
Martial Ascension

A scientist who is nearing his end of life works on a dangerous experiment to extend his life. The experiment fails to extend his life but it will send his soul to a world filled with extraordinary powers. See how Daniel uses his advantages and wits to gain strength in the Martial World. [Poster belongs to the designer and it's credit goes to him]

Dark_Castle · Fantasía
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31 Chs

Senior Strength

While Daniel is on his way to camp, he is still mulling about informing his findings.

'Should I track those black-clothed people and join them instead?' Daniel is still uncomfortable around Stryker so he is weighing in his options.

Thinking for some time Daniel shook his head, "No! Not right now! There are too many variables here. I will talk to them if we cross the paths again."

Daniel decided to look for them once Stryker starts showing any shades.

Looking at the tents in the distance Daniel picked up the pace.

That evening Daniel returned to his tent after a lengthy team discussion.

Next morning,

The team left early not to leave any chances.

After a couple of hours, Daniel led them to the hidden cave.

"Yes! It's the Horned Rhino!" Hearing the faint roars Stryker nodded his head with a faint smile.

The Stryker signaled everyone to gather around him.

"Ok! As planned let's set up a trap at some distance."Stryker pointed at a well-hidden area and urged everyone to dig a big hole.

Without throwing any tantrums everyone got to work immediately.

It took them more than an hour to dig a four-meter deep hole even after using their full strength.

"It's enough! Let's cover it up properly not to leave any traces!" Gauging the depth Stryker asked the people to stop.

Covering the trap, the team got ready for the hunt.

"Now who will act as bait?" At this difficult question, everyone started looking at the other people.

Daniel ignored them and started looking at distant clouds. He is acting as if the question is completely irrelevant to him.

The Stryker has also seen Daniel's small movements but he didn't say anything because Daniel has already done his job and this is not the time to pick a fight.

A few minutes passed by,

"Fine! I will lead the Rhino out of the cave into the trap. But you must pay my share appropriately."The girl named Pink finally took it upon herself after everyone is giving her different looks.

Everyone took their positions around the trap and waited for the Pink to act.

They didn't have to wait for long.

'ROAR….' 'ROAR….'

Followed by a loud angry roar everyone felt the movement of the rhino.

'It's coming!'As the ground began to vibrate a little Daniel remembered the previous day's experience.

First to come to view is the girl holding onto a long blade with bloodstains on it.

Every time she takes a hard step Daniel missed her image for a fraction of a second in his vision.

'She must have practiced some leg exercise!' Daniel could guess why she choose to be bait without much debate.

'She is at least thrice as fast as me.' After having some idea of her strength Daniel became a little wary of everyone in the group.

While observing her movements Daniel thought of many things in just these few seconds, 'No one from senior generation is easy to mess with. If I have a go at my full strength then I might be able to hold onto her for some time. But what about Stryker and others, how strong are they?'

Daniel could only imagine the worst when fighting with Stryker and Book worm.

Shaking his head Daniel threw away his thoughts, 'It's not time for these things. I will think of some measures after this hunt.'

Following her is the rhino with heavy killing intent.

It is very easy to guess what happened just before from the fresh wound near its eye.

Because of heavy bleeding near its eye, the Rhino is having some difficulty chasing its prey.

Adding this to the speed, the girl has plenty of time to move away from the rhino's rampaging path every time.

The Pink girl seems to have calculated the risk pretty accurately as there is not much fear on her face.

Every time Rhino shortened the distance between the two, the girl will jump to a position that is under the blocked vision and puts some more distance between the two.

Little by little the Rhino is led to the trap by the girl.

While the girl crossed the trap easily because of her weight, the members of the team waited for the Rhino to fall into the hole.

Just as Rhino is a few meters away from the hole, it stopped suddenly and started behaving bizarrely.

'Pretty cunning fellow! It must have sensed some danger nearby!' Daniel who is hiding nearby is reassessing the capabilities of the monsters.

Knowing that Rhino is getting suspicions of the surroundings, the girl again approached the monster at a blind angle and took a strike at the same place aggravating the wound near the eye even more.


Following the painful roar, an immense anger Rhino's face came to everyone's view.

Rhino lost his mind completely after this and starts chasing the girl without considering anything.



As everyone expected after taking a few steps the Rhino falls into the deep hole because of its own weight.

After a few seconds, the Rhino once again began making noise from the hole.

Rhino desperately tries to climb the hole but fails miserably.

All the members come out of the hiding with their weapons and start hurting the monster from the top.

Daniel also takes out the steel blade and cuts down the monster with half of his strength.


'So thick!' Felling the shaking blade and smooth skin surface Daniel felt a little surprised by the defense of the Rhino.

'Let's see if I can hurt this thing!' After knowing that his strikes are the most useless of the group Daniel decided to go with his full strength.


'It's the best I can do at this time I guess!' Looking at the half-centimeter deeply cut skin Daniel got a general understanding of his strength this time.

After two strikes Daniel left the front assault to the others while he took an occasional full strike.

During the break time, Daniel did not wait idly but observed the strength of other team members.

'Is that an Array Weapon!?' Daniel had some guesses after looking at the faintly glowing blade of the Stryker.

'He must have practiced a good sword technique!' Daniel could only see the movement above the elbow of the hand. Anything below is completely blurry to his eyes.

'He is truly strong!' Every time the leader took a casual strike he will leave a heavy wound on Rhino's body.

Although other teammates are not as impactful as Stryker they are also very strong.

They are also leaving wounds on Rhino's body at different degrees.

'I am not strong as any one of them. But this is also expanding my vision.' Daniel could see his future paths in them.

After an hour of butchering, the deeply hurt Rhino loses a lot of blood and falls to the ground because of exhaustion.

Giving a signal to everyone to move back Stryker prepares himself for the final blow.

In the next two seconds, Stryker gathers a considerable amount of Qi on his blade.

He disappears from the place and appears on top of the rhino the next instant.


While giving a loud shout Stryker swung his glowing blade toward the neck of the monster.

With no surprises, the blade cut through the animal neck like butter.


The head fell to the ground and the Rhino finally died.

"That is a very good cut!" Bookworm is the first to comment to Stryker who laded stylishly.

"Congratulations leader" The rest of the team also expressed their happiness.

Nodding as everyone Stryker took a Sliver Talisman from his robes and said, "I will store the monster body in the Storage Talisman for now. We will decide on the share after we reach the sect. It is no problem for anyone right?"

Everyone just nodded at Stryker's suggestion.

Daniel already guessed their way of moving from the very start so he also just a simple nod.

'If he tries to swallow my share then I will make him pay a heavy price later.' Daniel is not a hot-headed person to pick a fight with them immediately.

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