
Marvel: Dishonored

Andrew, a military veteran learnt he had done something that he promised himself not to. He loses his wife, daughter, his reputation and is sentenced to his death. He was betrayed by his own country that he had protected and believed in. His brother, comrade, Damon, had been the one who has conspired with his higher ups and destroyed his entire life. ************************************************* Andrew uttered in a cold breath, "Even if I die, I will come for you" ??? said, "And how are you going to do that Andrew?" His surroundings changed and he saw him, "Who are you?" "The Outsider" ************************************************* Will focus on MCU and some things from the comics. Chapter Length - 1000 to 2000 words. Updates - Random mostly 2 chapters a week. *************************************************

Dark_Vader98 · Película
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57 Chs


Andrew's brows furrowed as he did not expect The Outsider to ask him regarding Trich.

"I want her to live in pain every day… she will be interrogated and then will be used by SHIELD however they want… Though she will have technology in her hands, she will never be able to use them to find out about her son, she will never know if her son forgave her or not, she will live every day in anguish and pain and will regret every choice she had made in her life… She wanted a glorious life for her son and decided to stand against me… now she will not even know how her son will live, whether he has shelter, food when required, being educated, being protected… she would know nothing… All those thoughts would be her punishment…"

'Corvo… He is Corvo in nature, letting a few live in anguish and pain every day…'

"Hmm… It's time you return, we will meet the next time when you arrive and collect the runes from a Shrine… until then, I will give you a tip… It will be difficult for you to end Yellow. he has his way to ensure he will be safe… A secret that he has in his hands will get him the highest level of security… Beware…"

"Who's next?" asked the Outsider.

"Adrian…" Andrew replied.

"Adrian, the Technical Expert of your Team. He will know miles away you are coming after him and will keep changing his location… I would suggest you go after Jacob as he is currently not being updated on the happenings… Taking out Jacob will help you in more ways. The others will group up together as they will know they can't sleep with you after them. They will do a joint operation and create a trap to get you as they tried for Trich but this time they will be more careful. This is a suggestion… You can take it if you want or go with your plans" The Outsider said and snapped his fingers.

Andrew felt a pull on his back and he started to float.

A greyish-white portal opened behind him and he was yanked inside it.

The Greyish-white Portal closed leaving the Outsider alone in the Void.

The entire realm started to shake as the Portal closed.

The Outsider who watched Andrew being sent out was startled as he did not expect such a development.

'It has been centuries since this occurred…'

The Void started to gather in front of the Outsider as a form of an Ancient Text.

The Outsider's eyes widen as he saw the cryptic text.

"It's happening…"


It's been two weeks since Andrew met the Outsider.

He still remembers what the Outsider suggested and he was right. Adrian is paranoid and will have all measures to protect himself. He still remembers how on every mission Adrian handles all the Tactical Plans and how to navigate the Team during the mission. He was the Watch Tower that guided the Team miles away from his computer. That doesn't mean he won't act. He is a master in Boxing and Weapons like knives and has always trained every day in order to be ready for any situation. But he always loses in a one-on-one confrontation with him, Andrew, and Jacob.

He decided to take the Outsider's suggestion this time and decided to go after Jacob.

Jacob is the muscle of his team. With a Shield in his hands and an AK-47, he would go forward with all of us in the back.

He started to hack and check where Jacob currently is. He was in Tulsa, Oklahoma. He was currently in a hotel and enjoying his vacation. He then started to devise a plan to end him. He has to be meticulous and ensure the plan will work by going through it again and again as Jacob was in a hotel and it will be tricky to kill him.

Other than that, Andrew has been working on his control over the Void for the past two weeks.

He got new abilities and the best thing was all of them were unlocked. But to upgrade them, he either needs to have better control or find and use Runes.

The control over Void was difficult. If he was a novice two weeks back, he is still a novice now but has a better grasp over the feel of the Void. He can feel the Void more now… but controlling it was difficult.

When he was in the Void, he was able to create pointers for his Blink. When returning to the world, he realized he could only do two-pointers and not three as he did before. He knew that it was due to the amount of Void he had. It was abundant over there and here it was all coming from him.

He realized that the Void that he felt was the same void but it was coming from his body. There was no Void in the World and the Void that he was feeling through his emotions was coming from where the Outsider resides. A separate Dimension, a word he would not have believed to become real.

He now understood that the Mark is channeling the Void from the Dimension where the Outsider lives. And when it is 100%, he could feel the Void on his entire body lying dormant as he believed. But he also realized… The Mark creates a domain of around 20 meters of Void Energy with it being the main supplier. Just like a projector, how it displays a screen in the distance… the Mark does the same. He could see the Mark connecting him to the Dimension, he could see the Void Energy inside his body, his organs, and his blood as well but he doesn't know how that works yet. When he uses the abilities, it uses the existing Void around him to manifest the said ability. Simply put, when he uses Blink, the Void that is around him reciprocates the Ability Call and starts to manifest Blink and the Void around him dims. The Manifest ability that he has got helps him in this and it's due to that his control over Void is slowly but surely increasing even though it is minuscule at this moment.

In 5 seconds, the Mark then refills the Void Energy around him and thus bringing the Mana back to 100%. The issue was… the Void Energy inside his body was the same. It did not get used or activated at all. He first thought it was due to his Enhancements but decided against it. If it was due to Enhancement, then Void Energy should be seen regarding the location where the Enhancement occurs but it was also there in his organs and his blood as well. This was his doubt and he remembered the Outsider saying the Void will change him. But what will it change him into? Like the Outsider himself?

"Uncle…" a voice called out to him bringing him out of his thoughts. He opened his eyes to see, Cooper, standing near the entrance of the base.

