
The journey begins

"My King the system is almost 95% complete, I estimate it would take 15 more hours until it is fully complete".

"How is it that it's gonna take so long when it only needs to go up by another 5% it doesn't make sense, would you explain it to me"

"My King, the first half of the process was building the structure of the system and all the basic functions. I used my future sight and your ability to make an sentient ability capable of finishing the rest of the system while I am here to assist you my king".

"That still doesn't explain why it's going to take that much time".

"My King, since it's only an ability it lacks the skills to find other ways to do tasks, therefore it simply restarts the process".

"Yo Lilith, can we call it a skill instead of a ability, because I'm having a hard time keeping up".

"As you wish My King".

"Lilith, since we're in a desert there aren't many threats here, so why don't you finish up the system while I go take a quick nap"

"How long do you think it's gonna take if you did it instead of that skill doing it".

"I estimate about two hours with my current skills, or thirty-five minutes if I use both of our skills and abilities".

"WHAAATT!, Why didn't you do that from the start!?"

"Apologies my King, I will start right away".

Honestly, she keeps rambling on about keeping me safe it's getting annoying.

So, the me from the future huh. I wonder what kind of person, and how powerful he is. I hope I get to meet him soon, but for now I'm gonna go take a nap.

"Lillith, wake me up when you're done okay".

"Yes, My king".

And so while the Lugh laid down on his not so comfortable bed, he began to think to himself about his new life and if he ever plans on returning to old man Eamon and Taryn. The more he thought, the less visible their faces became, and the more he forgot.

"Aahh!, phew, it was just a dream".

"But what exactly did I dream about again, what's happening to me!"

"Lillith, where are you!"

"My King, is something wrong?"

"I need you to use future sight on both of us, I need to talk to me from the future!"

That bastard, this has to be his doing because no one else i know can erase memories.

"My King, there seems to be a problem"

"Can you not reach him?"

"No, it's the opposite I can make contact with him, it appears that he wants me to find him, I have a bad feeling about this My King".

"I don't give a damn, take me to him now!"

"As you wish My King"

"Wisdom of the Heavenly Goddess: Duel future sight, sixty minutes"

"My King, we shall now be able to see the being from the future for only sixty minutes, if we spend even a second longer we will be trapped in the rift between time and space, unless He says otherwise".

"Spare me the details lets go"

"Woah, this feels weird, you still there Lilith?"

"Yes My King, although it seems he does not want me listening in on your conversation. I will now be taking my leave, My king".

"Yeah, I almost forgot you still need to finish the system".

"How nostalgic, seeing my weaker self really does take me back. I assume you figured it out haven't you".

As Lugh stared into a empty abyss of nothing frightened of what might happen to him in this place. Although Lugh never heard this voice it quickly became clear who that mysterious voice was, but that didn't matter, he could not turn back now.


"Silence you weakling, what right do you have to speak to my master like that".

A familiar voice said to Lugh, leaving a chill sensation down his spine.

"Lilith? I guess it does make sense that there is another Lilith here as well, but im not here to talk to you, I have business with this thing here".

"You have quite a attitude for someone so weak. Lilith could you leave us alone for a few minutes".

"As you wish My king"

Now that I'm alone with this future counterpart of me, we can finally talk for real.

"I assume you already know why I'm here right".

"Yes, and by the look of it you broke the loop, but we're still not safe from now on use telepathy to communicate. Don't worry I gave you the skill".

I'm sure this may be confusing to understand, but to know what is currently going on we need to go back in time to when Lilith first proposed the idea of the system. That was when lugh got a message from his future counterpart.

"Old man Eamon, I'm gonna go play with Taryn for a while Okay!"

"Don't do anything dangerous Lugh, there have been rumors of a wyvern up the northern mountains".

"Yeah yeah, don't worry, I'll be careful".

Are you having fun, Lugh.

"Weird, I just heard something, probably just the wind".

Oh no I'm real, well at real as this place is that is. Lugh we have some talking to do.

"Okay this is really creepy, show yourself"

I cant do that in my current state, but how about I make a dimensional rift for us.

"A dimensional rift, I heard Lilith say that word".

Good you remember that saves me a lot of time, I created this dimensional rift but I guess pocket dimension would be more accurate. Anyway I came to warn you about the future Lugh.

"The future? Are you some type of God or something".

Lets cut the smalltalk short. Lilith, your companion is going to betrya you.

"How do you know about Lilith?"

That's irrelevant just know in the near future she will tell you that she met with me, if she says I told you to erase everyone's memory of you she has been sealed and replaced by a copy of my Lilith

Don't stress too much I have everything under control. If that scenario does happen wait a few hours and tell her to take you to me and act like I took some of your memories. She will be forced to use a skill that I created for this possibility.

"Okay, understood".

Obedient, I like it, you can see the difference in our strength. I only hope it stays this way before I'm forced to kill Lilith with my own hands.