
Martial Ascension

A scientist who is nearing his end of life works on a dangerous experiment to extend his life. The experiment fails to extend his life but it will send his soul to a world filled with extraordinary powers. See how Daniel uses his advantages and wits to gain strength in the Martial World. [Poster belongs to the designer and it's credit goes to him]

Dark_Castle · Fantasía
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31 Chs


Looking at the side, there are more than twenty young girls and boys divided into two groups.

All the people from one group are looking at the other side with angry and serious faces. And the guy who gave the call is at the back of one group.

One look and Daniel could guess what's going on there. So he simply pretended not to hear the call and prepared to leave the premises without even looking at the person calling for help.

But things did not go as he wanted to.

"Jimmy! Is that you! It's been three months since I last saw you! Did you join this group?" Lloyd became enthusiastic about meeting an old friend so went ahead to hug him. But he stopped a few feet away after sensing the tense atmosphere.

"I am alright! But let's talk about that later! Help us deal with them first!" As expected Jimmy wanted to drag the three into this mess.

Lloyd wanted to decline but thinking that he owed a favor to Jimmy he hesitated.

After a struggle, he took a step forward to join the group of Jimmy.

"What should we do?" Bell who stayed behind asked Daniel.

Hearing his question Lloyd also slowed his pace and looked towards Daniel.

Obviously, both Bell and Lloyd took Daniel as the center guy at some unknown point in time.

It did not even occur to both of them when Daniel held some authority over their actions.

Maybe because of the calm aura around him or maybe because of his mature way of speaking anyway, at this time it is confirmed to everyone who's the boss here.

Daniel was initially not interested in stepping into this mess. But after looking at Jimmy he changed his mind. For he got an idea.

As three of them joined the group, the overall strength of their side increased by more than thirty percent.

"Well! Well! Did you guys really think adding more members will change the situation here? No, it doesn't!" The eagle nose guy who is leading the other group said this with a sneer.

"Yes! I do think that! If you have any doubts then take the first strike then everything will be clear." A handsome guy with yellow hair on Daniel's side who is at the forefront is brimming with confidence after reinforcements.

The eagle nose guy is weighing in the pros and cons of fighting now. Initially, he was confident but Daniel and others put him in a dilemma.

When the people from one group are busy looking for their opponents on the other side. A guy with a short knife sneaked behind Daniels's group and is slowly approaching a girl in the back.

Finally, when he neared the girl he took a fast step and tried to take the girl hostage.

But Daniel who had an eye on this sneaky guy from the very start also took a side step and came in the way and dismantled the guy's knife easily.

The guy was surprised by the sudden interference of Daniel but he did not escape immediately. He decided to teach Daniel a lesson.

He who is practicing assassin skills since childhood is not happy with the defeat. Using his fast legs and flexible hands he rained attacks onto his opponent.

Daniel who is ready for the guy defended all the strikes easily. Within a few moments, Daniel pushed the guy into the defensive.

Finally, after more than thirty bouts Daniel tacked the guy to the ground and locked his arm joint.

Only now did the guys in the group come back to their senses and take their weapons to strike the other side.

"STOP! Stop the fight!" The eagle guy obviously knows his group is at the disadvantage so stopped everyone before the fight escalates.

"Sparrow! Don't think you can get away now! Your guy started all this" The leader of the Daniels Group, a sharp chinned handsome guy said this angrily to the eagle-nosed guy.

"Johnny! Your guy tackled him to the ground! It was a fair match! Now everything is over! Let him release our guy! If we start fighting then many on both sides can get hurt severely", Sparrow is not slow at counterattacking.

Johnny looked at him seriously and said, "Sparrow! Don't think you can end the fight like that! You know what I need! Either you concede defeat or we will fight until the last man is standing"

"Fine! That hunting area belongs to you from now on. We will not look for prey in that area anymore. Now release our guy." Sparrow thought for a second and looked around him. Seeing the fearful faces around him he gritted his teeth and conceded on the original issue.

Johnny and the group are happy having claimed the victory. While they were planning for celebration the guy sparrow spoke again.

"Well! Release him now" Sparrow turned to Daniel who is still holding onto the assassin guy.

The call brought everyone's attention to Daniel.

Daniel simply turned to the Sparrow and said with a simple smile, "Pay one hundred gold coins for the release! Otherwise, I will break both of his arms!"

