
Limitless Flame

A fan of Bleach finds themselves mysteriously reincarnated into the body of Yamamoto Shigekuni. A man so powerful, the author had to give his enemies plot armour. But this time our MC has a special gift. A small potion with the letters S/P Creation on it. Let's see some of the things that can happen if we remove the gentlemen's gloves.

Cedric_7512 · Cómic
Sin suficientes valoraciones
16 Chs

Time skip II

(3rd Person POV)

Time had passed again. It has been about 70 years in real time since Yamamoto fought his older version and destroyed it. Since then not a lot of things happened. Yamamoto kept training but wasn't having the best of times. He was alone in his immense strength and power. There was no one to challenge him yet, except Ichibe Hyosube. He wanted to do that right now but more on that later.

What did Yamamoto achieve over the years? Well, a lot actually. His [Monotony Resistance] skill was a very good investment he found out. It allowed him to constantly abuse the Instant Dungeon for more SP. But why did he do that? Well, he had a few plans. He might resist monotony, but that doesn't mean he isn't interested in fighting strong opponents. The ID helps, but he wants to see new things, experience other worlds and fight real people and monsters. So what did he do?

After defeating Old Man Yamamoto, he decided to fight him again after that. He kept at it until he was able to defeat the old man without even using his Shikai. First, he only used his Shikai and managed to increase the heat of his flames to over 1'000'000°C. The more he absorbed the ash of Zanka no Tachi: South, the more corpses he would be able to summon when he released his own Bankai. He kept fighting and after doing it for close to 1'000 times, he could cut through Zanka no Tachi: West with his Zanpakuto and kill the old man.

[For defeating Old Man Yamamoto: +10'000'000 SP]

[For defeating Old Man Yamamoto 1'000 times: +1'000'000]

[For breaking the limits of your Zanpakuto: +10'000'000SP]

He gained some SP for the work he put into the training. That was nice. Yamamoto stayed in the Time ID and whenever the time dilation would increase, he would use it to train inside it and gain more SP. After 600 years of training inside the Time ID, Yamamoto finally had enough SP to upgrade the skill [Shattered Limiter] to [Essence of the Blank], but he didn't do that. Right now he was in no need of that essence. So he chose something else that had the same price.

[SP generator: Rank B - 100'000'000'000 SP]

Now he doesn't earn only 4SP per second but 8. It was doubled again. Yamamoto knew that he could use this skill far better than the Essence of the Blank. If he waited to upgrade it to Rank A, he would have to wait close to 40'000 years. And that just wasn't something he was interested in. Although he knew that there were shortcuts and tricks to get there. But Yamamoto had other plans right now. He had long decided to not just stay here in Bleach for all this time, but travel around to different Universes. He had the perfect plan on how to do that.

The best option was to go for an Essence Skill. But the prices for most of these skills were the same as increasing the Rank of the SP generator from B to A. 10'000'000'000'000 SP. But that was worth it in the end. The Essences he thought of were the following.

1. Essence of the Home.

- This home has the capability to travel through the multiverse and can give you passage practically anywhere. It can insert itself into these places or simply open a portal for you to travel through. So that was cool.

2. Essence of the Nomad.

- This one is a cool one and made for those who like to travel the world, universe and multiverse.

- You can travel to alternate universes at will.

- Other living beings do not see you as a threat and will ignore you. This can be toggled. This is a cool thing since you won't be seen as an intruder.

3. Essence of the Journey.

- Using this power, you can journey to other locations on the same planet (ignoring water if you wish), time travel, travel to other worlds or even on to spaceships or stations, and of course alternate universes and dimensions.

- Your basic form of travel is simply focusing on travelling to a location and undergoing travel, this journey will quickly start to change into a surreal adventure.


These seemed to be the best choices for now. He didn't know any other Essences that allowed travel to other Universes or Multiverses. The only problem now was what was he going to do during the time he was here. He decided that since he would spend a lot of time in the Time ID there was a bloodline that would help him tremendously. And that was the Viltrumite bloodline. What he liked about them was their 'Smart Atoms' and the fact that they grew stronger with age. And he as a Shinigami was perfect for that.

Since he would live very long, especially with all of his skills, he thought that it would be smart to find a bloodline that allowed him to grow stronger with age. The Hanma bloodline also has this, but it's not on the same level as the Viltrumites. Yamamoto thought about the Orcs from Warhammer but decided against them since he didn't want to grow meaner and he enjoyed the overall abilities of the Viltrumite far better.

He didn't want to choose the Kryptonian bloodline, since that was just overused at this point. Another idea was the Asgardian from Marvel Comics. These guys had long lifespans but they increased their lifespans with the golden apples of Iduun, so it's hard to say. And then there was of course the Saiyans from Dragon Ball, but similar to Kryptonians, Yamamoto thought it was a bit overused.

So his choice was between Asguardians from Marvel Comics and Viltrumites from Image Comics. He settled for Viltrumites since the smart Atoms were interesting to him. He would eventually create the Essence of the Blank skill but only after he created the Essence skill for travelling.

[Viltrumite Bloodline: Rank N/A - 50'000'000SP]


Yamamoto also created another skill. [Previous Self Load: Rank D - 10'000'000'000SP]

This was a skill Yamamoto came up with that was not the same as a Game, where you reload at a specific point in time, but he could save and then reload his entire being. He wanted that skill because he thought that he might fight against Ichibe Hyosube. He wanted to see whether he could ignore his Zanpakuto or whether he would be affected by it. It was a very useful skill to have in case he would lose his true name.

