

A story about blind love. Imagine meeting your soulmate, but differences stop you from being with them. This is a classic love story with a twist. Kayla met Alek at a time where nothing seemed right in the world. She knew this. However she hadn't prepared to fall so blindly.

ButterflyPoettt · Teen
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8 Chs

Chapter Four

Elena placed the coffee pot on her table in the centre of her sitting room. I wasn't a big coffee drinker but whenever I came round she would make it and I don't know why but I craved it more here. Her mum sat quietly tapping on the screen of her phone while sipping on her coffee. I liked Elena's parents they were stern but funny it was hard to describe them but I always felt at home which was probably why I always ended up back here. Sadie was her mother she was caring and vigilant, you couldn't get anything past her. She was pretty her youth showing through her eyes sometimes but you could tell she had a lot on her mind. Hardly spoke of it though. Next to her sat Elena's dad who you could say was the one who was in charge. He kept to himself and was quiet most the time, occasionally cracking jokes and side comments causing laughter to brighten the house. "So my cousins coming round with his family soon, I hope you don't mind" she asked me hesitantly. "No of course not why would I mind" I asked her a little confused by her sudden comment. Elena poured coffee into the small cup in-front of me avoiding my eyes. "My family that are coming, they are Armarian the ones I told you about" she said. "And I know you have nothing against them but you're Atlas, so you know ignore any awkwardness I don't want you to feel uncomfortable" she continued expressing worry in her eyes. I smiled slightly, it was nice of her to ask even though I felt she didn't have to. Elena was an overthinking, overworrier, she always did this. "Elena you don't have to explain anything to me they are your family" I told her sipping on my coffee wishfully. In that moment the door knocked. Elena hopped up to open it I could hear voices greeting each other, and exchanging hugs.

An older woman and man entered the living room I assumed this was Elena's uncle and aunt they paused briefly both their eyes clocking with mine. I smiled slightly I knew in my head they were surprised taken back almost. I could tell they had not been expecting to see a girl from atlas sitting around this table. The woman smiled back but it was a faded smile almost as if it was forced. I could see the way she looked at me it almost felt as if she looked down upon me. The man was tall and I got the feeling he was stern playing a macho roll within his family. He nodded in my direction I took this as his hello. My attention shifted as a tall boy entered the room slowly I guessed this was their son so Elena's cousin. My initial thought was he looked younger than me not too young but younger. I watched as he greeted Elena's parents smiling. He had a nice smile it was warm. It was real. "Kayla do you want any more coffee I've heated up that food my mum makes that you love" Elena asked pulling me away from my thoughts. " No thank you to the coffee but the food I'll take" I replied winking. Elena guided me to her room passing me a plate of food. I flung on her bed looking at the picture of us hanging on her wall. I wonder what his name is I thought to myself he hadn't introduced himself to me downstairs but I hadn't either so I couldn't really think anything of it.

Just as I thought that Elena's door flung open and he walked in "Elena your mum said you have batteries up here" he asked sounding impatient. "Yeah give me a second" Elena answered walking out the room, I suspected she was probably going to find the batteries he'd asked for. He looked over at me our eyes meeting for the first time properly. He was tall and had dark brown hair, his eyes were a hazel brown the kind where he'd probably say they change colour in the sun. "Hey nice to meet you I'm Alek" he said. I looked at him for a moment thinking of what to say and replied "Hey, Kayla it's nice to meet you too" I looked away from his gaze avoiding any kind of awkwardness. What surprised me was he continued to speak to me "How's your food?" Alek asked questioningly. " It's tasty" I replied as I placed another mouthful into my mouth chewing slightly. " I love this dish I always get Elena's mum to make it for me" I continued, as if he needed to hear that I thought to myself. "No way I mean that's my favourite Armarian dish" he looked happy, I looked at him curiously. "Well in my opinion it is the best Armarian dish there is" I said smiling a little, squinting my eyes. Alek walked over and sat down on the chair facing me. "Well you have very good taste" he replied smirking and looking at me with an expression I couldn't figure out.

"What" I asked him feeling slightly attacked for no reason other than his gaze made me feel exposed. "Nothing aha I don't know I've just never met an Atlas who likes this type of food" he answered honestly. I paused looking up from my plate thinking of a way to change the topic I found myself wanting to talk to him more he intrigued me. "So Mr flower power how old are you" I asked teasingly. One thing that had sparked my attention had been his t-shirt right now I mean it had more flowers on it it than anything I owned. I giggled eyeing his outfit up and down. "Mr flower power?" He asked looking confused for a second and then looked at his top chuckling when he'd finally got the joke. "Wow okay real funny these flowers are best actually you wish you had this top" Alek exclaimed we both started giggling and it was infectious his laugh I mean. He did this thing where his laugh made his eyes crease making him look like a baby making it even harder not to laugh with him. "I'm16...I'm turning 17 soon though" I focused on how quick he added that. "Gosh I'm old enough to be your mother" I replied with a glint in my eye. " I mean let's not be dramatic now I know you're 18 same age as Elena right?" He asked me curiously. "Yeah" I replied simply.

Elena walked in abruptly making us both pause in our tracks. "Oh am I disturbing something" she exclaimed throwing the batteries over to her cousin. "Not at all" he uttered standing and walking toward the door, I watched him leave.

Part of me was sad he left is that weird? I mean I'd just met this person but it had felt like I'd known him. The way he looked at me it was strange. I shook my head and sighed picking up another piece of food and placing it in my mouth. "Kayla, did you need a lift home?" Elena asked me quietly. " If you can please" I answered.