
Lovers who hesitate

"Juliana, is the rumor of you dating your fellow label artist true?" one paparazzi yelled, his hand holding the camera to her face, followed by other paparazzi. Juliana ignored the question as she followed her manager into the building. "Julie" Aiden called out, walking toward her, "You never answer my text or call brat," he said, towering over her, maintaining a straight face. Juliana froze, "I was busy ", she muttered. "Why are you here?" she questioned, tilting her head. "The tabloid is going crazy over news of you coming to meet your rumored boyfriend at a hotel late at night and I'm here to confirm", he scowled. "I-It's none of your concern, I'm an adult now, I can handle things on my own, I'm no longer a kid, you need to get used to that" she argued, avoiding his gazes, biting her lips. "An adult huh? And here I was, trying to be on my best behavior" he said, grabbing her hand, "You're coming with me" P.S. The poster does not belong to me. Please notify me if you want it taken down.

Teddyyy · Teen
Not enough ratings
10 Chs

Chapter 3

While waiting for her brother to pick her up, she thought about the conversation she had with Cherry and the entertainment guy again. Her thoughts were then interrupted by the arrival of her brother's car. She hopped onto the front passenger seat, and buckled in her seatbelt, "I thought you forgot you have a sister".

"I overslept this morning okay?", he protested, "Also, I did ask Aiden to drop you off". 

"Mom and Dad won't be back until tomorrow, so let's eat out tonight", he paused before continuing, "Also my friend is joining us". Julie turned her head to face her brother, "Which friends?". "The guy who dropped you off this morning", Jason responded.

Jason dropped by Aiden's house to pick him up, he texted him to come out. "This guy and his habit of being late", Jason sighed, shaking his head. "Does he live alone?", Julie asked her brother. "Yes"

'He lives alone in such a big house, wouldn't he be lonely', Julie thought to herself. Aiden knocked on the window, waking her up from her thoughts, "Unlock the door", he mouthed. 

Aiden slouched himself into the back of the car seat, "Where are we eating?" he asked, sheepishly. "Korean Barbecue", Jason answered, "This kid is obsessed with it" he nodded at Julie. She remained still in her seat, her eyes wary. She took a glimpse of Aiden through the rear-view mirror. As she met eyes with him, he gave her a slight smile, which made her turn to look the other way. 

"Why do you look so tired?", Jason asked looking at him through the rear-view mirror. Aiden raised his eyebrows, "Well, I had to wake up early to drop someone off at school and I also had to bring breakfast for a friend who overslept". 

He took the jab at both siblings, "I also have to go to lecture after all of that", he sighed, "It was a long day". Jason took the hint, "Today's dinner is on me", as he winked at him.


"Julie, wake up, it's time for school", her mom whispered, stroking her head, sitting beside her. Julie turned and laid on her lap, "When did you get back?" she asked sheepishly. "Just now, I also made breakfast".

"Did your brother take care of you well?", her mom asked. "No", Julie complained, pouting cutely. "Oh really?", Jason's voice echoed, leaning against the door, "Get up, brats, you're going to be late for school". She blinked and opened her eyes, "Mom, he is being mean again", Julie sulked. Mrs. Lee turned to her son, shaking her head, "I will give him a good scolding". Her mom's words made her smile as she stuck her tongue out at her brother before getting up to go get ready. 

Julie then headed downstairs to have breakfast with her family. The four were eating their food when suddenly Julie brought up the topic of her getting an offer to become an Idol. "You're too young", her dad stated, "Focus on your studies", he remained stern. Julie turned to her mom, pleading, "Being an Idol is not easy", her mom sighed, "You will have to go through a lot of training". Julie turned to her brother, giving him puppy eyes, "Brother, say something". He let out a deep sigh, "Listen to Mom and Dad".

On the ride to school, Julie decided to bring the topic up again, "I want to audition", she blurted, "I'm serious about it", she added. Jason remained unfazed but Julie wouldn't give in, "You told me to pursue my dream and I'm doing exactly that right now", she uttered. She waited for his answer, but he remained silent. "Can I at least try it out first?", Julie persisted, "If things get too hard, I will rush back home". 

Jason stopped in front of her school, Julie looked over at him one last time. She was abruptly stopped in her movement when Jason uttered, "I will talk to them about it". Hearing his words, her face lit up, she clasped both of her hands with his, "Brother, I love you!', she exclaimed. "Okay, now get out before I change my mind", he said trying to hide his smile. 

Upon hearing his sister's declaration, Jason decided to give ZH Entertainment a call. He began asking various questions concerning the trainee's period, her stay, and the overall training process. After much consideration, Jason decided to talk with their parent later at home.


Later at night, Mr. Kim knocked on his daughter's door, "Julie, can we talk?". Julie opened her door, "Come in". He sat his daughter down, he laid his eyes on piano and guitar, he had always known that she was passionate about music. He always overheard his daughter practicing late at night, but it's hard for a parent to send their kid to live far away from home, a fourteen-year-old at that. "I heard from your brother", he stated, "After your audition, we will discuss further", he added. 

"But I have to make sure one thing, you have to be sure about this", he said firmly, "If you want to quit, call me, and I will do whatever it takes, doesn't matter the contract fees", he assured his daughter. "Yes Dad", Julie nodded.

"Now you go get some rest", Mr. Kim uttered before turning his heel to head out of the room, "Goodnight, My daughter" 

The Next Morning 

"Mommy, can you help me get ready?", Julia called out for help. She needed her mom to help to get ready to go to the audition. "I'm coming", her mom answered, walking upstairs toward her room. She opened the door to Julia's room, to only see clothes lying on every inch of the room. "Mom, help me tie my hair"

Today she is going to audition through a video call, she has to be put together. "When will it start?" her mom asked, tying her hair into a ponytail. "In like thirty minutes", Julia nervously bites her lips, her fingers fidgeting. "I'm sure you'll do well, you're my daughter after all", Mrs. Lee said, patting her back.