Another skill Yamamoto created was [Copy immunity: Rank D - 10'000'000 SP] and [Power Absorption Immunity: Rank D - 100'000'000 SP]. These two were important if he really did travel to other worlds and universes. And since he didn't have enough SP at that point to create an Essence Skill, he chose to do something else after he dealt with Ichibe.

[Multiversal Quests: Rank D - 100'000'000'000 SP]

This skill did exactly what it said. It allowed him to go on quests across the multiverse in different worlds and then get some rewards. Yamamoto didn't create it just then, but he might do that after he creates the Essence skill.

The last thing Yamamoto did, was create a very useful skill. [Hybernation: Rank D - 100'000 SP]. He planned on spending some time inside the Instand Dungeon and wanted to do it without realising that time had passed. That way I can earn points and just skip all that time. It was a genius move.

Current SP: 9'560'678'400


That was 70 'Bleach' years ago. But since Yamamoto spent a lot of time in the Instant Dungeon with a time dilation, he has spent that time just sleeping. So he was now about 43'000 years old in total. After all that time, he had gained a lot of SP.

After 100 years of hibernation, Yamamoto reloaded the Time ID, because the dilation had increased again. During that time he earned 25'159'680'000 SP. The time dilation was now at 608:1. So he entered hibernation again for the rest of the time. 70 years in real time is equal to about 42'500 years inside the Time ID. So after spending that amount of time in hibernation, Yamamoto gained the necessary SP to create the Essence skill.

Current SP: 10'735'076'166'446 SP


That leads us to the current time. Yamamoto had to decide which Essence skill he wanted to create. But before he would do that, he had another idea. He was going to fight Ichibe Hyosube. He thought about it and thought that it might be a good idea. He wanted to fight the monk and deal with him. He could use that to stretch his limbs and have some fun. But he was already far too powerful for Ichibe. So to deal with that, he would use another skill he created.

[Power Toggle: Rank D - 600'000 SP]

This way he could turn certain powers off temporarily. He would use it to seal the physical strength he gained. He wanted to be as physically powerful as Ichibe was. The rest would stay. And just before he went to find Ichibe, he created the skill.

[Shattered Limiter: Rank N/A] -> [Essence of the Blank - Rank S - 100'000'000'000 SP]



(Yamamoto POV)

Getting Ichibe's attention is quite simple if I think about it. The man has a control problem. The world relies on the balance of souls. So if I disrupt that, I would get his attention quite easily. No one in this world is even close to my power, so when I begin to slaughter some Vasto Lorde, he will surely come to intervene. I do wonder what he'll do. I can feel the will to fight after all these years hibernating. I have gained some pride in my strength like the Old Man Yamamoto had.

He knew he was the strongest and that showed when his enemies had to seal his powers to win. That won't work with me. I will crush those youngsters when the time comes. But now I crave to see other worlds and fight different and powerful people.

I open a Senkaimon and leave Soul Society to get to Hueco Mundo. The time is still early. The Quincy haven't yet begun their conquest and war against the Hollows, so there are still quite a lot present. There should be much more Vasto Lorde than there were in the story.


I walk around for a while and finally get swarmed by Hollows. There are a lot of them. Most of them are weak. Only a few are Adjucas class. It seems they are still recovering from Ikomikidomoe. But my senses tell me the truth. There are quite a few powerful presences here. At least in terms of Hollows. I will wait here until they eventually come to me.

My presence alone seems to be enough to kill the weak Hollows.

"What is this? A Shinigami here? I wonder what you think you're doing killing all of my underlings.", a new arrival said. I don't turn around and just continue to sit in the sand. The Vasto Lorde circles around me trying to intimidate me. But he is wrong. He won't ever manage to do that.

"You're a peculiar one. Sitting here, not even looking at me. I will have to make this painful then won't I? Oh well."

"How pitiful you are. You can't even see that you are so weak, that you bark like the dog you are.", I say and stand up. I am not as tall as he is. But height does nothing in this fight.

"Come Hollow, show me whether you are worth a damn.", I taunt him and it seems to work. The dog-like Hollow begins to release his Reiatsu. In front of anyone else, this might have been intimidating. But in front of me? I didn't feel anything. I thought about causing some destruction to get the attention of more Hollows and eventually Ichibe.

I unsheath my Zanpakuto. Over the years I managed to turn it into a black blade. I imbue it with my Haoshoku and Busoshoku Haki. The power it holds begins to bend space. I pull it back and prepare to use the move that I wanted against Ikomikidomoe.

"Normal Series: ..."

The Vasto Lorde has finished powering up his Cero and a giant ball is in front of him. Then he lets it go and fires.

"... Normal Haki Slash"


The power of my slash was so powerful, that space itself seemed to be cut for a moment and the dimension trembled for a moment until it managed to repair itself with the Reishi in the air. The life in front of me for more than 50 km was extinguished. There was a giant crater where once sand was. Needless to say, the Vasto Lorde didn't survive this Haki-infused normal slash.


Poll on the Essence he should get.

- Essence of the Home

- Essence of the Nomad

- Essence of the Journey


Also, should the MC create the [Multiversal Quests: Rank D - 100'000'000'000 SP] skill?

- Yes

- No

If yes, create some quests for me. I am terribly bad at doing that.