
Love and Fighting

Zach, at a young age was bullied everyday. Even tho they bullied him everyday his mother forbidden him from fighting back. Then one day something happened, something inside him awoken, something dangerous that must be hidden. But for Zach, like every guy he wants to be the best version of himself. But not just for himself but also for his love ones. Read how Zach fate ended up tragic but also exciting after a lifetime confession with his childhood crush Nicole.

Keith_Potato · Action
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5 Chs

When it happened.

The sun finally rose, Zach who was still sleeping finally woke up. He sat upright while yawning. He checked the time and saw he still had 2 hours to prepare for school.

It's still 6am and class starts at 8am. He always wakes up early so he can do his morning jog. Washed his face, made some milk, and ate bread with jam on it. A normal breakfast, did some good 10 minute stretching then finally did his morning jog.

Zach is a healthy young man, he exercises his body daily. Never missing a single day, for Zach body workout and exercises is a must. Having a strong body for her future wife, he doesn't do this just because he was in the world of constant fighting but also because of Nicole.

It was one time, the time he could never forget. While jogging, Zach reminisced a memory.


It was during his 1st grade, he was still frail and fragile so he was always the one that got targeted for bullying.

He was weak, that's why he was bullied, for no deep reason, and being in the world of fighting he was so weak, that's just how the world is. The weak will get bullied by the strong, he already accepted that fact at that time even at such a young age.

The bullies would always ask him, 'why are you so weak?' 'why won't you fight back?' even some of his classmates who would defend him sometimes would say that. And gradually the classmates ignored him and made the bullying a normal occurrence.

'His letting them bully him, if not he would fight back' that's what he always hears from his classmates. But they don't know Zach had his reason, her mother who is taking care of him alone. His mom is a single mom, no clue where his dad is. His mom never told him what happened to his dad, but he doesn't care much about someone who is not there since he was a toddler.

His mom would always tell him, 'Don't make problems at school, and don't ever get into a fight' . Her mom would always remind him that 'violence is bad and something she hates'.

Her mom already embedded to his son's brain that fighting is bad and her mom would not like it. With that, Zach is always scared of fighting back and that's his reason he can never fight back.

One time on his way to school he got spotted by his 3 bullies, they asked him to give them his lunch and pocket money. He couldn't do anything, he was dragged to the nearby playground, they took his wallet and beat him down.

Kid Zach was crying while getting stomped. It finally stopped when he heard a small cute voice, "How dare you gang up on 1 guy, do you guys have any shame in you?" He looked over and saw a cute little girl.

"Huh? What business does it have to you little girl?" said the seemingly leader of the 3 bullies.

"Little girl…?

"Yeah litt-" the leader suddenly got kicked in the face, it was done by the little girl. A flying kick, by a little girl. After the leader fell on his butt the little girl mounted him and bombarded him with punches.

"Oi enough!" said the other bully, kicking the little girl, but before the kick reached the little girl, she grabbed the foot and pushed it, the bully fell. Now the little girl left the leader and mounted the other bully that fell and bombarded him with punches.

The other bully is already pissing himself. Kid Zach finally woke up from stupor of what's happening in front of him. "Ah ahh miss I think you should let them go now… I'm okay now.." said Zach shyly without making eye contact.

The little girl finally stopped, stood up and strongly said, "Alright! You three, you learned your lesson now, don't ever do it again!"

The 3 bullies finally run away while crying.

"T-thank you.."

"No problem, I was just teaching the bullies a lesson" said the little girl smugly.

Kid Zach looked at the strong little girl admirably. "B-but f-fighting is wrong…" said Zach while fidgeting.


"It's bad right.."

"Why is it bad if I'm using it to protect the weak?"

"Well.. because mom said it's bad?"

"You're weird, it's not bad. Everyone in my family knows how to fight"

"eh.. "

"Anyway! It is not bad at all! My family fights for honor and legacy. Fighting is the way of living, you're a man you should know that."

"Is it really not bad? I could fight back?" said Zach with shivering eyes.

"Yes you weirdo"

Zach suddenly burst out crying "uwahh uwah I can fight back"

"Weirdo why are you crying! Stop it, you're a man so you should be strong!"

"Hmm!" nod by Zach while trying to stop his tears he then looked at the little girl and asked.. "Yo-your name..? I'm Zach, Zach Frost."

"You stopped crying, I guess you're a man after all. My name is Nicole, Nicole Roasaile"

"Nicole… I will always remember this moment Nicole, thank you." said Zach with a bit of commitment in his eyes.

"Weirdo, don't call me by my first name right away.. " said Nicole with a tint of red in her cheeks. She got caught by surprise by the little guy's eyes, "..I like your eyes" she mumbled under her breath.

"Huh?" said Zach, having no clue what she mumbled.

"Nothing! Also I like strong guys so don't cry again! I need to go, byebye!" said Nicole, while running away.

"Nicole Roasaile…she's cute I think I like her…" Looking at the fading back with admiration. 'Strong guys huh..' thought Zach with burning passion in his eyes that will keep him remembering this moment.


Zach finally finished doing his morning jogs, he also did his workout routine which just consists of 100 sit-ups, 100 pushups, and 100 squats. He's been doing this since that time. At first he barely could do 2 push ups, now he can do a 100. Consistency is really the key to doing things.

Checking the time it was already 7:00am,he finally cooked some eggs, ate, washed himself, wore his uniform and finally got ready for school. As his school is just 10 minutes away he just walks, time check 7:45am.

Zach is wondering how he would contact Nicole when he forgot to ask her number, 'How stupid Zach, that's not like you hayss. I'll ask her number after school'

Zach while walking he heard someone yell at him nearby "Hey! Aren't you the one who confessed to Miss Nicole!?"

When Zach looked who it was he saw a burly man with 2 other people that dressed like a bodyguard. It was someone who looked like his age, Zach is taller but the man is bigger compared to Zach's lean physique.

