relenting under my comforting grip. "I tried to do what I had set out to do in a peaceful manner, I was certain when I left the Kings and Queens of the Nine-realms would understand the dire situation we were in… alas, they didn't."

I sighed, already knowing where this was going.

"So, I… killed them," Thor muttered, taking a deep breath. "I killed all of them, conquering those who didn't want to be saved for this upcoming war."

I said nothing letting him talk, as I checked who he had killed with powers.

A few Jotuns, including the King, aka the Frost Giants.

A few Vanir, mostly the royal guard that had tried to protect their King.

And, Surtur.

Alfheim apparently agreed to the proposition without opposition.

Basically 90% of those he had killed were nothing but enemies of Asgard.

"Thor, the only ones that weren't enemies of Asgard were the Vanir, and I'm not sure the Vanir King was even our ally, based on what I checked about him," I replied, giving Thor a reassuring hug. "Surtur wanted to destroy Asgard, and so did the Jotuns."

"I killed Loki's father…" Thor muttered, eyeing the ground in shame. "I want to fix this family… I want to bring all of us together, I want to be different from my father, but… I always end up taking the path my father would…"

I sighed, slapping him in the back of the head as I broke the hug, "Thor, you killed a monster, I read Laufey's mind, or a copy of his mind a few seconds ago, and he didn't care a single bit for Loki, heck, I care for Loki than him, which is to say a lot, considering our interactions. Surtur, well, he simply wanted to end Asgard, Ragnarok and all, and the Vanir, don't worry about them, I will resurrect their asses after the war ends, save for the King… he was plotting to take control over Asgard, deeming you unfit to rule."

"He was plotting?" Thor muttered.

"Yeah. The reason? You made me a prince, which he considered blasphemy." I chuckled, rolling my eyes. "You did good Thor, in the past, you used to kill for the thrill of it, for the sake of battle. Now? You killed for the sake of others, for Asgard's future instead of fun."

Thor chuckled, "I guess that's one way to see it."

"I will slap you if you continue being down," I chuckled back.

"It's not the killing that affects me, not that much anyways. But, seeing how blind others are, and how they forced my hand… I- I didn't want to kill them, or harm them, in any way, yet all they cared about was their crown, not their people…" Thor sighed, rubbing his temples for a second.

"Thor, that's just politics… I can literally count with my right hand the amount of rulers that care about their people, and still have fingers left." I replied, taking a seat beside him. "Had you not taken care of them, Knull would've used them to fight us, and more would've died, you did more for them in a day, than their Kings and Queens did in a lifetime. Because you cared."

Thor smiled, taking a deep breath, "I know it's stupid how I feel right now, but seeing their greed control their actions… It affected me more than I thought it would.

"I know," I nodded.

"But, you are right! I can't let this drown me! I am MIGHTY!" Thor added, jumping to his feet.

Well… that was a quick change of emotions. "You sure are." I nodded.

"There's no time to be a Bucky! We have an enemy to defeat, and I, Thor, the best brother you have, and will ever have, can't let the foolishness of others affect me!" Thor declared, beaming at me.

There's no time to be a Bucky….

"Exactly," I nodded, trying not to lose my shit laughing at this Bucky joke.