
Love and Fighting

Zach, at a young age was bullied everyday. Even tho they bullied him everyday his mother forbidden him from fighting back. Then one day something happened, something inside him awoken, something dangerous that must be hidden. But for Zach, like every guy he wants to be the best version of himself. But not just for himself but also for his love ones. Read how Zach fate ended up tragic but also exciting after a lifetime confession with his childhood crush Nicole.

Keith_Potato · Acción
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5 Chs

Fight back.

Seeing the big guy approaching him he assessed the height difference. Zach is 180cm, this guy is below his eyebrow so probably 175cm.

The big guy put his hand on Zach's shoulder then coldly said,"you should give up, as you're already rejected, you should know your place and distance yourself" while also adding force to his hand that's in Zach's shoulder.

Zach smiled wryly then said,"why though? I like her, why should I give up ?"

"Ha ha ha" the big guy laughed slowly then said with threatening eyes,"weak guys like you should know his place!" he then dragged Zach's shoulder downwards, with his knee going upwards targeting the stomach.

Zach seeing this pushed the guy with both of his hands but surprisingly the big guy didn't budge..'tough!' seeing he can't push him he just used both of his hands to defend his stomach.

The knee finally hit his hands and stomach *creak* the sound of his hands breaking.

Zach fell to the floor while still holding his stomach 'it hurts...damn it'

But the attack is still not finished, another kick is coming targeting his stomach. A soccer kick to be specific, Zach seeing this with his eyes open feeling pathetic because he can't do anything. So he just covered his stomach with his broken hand waiting for it to land.

*bam* "AH" Zach flew a little bit and he's wringing in pain. He put his one hand in his mouth and he was trying to get up and he suddenly puked "buehh.." *cough* *cough*

"Where are your confidence now kid? HAHAHA" said the big guy with a mocking face.

"Disgusting, and you dare to stay with the daughter of my master? I thought you could put up a fight because of your confidence but that's that?" Said disappointingly by the big guy.

"Ahhhh I'm so fucking bored, should I just kill you right now?"

Zach hearing it trembled a little bit, he knew no one would kill him in broad daylight, and this is a peaceful city where killing is not allowed. 'Who is this guy..? One of Nicole's simps..?' Zach has been trying to think who this person is, as he knows Nicole is popular in the school and outside the school as she was the daughter of the mayor.

'This guy is crazy, openly saying he will kill me in broad daylight where there's a lot of people walking' Zach sat up straight supporting himself in a wall nearby. He was just looking at the big guy while controlling his breath into a rhythm.

"Oh you're probably wondering who I am, I forgot to say, I'm her new fiance so I don't want any guy near her. Get it?" Smiling said by the big guy.

"Fiance ?" said Zach shockingly

"Yeah, any problem?"

"Yes I have a problem" Said Zach while looking at the big guy with dead eyes.

"Oh? I like those eyes, but what can you do? Huh!?" threatened by the big guy, "If you also don't know My name is Bryce Cruz, yes the Family name of the captain of the city, Nate Cruz my dad. So I don't really care what will happen to you HA HA HA" said Bryce confidently.

"so ..?" said Zach slowly with a neutral face.

"So?" Bryce with a confused face,"what do you mean so? Are you deaf"

"So..am I supposed to be scared? You said you are my girl..fiance, I never knew that…"

"Boy she was not your girl, watch your tone." Threatened Bryce with not so good face.

"Ha ha ha" Zach just laughed but his face never changed, it stayed neutral.

"That's it you're dead! Hold him for me and go to a hidden alley, now!" ordered Bryce, his 2 bodyguards holding Zach left and right, Zach tried to fight back and to no avail they just punched his stomach as he was not in full condition he couldn't do anything.

They then walk to a nearby hidden alley, Zach is trying to scream but his mouth is also being held.

They finally reached the alley and then threw Zach to the ground.*thud*

"Let's see if you can still talk back" *crack* Bryce cracked his hands as if warming up, his hands have a black glove now.

"Let's se-" Zach tried to speak but a fist hit his face. Then he got bombarded with fist.

Right downward punch, left downward punch, left elbow, right elbow, hammer fist. Repeatedly, as if Bryce is planning to deformed Zach's face.

He kept doing it "WAHAHHAHAH" he have a crazed face now while laughing "come on speak! Where is your confidence now!" while speaking he never stops bombarding Zach with attacks.

Zach's face is completely deformed now, his eyes are already closed. They're color violet now with how much hit it took. His lips are big now and with his mouth open there's no teeth available left, his nose is also broken in a zigzag form. With a lot of cuts in his face probably because of the vicious elbow that was thrown at him. He was already probably unconscious by the minute mark. It's already been 10 minutes since Bryce bombarded him with attacks.

"Y-young master I think that's enough"

"Hmm!?" Bryle looked at his bodyguard then said,"Why though? And I'm having fun right now. How dare you disturb me?"

"Not to disrespect the young master, but I think the guy might already be on the verge of death.." said the bodyguard with sweat on his face. 'I can't explain to the old master if you killed someone because he tried to confess to your fiance, he will definitely be angry' thought silently by the bodyguard.

"Oh? What's the problem then?" asked confused Bryce.

"I know the family head is a captain, but the young lady might search what happened to this guy if he suddenly died, And by the information yesterday they seem to get alo-"

"Stop! I know! That's why I'm angry, I haven't even talked properly with her but she's already easy going with this weak guy. That's why I'm upset"

"Tsk" Bryce clicked his tongue in anger then got up on his mount position.

"Let's go, with his face right now I don't think anyone would still like him HAHA, that made me feel good. Also he is weak, I guess I was angry for no reason, there's no way a strong lady like Lady Nicole would choose someone like him. She would rather choose me than this guy." They then walk away.

The other bodyguard that's been silent sent a final look at Zach then said in his thoughts 'what a poor young man, he was still young but decided to stand in my young master way, I guess he was 'the toad wants to eat swan meat' he then followed his young master.
