
Marvel: Dishonored

Andrew, a military veteran learnt he had done something that he promised himself not to. He loses his wife, daughter, his reputation and is sentenced to his death. He was betrayed by his own country that he had protected and believed in. His brother, comrade, Damon, had been the one who has conspired with his higher ups and destroyed his entire life. ************************************************* Andrew uttered in a cold breath, "Even if I die, I will come for you" ??? said, "And how are you going to do that Andrew?" His surroundings changed and he saw him, "Who are you?" "The Outsider" ************************************************* Will focus on MCU and some things from the comics. Chapter Length - 1000 to 2000 words. Updates - Random mostly 2 chapters a week. *************************************************

Dark_Vader98 · Película
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57 Chs



Author Here!!

I just want to remind you, Readers.

Scarlet's talking is all done through hand signs.

So basically, it means "I like Mangoes," said Scarlet means, hand-signed Scarlet.

That's all. Now, Enjoy the chapter below.


~25th May 2010. Inside Barton's base.~

Andrew could be seen moving his foldable sword at high speeds in different directions.

He then did the basic stances of swordplay multiple times as sweat started to form on his forehead.

He pushed himself until he felt sore all over his body.

He took a break and went out of the base 10 minutes later.

'Barton told me Natasha will be back the next day but there is no news. Is she in trouble?' thought Andrew.

'Barton was called as well. Did Fury do something?' his thoughts started going negative.

Andrew thought Natasha might be held up but Barton or Natasha would inform Laura. As 1 day, became 2, then 3, and now 4, his thoughts turned to go in the negatives.

"He will come for me then. I can't let anything happen to Barton's family," uttered Andrew coldly.

He disappeared as he ran fast to the forest and jumped onto one of the tree branches. He started to do this as his speed remained the same. As he was training, he heard a sound coming from the distance and knew it was the quinjet.

He came to a stop and he got down from the tree and rushed to the house.

He ran faster than before as he jumped, crouched, and slid his way through the forest and soon he could see the house in the distance.

His left hand glowed and he reappeared 40 meters away and was running toward the house.

He soon reached only to see the familiar figure of Natasha.

He calmed down as his speed decreased.

Laura who saw the quinjet thought it might be Natasha but she was not sure.

Even she was worried as there was no news from Barton and Natasha. She made the kids hide in their rooms when she saw the quinjet and only when she saw it was Natasha who came out, did she sigh in relief.

"What happened?" she asked as she hugged Natasha.

"Sorry, we could not inform you guys," she said as Andrew used Blink and appeared behind her.

"What happened?" Andrew asked.

"Let's go in," she said and all three went in.

Once they sat on the chairs at the dining table, Natasha explained what happened when she returned to the headquarters to report.

"So, someone is after me?" Andrew grew serious.

"We believe so. 7 of our SHIELD Agents have gone missing and all 7 were there when we came to get you. You can't blame Ian as well since I and Barton have been monitoring him and he was going restless a few days back when we were monitoring him. Barton and I shrugged it off as he was on a mission and he was being vigilant. But we did not expect there was another party there for him. He must have felt something for him to fear for his life and now 7 being missing he was right in his instinct and acted to ensure his safety. It's only due to him now do we have solid proof of someone or some organization is targeting SHIELD and its agents." Natasha said hoping for Andrew to accept.

"Now other than you, Barton, Laura, and Ian, Fury, Maria, and Phil Coulson will know about me," Andrew sighed. He was glad in one way that Fury is not going to be after him and pressure or force him to join on the other hand he did not want his secret to be revealed without his permission which made him feel frustrated.

'I can only hope no one else will know about my powers,' he sighed.

Natasha saw Andrew's face morph into different emotions and finally, he sighed accepting and she relaxed. She did not even realize how tense she was.

"No one else. If anyone else gets to know from any one of them, I will kill him. No, I will kill all of them," Andrew said coldly.

Natasha nodded solemnly as she knew Andrew would do what he said.

"It's not yours or anyone of yours secret to tell. It's mine and let Fury know what I just told him," he said.

Natasha sighed and it was true, it was his secret and they can't go on and talk about it to others.

"I am sorry, you guys didn't talk about it or tell anyone else," he apologized as she did not do anything wrong.

"Now, any idea on who this organization is? Is there a chance for anyone to find out about us?" questioned Laura as she was scared for her husband and her children's safety.

"We have no clue. A plan has already been put in motion to weed out double agents. And Laura, no harm will come to any of you," said Natasha.

"How come there was no action taken by Fury before? I mean he did know there was a spy in his midst," Andrew was puzzled how a paranoid like him did not dig into this.

"It's not that he didn't. He had already put Maria into this and the problem was he put his focus on finding Tony Stark more as he is one of the founders of SHIELD's son," she said.

"Wait... wait... Howard Stark was a founder of SHIELD?!" Andrew was shocked by this new fact. He did not dig into the past of SHIELD and how it was found but to know one of the history's brilliant engineers, scientists, and businessman is one of the founders shocked him. And an together that Howard Stark worked with Captain America who Andrew admired in his young days just made him shocked to hear this.

"I did not expect that," Andrew said when he saw Natasha acknowledge it.

"So, were you guys able to find him?" asked Andrew as he had been missing for the past month.

"No, but we did find some disturbing things on his uncle Obadiah. You were right…" she said and started to explain what she found on Obadiah's personal computer and his hard drive.

"You should be able to find him then, right?" he asked.

"We know who did it but we don't know where they have him. Fury ordered not to act against Obadiah Stane. He did not want Obadiah Stane to suddenly disappear as that will make it more problematic," she said.

The topic started to divert and Laura went back to get the kids and told them Aunt Natasha was back which brought smiles to all three of their faces.

They came and disrupted the important talk going on between Andrew and Natasha.

Scarlet as usual when and sat on Andrew's lap. Lisa and Cooper were running in circles around Natasha with Cooper trying to catch his sister.

"How was your day, Aunt Natasha?" Scarlet asked.

"It was great and was going great until these two started to play around me," Natasha said.

Scarlet giggled which made Natasha smile.

Scarlet got down and went into the kitchen to help Laura which made Lisa and Cooper come to an agreement and they followed her with Lisa hugging Natasha before she ran and Andrew ruffled Cooper's hair as he ran past him.

"Shall we make the call now?" asked Natasha.

"Yeah," Andrew replied and both of them let Laura know they will be back soon.

They headed to the base and Natasha took her laptop and her phone and started to enter some commands. She had not brought her SHIELD phone as there are chances for someone to listen to it.

"I am done, you can call," Natasha gave the green light.

Andrew took the phone in his hands and the paper which had her number.

Andrew in the past few days was going through Trich's details and he used the same steps Natasha did in finding out about Zavez's mother and through that he got all of her details including her phone number.

The call started and Andrew was waiting patiently.

On the other end, Trich was waiting for the day when Andrew would call. Once the call came, their plan will be in motion.

Right now, she was with Yellow and Damon.

"Will he call me or not? You said you have put up the fake data and no one will find out. What if he already saw through that?" she asked.

Damon and Yellow are silent.

'That is not possible, who will help that bastard?' thought Yellow.

'I have looked through everyone that Andrew knows but there is no one capable of hacking into the CIA's Network and getting into the Database. Did he have someone I did not know of? Could he have gotten his help and got to know that this was a plan put in motion to get him?' Damon thoughts was stopped as Trich's phone started to ring.


Hope you like the Chapter. Let me know your thoughts and give out your ideas as well.

I am planning to add a Character Image for the OC ones soon and I will put it in the Auxiliary Chapter with the title, CHAPTER: CHARACTERS.


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