
Lovers who hesitate

"Juliana, is the rumor of you dating your fellow label artist true?" one paparazzi yelled, his hand holding the camera to her face, followed by other paparazzi. Juliana ignored the question as she followed her manager into the building. "Julie" Aiden called out, walking toward her, "You never answer my text or call brat," he said, towering over her, maintaining a straight face. Juliana froze, "I was busy ", she muttered. "Why are you here?" she questioned, tilting her head. "The tabloid is going crazy over news of you coming to meet your rumored boyfriend at a hotel late at night and I'm here to confirm", he scowled. "I-It's none of your concern, I'm an adult now, I can handle things on my own, I'm no longer a kid, you need to get used to that" she argued, avoiding his gazes, biting her lips. "An adult huh? And here I was, trying to be on my best behavior" he said, grabbing her hand, "You're coming with me" P.S. The poster does not belong to me. Please notify me if you want it taken down.

Teddyyy · Adolescente
Sin suficientes valoraciones
10 Chs

Chapter 2

The Next Morning 

Julie woke up to her alarm clock, she tossed and turned, before rolling out of bed. After she finished getting ready for school, she headed downstairs to go into the kitchen area, she jumped in surprise when she saw Aiden getting water from the fridge. He is dressed in her brother's pants and shirt, 'He must have slept over last night' she thought to herself. 

"Hello, brother" she greeted him, making him turn around facing her. "You're up", he took a sip from the water bottle. "Are you heading to school?" he asked, staring at her. "Yes", she answered, avoiding eye contact. "Well then, shall we head out?", he held up her brother's car key.

Julie tilted her head, confused, "Huh?". He smiled in return, "I was tasked with giving you a ride to school" he helped her with her bag, tossing it over his shoulder, "Let go!"

The car ride to her school was filled with silence, Julie went on her phone to calm down her nerves. "Where are your parent?" Aiden asked. "They went to celebrate their anniversary" she answered.

"You're not supposed to turn right here, my school is in the next block", Julie pointed, facing him. "I know" he replied, as he parked the car in front of a cafe. "A kid your age needs to have breakfast," he said, unbuckling his seatbelt. "Oh", Julie murmured as she got out of the car. 

Aiden opened the door to the cafe and held the door for her, they walked toward the counter and the worker greeted with a bright smile, staring at Aiden, without batting an eye at Julie. 'Well that's the perk of being good looking' she thought to herself, frowning. 

"What do you want Julie?" Aiden asked her. Julie froze upon hearing him calling her Julie, her ear turning red, "A sandwich", she managed to let out an answer. "And drink?", he continued. "An Ice Matcha", she answered sheepishly.

While Aiden was placing the order, Julie walked to find a seat for them, she picked the window seat. Aiden later joined her after placing the order, sitting in front of her. They enjoyed their breakfast together, with Julie occasionally stealing glances at him. 

After finishing their breakfast, they both head back to the car. "Have a great day at school", Aiden said as he stopped in front of her school. Julie nodded shyly, grabbing her backpack before stepping out of the car. Aiden watched as she headed into her school, when she suddenly turned her heel, walking back toward the car. He lowered the window, "Did you forget something?", Aiden asked, raising his eyebrows. Julie shook her head, "Thank you for the ride", then sprinted inside.

"Don't run, you might fall", Aiden yelled from the car. Julie listened, slowing down her steps causing him to let out a chuckle. 'Ring' his phone rang, he saw the username, and his eyes rolled, "Hello".

"Where are you?", Jason asked, his voice sounding croaky. "I just finished dropping off my sister at school" he answered. "Huh? When did you get yourself a sister?", Jason queried.

"Oh, you were dropping off my sister, thanks dude", Jason laughed. "Also, get me something to eat on your way back", Jason added. "Get it yourself", Aiden scowled, hanging up the phone. 


"Juliana!" a girl yelled. Juliana turned her back "Yes, Ashely?". Ashely put her arm over Juliana's shoulder, "Did you hear the news?", she whispered. Juliana shook her head, "What news?", she queried. "Cherry is coming to perform at our school today!" Ashley exclaimed, her eyes sparkling with excitement. Juliana frowned, "Huh? Who?". 

Ashely eyes widened, "You are Korean and you don't know who Cherry is?". Juliana shook her head, "No I don't". "She is the biggest Korean Idol right now, she is a superstar", Ashley began to explain just how big of a deal Cherry is to Juliana. 

"She's here!", Ashley screamed in excitement. Juliana looked over to see her fellow students crowded around a woman, who she assumed was the famous Idol named, 'Cherry' that Ashley was talking about. Cherry was then offered a microphone, she held onto the microphone, "Hello, I'm Cherry", which earned cheers from the crowds.

Cherry began to sing a couple of her hit songs, 'Popstar' and 'Summer'. Juliana was surprised to see just how many people were able to sing along, word for word, in Korean, her native language. This was such an incredible sight for her.

"Cherry is so cool, she's amazing", Juliana exclaimed. Ashley glances at her, beaming, "I know!".

Suddenly, she felt a pat on her back, Juliana turned around and met her eyes with a guy, "Excuse me" the guy said, "You speak Korean right?", he asked, this time in Korean. "Yes", Juliana answered. 

They began to converse in Korean, which made Ashley stand there awkwardly. "Who are you?", Juliana asked. "I'm a staff of ZH Entertainment, Cherry is one of the artists that is signed to our company", he replied, "If you want to try to audition, please contact us", handing out his company's card, "Make sure to inform your parent about this", he added before rushing toward to where Cherry is. 

"What just happened?" Ashley asked. "He told me to call him if I want to audition", Juliana replied, looking confused. "What?", her mouth dropped, she was taken aback but she was also excited. Matter of fact, she looked more excited than Juliana, herself. "You should give it a try", Ashley urged. Juliana's eyes widened, "But I'm not good at singing or dancing", she shook her head, "No way I would get accepted", she let out a chuckle. Ashely persisted, "Still, you should give it a try". 

"Now that it's over, let's head back to class now", Ashley said linking her arm with Juliana. "You go first, I need to go to the bathroom", Juliana said pulling away, "Okay".

Juliana walked across the hallways, toward the bathroom, where she bumped into 'Cherry'. "I'm so sorry" Juliana apologized. "Are you Korean?", Cherry asked, scanning her. "Yes, my parent are Korean but I was born and raised here" 

"You are gorgeous, you should try to audition", Cherry gave her a warm smile. "I hope you consider the offer" she continued before leaving, "Goodbye, I hope to meet you again".