Guy is thrown into Twilight but has no clue how he got there it was no wishes or meeting anyone but how come he still has a power.
They left Gringotts and got ready to head to Hogwarts where they would be meeting Dumbledore today to talk about Cory getting in, he didn't know if he would be sorted today though or wait until the start of the year. When they split up his dad took him to the ministry where they spent little time before flooing to the headmasters office at Hogwarts.
It didn't take long for them to be let in since he was expecting them, inside the room was like the movies a big office but it also seem like a library with all the books. Around the room there was moving portraits of the previous headmasters, they all looked at Cory and his dad when they showed up in the room all of them looking them over.
Cory saw Dumbledore at his desk looking them over his eyes going wide when he felt the magic coming off him and his dad but didn't say anything but thought everything over. Cory looked to the back and sitting on his perch was Fawkes who also looked at Cory, it flew over and landed on the arm that he had outstretched.
"Oh we should have brought Artemis she would have loved you, such a pretty bird you are." Cory cooed at Fawkes stroking his feathers.
'Well then next time you will have to bring this Artemis to meet me, seeing as you have such a pure but dark soul actually soothes me. It is the first time I have ever seen something like this but what I feel from you is amazing, two opposing forces light and dark.' Cory was stunned hearing the voice in his head and looked right into Fawkes eyes since this was the only thing that could be in his head at the moment.
'You are truly dark but also the light of everything it is amazing, though it is weird the light is suppressed at the moment but it looks to be breaking out soon.' Fawkes then rubbed his head against Cory before perching himself on his shoulder, he didn't want to leave Cory feeling so close to him.
Dumbledore saw that and even for him Fawkes rarely sat that close but to see him staying with Cory there must be something special about the boy, "So Mr. Travers or do you prefer Chase now?" Dumbledore asked moving his eyes to Richard who was sitting in front of him, when he tried to probe his mind he felt as though he would lose himself so he stopped.
"Chase is fine, and I would thank you not to root around in my mind like that again. Who knows if you will be sucked into something you don't like." His dad said with a playful smile.
"Well then, I got your letter about young mister Chase here. You are right that now that you are the lord to the house Travers," Dumbledore said with a quick look at the ring, "That he should be able to go here for his last year but before that he still needs to take his O.W.L's first before he can join the seventh year. Once we see where he stands it will let us place him the correct place, but for now if you two want he can take the sorting test."
Cory and his dad looked at each other, "It is up to you, this can be done at the beginning of the year or now either way nothing will effect where you end up." his dad said seeing him look at him.
"Then lets just do it now, not like it really matters it is only one year left then I will be gone." Cory shrugged, he was going to be loyal to his house but at the same time he didn't really care much about where he ended up they all were the same no matter their descriptions.
Dumbledore nodded and grabbed the hat placing it on his desk, Cory stood and picked it up before placing it on his head, 'Ahh tricky one here, this is interesting no advanced knowledge of magic but extremely smart, oh and also blocked memories no matter they won't effect this. So kid where do you want to go?' The sorting hat started when it was placed on his head.
'Well it doesn't matter we both know I will only be here for a year tops and while they are all great houses they haven't been at their peaks in years so who really cares.' Cory said to it, 'Also can you see my memories or something?'
'No that is wrong what I see is the surface that deals with magic which is why I know that you from the age of five and beyond until months ago knew nothing about magic. Well then seeing as you don't care then I will let you choose which house you want to be in but remember things aren't always what they seem in them.' The hat advised while letting him make the choice of where he wanted to go.
Cory thought about it but nodded when he made up his mind, 'Oh you want that are you sure..... well then better be' "Ravenclaw!!" the hat shouted out loud like it was doing a sorting in front of everyone in the great hall which made Cory laugh while his dad rolled his eyes.
"Well then Mr. Chase it seems that you now have your house for the year or how ever long you stay. Your head of house Professor Flitwick is currently away from the castle or I would call him here to meet you. Ahh well that should be it for now make sure you bring you OWLs anytime within these two months or you will need to start over at year one." Dumbledore gave Cory a grandfatherly smile while sending the two of them off.
