
Love and Fighting

Zach, at a young age was bullied everyday. Even tho they bullied him everyday his mother forbidden him from fighting back. Then one day something happened, something inside him awoken, something dangerous that must be hidden. But for Zach, like every guy he wants to be the best version of himself. But not just for himself but also for his love ones. Read how Zach fate ended up tragic but also exciting after a lifetime confession with his childhood crush Nicole.

Keith_Potato · Action
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Zach's POV

They picked me up, I tried to fight back but they just punched my stomach. It hurts so much, but I can't do anything. 'f*ck'

They suddenly threw me 'AH, f*cking bastards that hurt' I suddenly heard Bryce saying "Let's see if you can still talk back"

"Let's se-" I got hit in the face, and more is incoming.

'It hurts, it damn hurts.'

'Did he just f*cking elbowed me? That cut my eye. He should be careful of that.'

'I'm so pathetic I'm letting him beat the sh*t out of me.'

'I should fight back, Nicole probably doesn't know she's this guy's fiance, probably her parents planned it. This f*cking political people.'

'I'm her fiance? The f*ck is that? I wanna kill this guy so much..'

'Why am I even so weak? I'm feeling numb now, the pain it's not there anymore. But I know he is still hitting me.'

'Oh yeah I remember this happened back then too..'

'I should not resist and just let him beat me, yes, yes that's it'

'Sounds like a plan.. beat me to all your heart content, I don't care anymore.'

'Hmm? He finally stopped? Too bad I was already getting used to it.'

'Am I blind now? I can't even open my eyelid, hayss shaking my head.'

'Are they talking? Can't hear them, also don't care.'

'I can't feel anything, I think it's been a minute since he stopped hitting me. They probably already left.'

I tried to open my eyes but to no avail my eyelids won't respond to me. Heck I can't even move my body.

I then tried to open my mouth..*cough* *cough*..I coughed some blood but I can breathe normally now. I never became unconscious even with a lot of hits in my chin and in my temple, but I'm barely breathing.

I opened my mouth then said,"He really… messed me up so bad.." Even though I said that, I was calm.

"F*ck him.." suddenly all of the bruises on my face are healing up at a visible speed. The purple skin is slowly turning into pale white, not just the face but also the skin my whole body.

The cuts, the broken bone in my nose. They all healed up now, the once can't open eyes are now fine, the teeth that were not there are now back. The lips that are big are back to normal but with lips that are a little paler.

I slowly opened my eyes, they are colored cyan now. I Inhaled and exhaled, the air that was coming out of my mouth was visible like a cold smoke.

I feel better now and I also just noticed my neck length hair is now colored white. I slowly stand up.

"I guess I can't really hide my true nature huh."

"Well whatever it's not my fault anyway."

I was talking to myself while doing some basic stretches.

"To think I was blessed like others I still can't believe and still remember the day when it activated"

In this world of fighting people families have their own characteristic natural power, basically if you are born in a hot weather there might be a chance for you to have a heat related power or don't get any power at all and live like a normal being.

I also thought I was just a normal being because my Mother doesn't have any natural power, so I thought maybe I was like that too. But reality didn't disappoint me, I don't know what triggered them maybe because I was done being bullied, it was that time when the 3 bullies tried to pay back.

It just suddenly awoke, at the feeling of being powerless. My natural power came, and not just any natural power, I was blessed.

Being blessed in this world means you're a chosen one by the gods that gives power to the human beings. Being blessed is having a transformation form of your powers, having that transformation means you're worthy to wield it. It means your body and power is one, not just a body having a power that is compatible.

People with the age of 30-40 can achieve it, but some are born with it since birth, they are the blessed one, the chosen ones.

"I swear to myself to never use this again, with what happened to those bullies.."

"Nevermind, it's that guy's fault.."

"..Nicole's fiance? Hahahah"

"She's mine.." I said with a crazed eyes, it was not like my determined eyes, it was a different eye.

A possessive eye..

"How dare he..!" *bang* I yell while stomping on the ground, the ground slightly has cracks and a little ice on it.

5 inches near my body it's like snowing, snowflakes are falling and my breath is looking heavy.

"I'll kill him.."

"They can't make the marriage if he's dead right?" I was asking myself, I feel I'm crazy right now but I did not care.

"I watched my Nicole grew since I found out we're at the same high school..I keep up to her at the top to stay at the same class"

The me that was calm is gone. Zach currently looks like a madman if anyone sees him right now, a crazed man that doesn't care if anything happens.

"She's mine….she's just mine…I have a lot of plans for our time together..

How dare he come and ruin it!? That f*cking bastard.. I'm pissed..

I don't even have Nicole's number yet..."

"How dare he just announce that he's her fiance...I finally confessed my feelings to her..

"How dare he!.. How dare he! How dare he!" *bang* *bang* I kept stomping the floor while yelling I was being a madman, I know I should be calm but I didn't care.

I was now breathing heavily. The ground now cracks like a mirror. "That f*cking bastard…

"He's so dead to me…

With my heavy breath I said "Alright that is enough.. I have decided.... I will kill him"

Zach's blue eyes that supposedly look beautiful now have a murderous look. Zach then walked straight of the valley, looking like someone who will not give a thing about what will happen, even if the whole world explodes.