"Mom… called you,"

"I will be there in two minutes…"

He brought his panel.



[Greater Blink (Tier 2) – Move up to anywhere between 0-200 meters. Can create up to 2 pointers. Mana Cost – 16%.]

[Left Tree]

[Tier 3 – Move up to anywhere between 0-250 meters. Upgrade: 0/7 Runes.]

[Tier 4 – Move up to anywhere between 0-300 meters. Create 3 pointers. Upgrade: 0/8 Runes.]

[Tier 5 – Evolve to ???. Upgrade: 0/15 Runes.]

[Middle Tier]

[Tier 3 – Mana Cost reduced by 2%. Upgrade – 0/5 Runes.]

[Tier 10 – Mana Cost reduced by 2%. Upgrade – 0/5 Runes.]

[Right Tree]

[Tier 1 – Slow Time as you use Blink. Upgrade – 0/10 Runes.]

[Tier 2 – Stop Time as you use Blink. Upgrade – 0/25 Runes.]

[Greater Dark Vision (Tier 1) – See everything within a radius of 0-150 meters. Look into the future of 1 individual for 5 seconds. Mana – 20%.]

[Left Tree]

[Tier 2 – See everything within a radius of 0-200 meters. Upgrade – 0/6 Runes.]

[Tier 3 – See everything within a radius of 0-250 meters. Upgrade – 0/7 Runes.]

[Tier 4 – See everything within a radius of 0-300 meters. Upgrade – 0/8 Runes.]

[Tier 5 – Evolve to ???. Upgrade – 0/15 Runes.]

[Middle Tier]

[Tier 1 – Mana Cost reduced by 2%. Upgrade – 0/5 Runes.]

[Tier 10 – Mana Cost reduced by 2%. Upgrade – 0/5 Runes.]

[Right Tree]

[Tier 2 – Look into the future of 2 Individuals for 10 seconds. Upgrade: 0/15 Runes.]

[Tier 3 – Look into the future of 2 Individuals for 15 seconds. Upgrade: 0/20 Runes.]

[Tier 4 – Look into the future of 3 Individuals for 20 seconds. Upgrade: 0/25 Runes.]

[Manifest – Generate, Absorb, and Manipulate the Energy of the Void for a very short Duration. Current Generation – 1%. Current Absorption – 2%. Current Manipulation – 5%.]

[Vortex – Create a Vortex of Void and Devour all things within a radius of 5 meters into Nothingness. The Souls of living beings will be absorbed and increase your Health and Mana. The chance to Increase an Enhancement by 1 level is 3%. Mana: 75%.]

[Left Tree]

[Tier 1 – Increase Radius by 5 meters. Upgrade: 0/8 Runes.]

[Tier 2 – Increase Radius by 5 meters. Upgrade: 0/9 Runes.]

[Middle Tree]

[Tier 1 – Mana Cost Reduced by 7.5%. Upgrade: 0/15 Runes.]

[Tier 2 – Mana Cost Reduced by 7.5%. Upgrade: 0/15 Runes.]

[Tier 10 – Mana Cost Reduced by 7.5%. Upgrade: 0/15 Runes.]

[Right Tree]

[Tier 1 – Obtain One Skill of the Devoured Enemy. Upgrade: 0/10 Runes.]

[Tier 2 – Obtain Two Skills of the Devoured Enemy. Upgrade: 0/15 Runes.]

[Tier 3 – Chances to Increase One level of Enhancement is increased by 2%. Upgrade: 0/25 Runes.]

[Void Walk – You will become Intangible. Your Physical Attacks will work on others. Space and Time become meaningless for a very short duration. Mana: 100%. Note: Mana Regeneration will become slow for the next 10 minutes.]

[Left Tree]

[Tier 1 – Increase the Duration of Void Walk by 5 seconds. Upgrade: 0/10 Runes.]

[Tier 2 – Increase the Duration of Void Walk by 5 seconds. Upgrade: 0/12 Runes.]

[Tier 3 – Increase the Duration of Void Walk by 5 seconds. Upgrade: 0/14 Runes.]

[Middle Tree]

[Tier 1 – Mana Reduced by 10%. Upgrade: 0/15 Runes.]

[Tier 2 – Mana Reduced by 10%. Upgrade: 0/15 Runes.]

[Tier 10 – Mana Reduced by 10%. Upgrade: 0/15 Runes.]

[Right Tree]

[Tier 1 – Turn back Time for 2 seconds. Upgrade: 0/20 Runes.]

[Tier 2 – Perform Multiple Tasks in Different places. Upgrade: 0/25 Runes.]


Seeing the Vortex and Void Walk still shocks him. Vortex makes him fear the Ability and Void Walk though it seems like a fusion of Blink and Bend Time, it is much more.

"In one week, I will train these abilities more, and begin Jacob's Demise…"

Andrew left the Base and headed to the house.


Hello Readers!

The Fanfic ain't dropped Quake_Midaro.

Like I told you I had GRE Exam and needed to prepare for it. I am working as well and due to that, I have less preparation time. I am going to write TOEFL on SEP 30. After that, the release of chapters will be 2/3 per week. Until then, I hope you can all wait.

Let me know if I made any mistakes.

PS: How do you like the new abilities?

PSS: I did not explain Domino, Bend Time, and the Enhancements as they are the same.

PSSS: I want either Possession or Semblance to be back or something of a similar ability. To Control or look like someone else. Share your ideas here in the Paragraph Comments and I will choose one and update them in this chapter and the previous chapter.

PSSSS: Wish me Luck for TOEFL.


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Creation is hard, cheer me up!

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