Although reluctant Fawkes went back to his perch but told Cory that he would see him again when he came back to school in the fall. Going back to the Ministry they saw Rosalie, Artemis, and his mom waiting for them, Artemis was happily looking around the place not knowing what to stop at.
They walked over to them and told them what he needed to do, "Alright well let's do this then before we go back, me and your father will go sign you up for a month to do your OWLs why don't you go buy somethings you need and explore Diagon Alley. We will meet back up in an hour or two at the leaky cauldron."
Seeing that no one disagreed they split up again, Artemis took his left hand while taking Rosalie's right walking off into the distance. "So since we will be doing a lot of studying after this I think that is what we should focus on, let's go pick up some books that we need before we go anywhere else."
"Alright." Rosalie agreed, she felt the eyes of other men on her as she walked it was a lust full look, she ignored them all though an focused on the family outing they were having. It would be the last one for awhile.
They went to Flourish and Blotts first, the place was messy when they entered it was covered in books everywhere all out of place. Luckily since it just turned summer then it was easy for them to move around seeing as no one else was currently inside the shop.
Artemis was wide eyed looking at everything and Rosalie sent him to chase her around while she bought every book they offered from first year until seventh, she also bought ones not in those. Cory eventually caught Artemis who had stopped and read a book, "Daddy look this book is talking about Harry, Wow is he really this amazing?" She asked reading one of the many that were made about the boy.
"Sorry to disappoint you little moon but those are all false." he said taking the book from her and picking her up, they joined Rosalie who had bought the books putting them in her inventory making it look like it was going into the bag on her waist. "Well let's go get a cauldron and the rest before meeting back up with mom and dad."
They spent the next hour going around and buying everything they might need but also more since they weren't coming back here until it was time for him to take his test. While they went store to store he noticed both Rosalie and Artemis looking at Sugarplum's Sweet Shop, laughing a little he took Rosalie's hand and led them to the shop since they were done anyway.
Rosalie blushed seeing she was found out while Artemis eyes started to sparkle more and more the closer they got to the entrance of the door. Going inside he had to hold Artemis tight since she wanted to grab everything in sight he laughed at her, though he didn't stop Rosalie who went grabbing things by the handful.
Ever since she had gotten to eat food again they learned she had a sweet tooth, she would even add sugar to tea saying there wasn't enough, even Artemis avoided the tea she made. Artemis pointed while he grabbed what she wanted, Chocolate Frogs, Bertie Bott's Every Flavour Beans, Droobles Best Blowing Gum, Pumpkin Pastries etc.
They left thirty minutes later, Rosalie looked like a little kid while sucking on an Acid Pop the name not really making him want to try it out. He was not right to cause even though they were sweet they burnt a hole through her tongue but it healed just as fast making her not stop.
When Artemis tried to eat on too he quickly gave her a chocolate frog taking her attention away from the acid drops. Sighing he watched them like a hawk as they met up with his parents from there it was a quick Apparition then they were all at home.
"Well we got your name in to take the OWLs you have a month until you need to take them, you can also take the NEWTs too but that would cause you to miss this next year." His dad said everyone was standing in the living room, Sirius and Harry were also there, Artemis went right to Sirius to share her candy.
"Let's wait for that one then instead let's just focus on learning as much as we can also while teaching Rosalie as much as she can learn. Are you going to join us Harry." Cory asked everyone looked to him but it was Sirius who answered.
"Of course he is, he has spent to much time around that red head and got dumber so we are going to take care of that this summer. Plus no Godson of mine will not know how to woo a girl." Sirius stated proudly, Everyone laughed at his word while Harry looked sheepish.
So we are almost at 4th year, which means the Triwizard Tournament. Should Cory join? or just help out to those he is friends with?
Creation is hard, cheer me up!