
Love of an hybrid


_Cute_Angel16 · Fantasía
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20 Chs

7 .Cruel separation II

Chyna continued running faster as she Could hear Footsteps behind her, she kept turning back ocassionally so she didn't See someone ahead of her and she bumped Into him.

"who are you? She asked terrified

"yna! Thank God you are safe "she heard Jordan Say.

"Jordan!!" she cried out happily and hugged him

"What happened?" he asked worriedly

" I was talking to Gavreal when some men in white attacked us, he told me to run and to tell you that the Cyans are going back on thier words" she explained

"wait what?! they really have some guts" he exclaimed angrily.

"We have to run Jan i can feel them they are right behind us" She said worriedly

"calm down yna we are safe here!" he assured her, But what happened next was unexpected. an arrow was shot at him

"Whats wrong" she asked worriedly As she watched his expression change into a pained one, But he just smiled at her and Fell down with a thud.

"Jordan?!" She called out to him worriedly as she tried wake him up but she halted in her actions when she touched his bloody body.

"No !!!!!! She yelled as tears streamed down her Face,She looked ahead of her and saw the men in white Coming towards them, she became very angry and picked up Jordan's sword. She slashed and killed every Single one of them in rage

"Awesome!" she heard Gavreal compliment her as she slayed the last soldier.

"Gavreal, Jordan he's not waking up" she Said worriedly.

" don't worry I can wake him up but there is a price for it "he answered.

"What is it I'll do anything for him?" she asked.

" you have to give up your most priced possesion in exchange for his life" he answered

"my most Priced possesion is our memories and my love For him! Ok fine lets do it "she answered and he nodded before smiling at her assuringly

"NO.... don't do....it..." Jordan who had woken up in between thier talk said trying to move but his wound was so deep that it began to bleed.

"What are you waiting for? do It already!!!!" She yelled at Gavreal and he nodded before drawing a circle around Jordan and chyna, "close your eyes and don't open them" he ordered her before muttering some unknown words, and then suddenly mist started seeping out of her and thier Memories started replaying in her head, The mist Seeping out of her body moved into Jordan's body and his wounds started closing.

"No don't do this"Jordan whispered

"I Love you" he heard her voice in his head and then everything went dark .Gavreal disappeared too.

Jordan managed to crawl to where yna was completely ignoring the pain gnawing at him,

"What have you done?, why did you have to save me with our memories?"he said sadly •

After crying for a long time he felt his strength coming back to him,he picked her up and took her to her palace.

Sneaking into her room through a secret passage they had found together, he laid her on her bed and then kissed her on her forehead.

He left when he heard Footsteps coming towards her room, Jordan sought Revenge on the the Cyanans,and he stopped at nothing until he wiped them off the face of the earth.

He assigned his men to always protect chyna, and he patiently waited for her to regain her memories.

After four years, he had no after option but to show himself to her in order to protect her from danger.

[Back to the present]

As Jordan reminisced about the past he couldnt help but curse himself, and wish everything was Just a dream but he can't deny that its reality, he tried looking for Gavreal but he couldnt Find him, he sighed heavily and closed his eyes to rest.