
Love of an hybrid

What happens when two royalty from different kingdom seeking thier true selves meet? Join Yna and Jan in their journey of self discovery,uncovering secrets about thier origin,falling in love and saving the supernatural world. -----------------------------------------------------------

_Cute_Angel16 · Fantasy
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20 Chs

6. Cruel separation I


In the dark Forest, at night, a young boy with dark hairs, blue eyes, Pointed nose, and muscular body was leaning on a big tree, he was waiting for someone.

After a while a young lady with dark hairs, big black eyes, and milky skin walked hastily to him.

"yna You're here"the young boy said hugging her tightly.

"What is this Jan?,It took me Forever to get Dana out of my room,you gave me such a short time to prepare things, So I have have to leave very Quickly or else she'll Find out" she said as soon as they broke the hug.

"I called you here to tell something thats really important" he began

"tell me Jan" she said Feeling very uneasy "first I Just want you to know that Whatever happens in the future I'll always be there to protect you'he added

"I know that, but why are you saying such things, what happened Jan?" she asked Feeling worried

"uhm... We can't see each other after this, we have to stay away From each other" he said in a pained tone.

"What? why? What happened?, Who asked you to do this?, You Can't leave me Jan!! "she asked hysterically.

"am sorry yna, this is not easy for me too but I have to do this for you" Jan said again and then he turned to leave

"No! No! No! you can't leave Jan what would i do without you" She said while crying Loudly

" you have to try ,You have to live for me or else my sacrifise will be in vain "he answered and pried her arms that were wrapped around him open ,before he left her in a hurry, When he was far away From her he broke down in tears.

Meanwhile Back in the Forest yna Crouched on the Floor, Sobbing uncontrolably

"NO!NO! Please don't leave me Jan please listen to me I am in love with you" she said with a pained voice.

"Don't worry princess I'm here for you' she heard someone say so she turned around and She saw a young man with grey coloured hairs, Grey eyes and pointed nose "who are you" She asked alarmed

"my name is Gavreal" he answered with a sweet smile

"Jordan! Help me!"She screamed loudly when she saw Some men in white coming towards her

"run Princess, find your lover and tell him that the Cyanans are after you" Gavreal said and She nodded

"Thank you I owe you"she said before turning and running towards the path Jordan had disappeared From,

She could hear footsteps running towards her, but when she turned around She saw Gavreal battling Fiercely with them and Preventing them from going after her.

"Thank you" she Muttered before running to Find Jordan.

Jordan heard Chyna's voice when she Screamed for help, he stood up and bolted towards her, he couldnt imagine what he would do if something had actually happened to her.