Following that, Daniel tightens his grip on the joint bringing immense pain to the assassin guy. The assassin looked at Daniel with immense hatred and tried to keep down his shriek but everyone could see his suffering.

Upon seeing his plight Sparrow who is trying to threaten Daniel swallowed his words back.

After looking at Daniel's face for a second it became apparent to him that Daniel is not a simple guy. So he fumbled around his pockets and borrowed the rest of the money from the group to pay the ransom.

Daniel gave a look to bell who immediately took the bag from the Sparrow and started counting the coins.

When he got the approximate count Bell nodded to Daniel.

Daniel released the guy and took the money bag from Bell and secured it in his robes. After getting up, the Assassin gave a vicious look to Daniel and went to join his group.

Sparrow took his group and left the premises without saying anything.

'Where is the villain cliché? I thought he will leave many threatening words!' Daniel was excepting verbal threats towards him.

While the group is jumping around in happiness. The handsome guy came towards Daniel.

"May I know your name, please! My name is Johnny and I am the leader of this group." Johnny introduced himself with a smile.

"Hello! I am Daniel! Nice to meet you!" Daniel also introduced himself.

"Daniel! Thank you very much! If it weren't for you then we might have lost out hunting area and even be hurt severely" Johnny gave a fist salute to Daniel and thanked him sincerely.

"No need! I just did what I have to do. If it isn't trouble, would you mind telling me what is this hunting area is all about? " Daniel doesn't want his verbal thanks because he is looking work practical benefits.

"It's a long story! Let's talk while having lunch. How about I invite you to a restaurant? We were initially on our way to 'Rose Garden' you can join us." Johnny had other plans for Daniel so invited him to lunch to show off his wealth.

'Let's see what you are up to!'Daniel also wanted to see what Johnny is up to so he joined the group with others.

While they are on their way to lunch the girl who got saved by Daniel sneaked beside him at some point.

"Brother Daniel! Thank you very much for saving me! You are amazing to win him so easily" The girl who has green hair and twinkling eyes said this in a sweet voice.

Daniel turned to the side and said in a calm voice, "Don't worry about it! Someone would have saved you in the end. As far as my skills are concerned, they will not so relevant once we step into Refining Realm"

In fact, this is the main reason that no one on both sides is not much amazed by Daniel's fighting skills. As everyone knows skills learned from the secular world will not be of much use when someone starts practicing true Martial Arts.

The girl calmed down for a second and then said, "That aside! You are still my savior! If you want anything from me you can just ask"

After saying that, the girl walked with her head down.

Seeing the red color on her cheeks, ears, and neck everyone could tell that, the girl is giving an open invitation to Daniel.

So everyone had a smile on their faces.

Especially seven boys present here showed an envious look towards Daniel.

Daniel is not a mud Buddha. He will not reject a girl's invitation in front of all others. So he leaned closer and said this in her ear, "My backyard is barren. How about you help me plant some flowers in there? You can come to take care of them in the morning and I will take good care of you in the night."

After saying that, Daniel looked at the girl with burning eyes. When had the girl experienced such a blatant look of desire? so her emotions got out of control.

She escaped from Daniel's side and hid behind the other three girls of the group.

Seeing this life drama everyone had a hearty laugh.

'That should keep her away from me for some time!' Daniel did this on purpose to scare the girl. Although he is interested in girls he is disinclined to lose his vigor until his body is completely developed.

Daniel is also not sure whether relationships will affect his cultivation. So he is decided to be careful until he is sure of these things.

While Daniel is thinking the sweet voice again came from the back.

"Brother Daniel! My name is Ivy! Don't forget! I will be waiting for your invitation" Ivy's voice came from behind the girl's group.

'Ivy! A matching name for her hair and beauty! No matter what! I will think about this issue only after breaking through the Refining Realm.' Daniel is not looking for an immediate relationship so he simply replied, "Ok!"

While they were talking, Johnny led them to a four-story building dressed completely in roses. Even the front yard and backspace are completely covered in different kinds of roses.

With people coming and going in the front and back the entire building looks brimmed with people.

Johnny pointed towards the building with a proud look, "This is the 'Rose Garden'! A restaurant operated by my family! Only people from outer sect are served here"

While others are looking at the surrounding scenery Daniel is observing the people at tables near windows.

"Let's go in I will host you all today!" Johnny invited everyone with a big smile.

Following Johnny, everyone went in through the busy front door.

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