
Love of an hybrid

What happens when two royalty from different kingdom seeking thier true selves meet? Join Yna and Jan in their journey of self discovery,uncovering secrets about thier origin,falling in love and saving the supernatural world. -----------------------------------------------------------

_Cute_Angel16 · Fantasy
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20 Chs

8. The visitor

In a dark room, a man with silvery grey hairs, grey eyes and pointed nose stood beside the window staring at the nightsky.

" don't worry Prince Jordan, your beloved will remember everything but you still need to protect her from many more dangers in the future" he said with a smile on his face.

Back in Grandcrest, the King and Queen have been very worried as they had not heard from thier daughter.

"Are you sure She's safe?" the Queen asked worriedly.

"yes. I can feel it she's Fine" he answered assuringly.

"OK" she answered.

There was a knock on the door,

"come in" the King answered and the king's right hand man Andrew walked in and bowed respectfully.

"speak, Andrew" the King ordered and he began

"My King, I have made my research, according to our sources Prince Dylan didn't capture Our princess, but he injured her knight Leon. but before he could capture her Someone saved her"

"Who saved her?" the King asked curiously "It was the prince of Dacria, together with his men "The Black shadow troop"Andrew answered

"The Black Shadow troop? ,but they are the best soldier troop there is in Dacria and they belong to the crowned prince "the Queen asked curiously

"Yes your highness"he answered and the king nodded before gesturing for him to leave.

When Andrew had left, the Queen asked her husband.

"So it is the same prince who has been protecting our Chyna from the shadows?"

"Yes" the king answered

"but why?" she asked again.

"That I don't know" he answered "But what matters is that she's safe" the king added and the Queen Nodded before they went to sleep

The next day, Jordan woke up early cause he couldn't sleep last night, he kept on seeing Images of yna. So he decided to take a walk, but while walking his second in command to see him.

" what is it Jorge!" he asked Irritatedly.

"Your message has been delivered to the King and Queen of Grandcrest, they have been assumed that thier daughter is in safe hands" Jorge answered

" Thats good, I want you to keep an eye on Prince Dylan" Jordan ondered and Jorge bowed before leaving.

When Jordan was satisfied with his walk, he decided to return to his room to take his bath and have breakfast with yna.

After he had his bath, he went to the dinning room to eat breakfast But he was suprisedd to see that he had a visitor.

"Big brother"he heard his Visitor say.

"Myra "he called out to her suprised

" What are you doing here?, where is Caleb?" He asked Worriedly

" calm down! I didnt run away again,he knows am here, I missed you so much So I decided to come visit you"she said happily hugging him tightly

"you look more beautiful than the last time I saw you!" Jordan said pushing the strands of her hair that has fallen on her Face behind her ear

"and you look more handsome" she answered her face had already turned Red.

"cough, cough, cough"They heard someone clear thier throat,and they turned to the direction of the noise they heard.

They found Chyna standing at the top of the stairs, she was wearing a sea blue coloured dress and her hair was tied into a ponytail

"who is she?" Myra asked her brother curiously, But before Jordan could answer, the girl at the top Of the stairs spoke

" Hello there I am princess Chyna,crowned princess Of Grandcrest" she smiled as she alighted the Stairs and walked towards them.

"and you are" she asked

"I am princess Myra but you can call me Jody" Myra answered but was interrupted by Jordan.

"She's a relative" he answered plainly and Myra looked at him curiously

" Just play along" he Whispered and she smiled sweetly at chyna

"Nice to meet you Chyna" she said

"The pleasure is all mine Jody" Chyna answered " can i call you Jody?" she asked.

"Yeah of course" Jody answered

"Ok girls let's eat "Jordan said and led them to the table, then he pulled a chair out for Myra but Chyna thought it was for her. So she smiled sweetly before moving towards the chair, But she was shocked when she heard what Jordan said next

"come on Myra, have your seat" and Jody smiled sweetly before sitting on the Chair gracefully.

Chyna's face darkened When Jordan pulled the chair next to Jody,and gestured for her to sit on it, She swallowed the lump In her throat and sat down as she managed to smile at him before he went to sit in his chair, before clapping his hands twice and the maids Started serving the food to them.