
Future and Present

The day following the discovery of Lugh's remarkable ability, Lugh started using his ability more and more, until he was unable to do so. As a determined Lugh uses his new found ability, he seems to discover that there a rules and certain conditions needed for him to be able to use his ability.

"Hmm, seems I can't just say random stuff and expect it to work."

It seems this thing only activates if I'm aware I'm using it and takes a considerable amount of concentration. I guess it doesn't activate in situations like if im sleeping, doing normal activities or even thinking about it. That's a relief, I don't want to have a weird dream and see a demon or Shadow Monarch infront of me.


"Yes My King, how can I be of service."

"You seem quite, there a reason for that, your usually taking about my new abilityand how to use it?"

"Apologies my King, I was busy checking if there were effective ways to help you learn and master your new abilities"

"Last night while you were asleep I used one of my abilities called future sight, in order to look into the future and check what abilities you'll acquire or inherit"

"And also My Kin-"

"You're going way too fast Lilith could you slow down the pace"

"Apologies but I believe what I'm about to say may surprise or even scare you"

"Hmm, well out with it"

"While you were asleep I made a remarkable discovery, I found out that I was able to use your ability".


"You're saying you can use my ability?"

"Exactly my king, but I discovered that I was able to do more than conjure physical objects"

"So your saying that I'm not even the best at an ability specifically made for me, what a bummer"

"My King, after going through your memories, I have decided on a very efficient and effective way of mastering your ability"

"I some influence from the things in those novels you call a level system, though the difference being instead of acquiring new abilities this system will mostly focus on improving your ability, physique and mentality"

"Sighs, you know, I don't remember giving you permission to snoop around in my memories"

"This was necessary for me to create a suitable system for you my King, also in the worst case scenario of the system failing I cannot let u have access to all your abilities, instead I will give u the most powerful ability known as ..."

"So what your saying is that you have a system with every ability I have and will get in the future?"

"Yes My King, I used your ability to create the abilities you created or acquired on your own in the future"

"I'm sorry to say but inherited powers like Gifts and Blessings cannot be created at the present because it would result in the original owners not having the ability and may lead to a paradox in the abilities I made for you that are from the future"

"The current system is under progress and still needs some time to fully become active, until then I advise trying not to use your ability too much"

"Okay, I'll try"

"My King, I also need to inform you that I have a message for you from your future counterpart"

"WHAT!, why are you only telling me this now and how is it even possible, I thought you used future sight"

From what Lilith told me future sight is one of the abilities I should've gotten. It basically just allow you to look into the future, but that's not all what makes this ability overpowered is the fact that you can choose how far you want to see into the future with no limits, but it's not perfect

The user of the ability can look into the future without any restrictions or punishments, but if the user decides to tell anyone what they saw they could end up changing the future and other events, like if I were use that skill to look five years into the future and find out I get married to someone, if I were to approach that person and ask her to marry me earlier than it's suppose to happened, it may cause her to reject me and even prevent the children I should've had in the future.

In conclusion it's an ability that could end up saving or ending the world.

"Lilith but I thought you told me in the instant when future sight is activated your consciousness is projected into the future, how was he able to see and talk to you".

"My King I also do not have the answer to that question, and as you already know I can give you any specific information at the current moment but I can tell you this, the being I saw was on a completely different level from everything I have ever seen"

"That being only allowed me to look as far into the future as he wanted too."

"Okay, I think I got all the important stuff memorized. So can you tell me what the message was?"

"My King I shall now relay his exact words, 'Lilith I know your here regarding the system and can't talk back to me, so I'll try to keep it short, I need you to tell Lugh from the past as soon as he gets the full power of our ability mastered, he should erase every person on the planets memory of him, besides you and him. That is all, if he chooses not to head this warning he will be met with a despair greater than any being who has ever lived, even me. I hope he takes this too heart and never forgets, because I will be watching over him and if he gets strong enough I will appear before him and tell him anything he needs to know, also tell him to not even try to summon me because he will die."

I get it, but just in case.

"Lilith could you make a recording of anything you just said, and make a few rules and warnings based on what he said."

"My King, I am pleased to inform you that I have already taken the necessary precautions to make sure you don't endanger yourself."

That's good to know but I seem to get a suspicion that Lilith is not telling me something.

I guess I don't need to ask Lilith for most things, now that I know your watching.