
The curse of life

As Lugh kept talking forward towards his goal of reaching his homeland, his confidence slowly disappears and he loses track of his original goal.Now, walking in an almost endless desert, Lugh slowly but surely starts to go insane.

On one faithful night as Lugh is resting near a rock, he faints, and just as he is about to die a bright light appears. As Lugh lays on the verge of death the stone merges with him making him go through a painstaking process lasting fifteen days and fifteen nights.

On the last day of the merging process Lugh finally wakes up and noticed something different about him. It appeared that during the process of merging with him Lugh aged fourteen years, due to the unknown power that he know possess. Eager to find out what happened to him, Lugh calls out to the stone.

A voice appeared in his thoughts asking him "Would you like to select male or female voice assist". Confused, Lugh replied saying female. "So, who are you and what do you want from me" a angrily Lugh asked.

"I am an ancient being tasked with the responsibility of protecting my masters and do as they wish", the female voice answered. "Okay that's great and all but where are you, what is your name and are saying I'm your master?"Lugh asked the mysterious voice.

"I come from a place that is known among you humans as hell and yes you are my master therefore you have the right to name me". "Wait what, I don't want to name you, I don't even know what are, for all I know you could try kill me"

As their pointless conversation went on Lugh finally gave the voice a name. "So, if you want a name I can give you one, just give me a second.....Ah! I got it from now on you'll be known as Lilith"

I heard that somewhere in a story book that Eamon read to me, hope she doesn't know that. I'm pretty bad with names

"So Lilith, can u tell me where I am and why I look so different". "We are currently in a dimension created by massive amounts of mana particles that are focused in a single point, creating a dimensional rift and pulling in any nearby living creatures in, and as for your second question, it appears that during the merging process the powers I bestow on my owners were canceled put, leading to an update in the system so you were gifted with a more suitable ability that works according your imagination, in other words your body couldn't handle the immense mana so your body was aged due to the healing factor that, that was once one of the powers the owners of the stone had."

I'm confused about all this mana talk powers, but if I'm hearing this correctly...no it can't be there's no way

"Lilith are you saying anything I imagine can become reality, or something along those lines". "Correct, though it may take some time for you and your body to get use to this new ability, even though it does not use any mana you now have the ability to become a God or more if you will it".

"No, this is absolute madness, this can't be true. This better not be some sick joke". "I assure you this is no trick, you Lugh have the potential to become the strongest creature in history".

"So what your say-"

Wait why did she say creature and not human or person, I'm starting to think she knows something I don't. Who cares right now, all I need to worry about is how to get out of here.


"Yes lord lugh"

"Drop the lord"

"Understood, Your majesty"

"It seems your going out of your way to try and piss me off".

What was that, I don't usually talk like that. Must be a side effect of that merging process Lilith talked about.

"So Lilith how do I use this new ability?"

"That is a question I cannot answer."

Wait what, I thought Lilith was the one who gave me these powers, it seems like Lilith is totally useless.

"Master Lugh, as you know we merged, meaning I can hear your thoughts".


"Why didn't u say anything, do you know how much energy I wasted talking, you could've mentioned this!"

"Apologies, it just seemed you were trying to concentrate, so I didn't want to disturb you."

Yeah sounds like a whole lot of excused to me me.

"Anyways, we spent the entire afternoon talking and I got almost no clue what I learned from it, I think I should get walking to a rock or something where I can find someplace where I actually have a decent chance of resting".

Hmm, weird even though I was awake all day I don't seem to be tired.

"Lilith can you tell me why that is".

"Since u spent the entire day awake and didn't focus on anything I assume you didn't get hungry or tired because your mind was clear and your focused on a single task, finding out about your newly acquired ability, and I think that was the first step to getting use to and manipulating this ability to your will"

In other words I think I got the hang of this power. Let me see if that's the case

"I now stand inside a giant palace with an invisible barrier protecting it from any and all things".



"Why didn't it work".

"Let's try with a more simple approach master"

"Okay, and since you want to be formal call me king instead".

"Understood, My King"

Okay here we go.

"There is a small tent infront of me with a bed and lots of food"

Well damn, that was quick, I was expecting a delay but this is instant. We'll I guess that's it for now and I'm starting to get a little tired so I'll go take a nap.


"Yes My King"

"Can you tell what is going on in my surroundings?"

"My King I do not possess that skill".

"What a pain-"

"Wait, LILITH!, can I use my ability to give you that skill?"

"My King, although that would be beneficial for us both, you also do not have the necessary experience using your powers to do such advanced and complicated things".

"I guess not".

From what I know I can only make physical objects at this stage. Well I'm tired right now so I guess I'll go and sleep.

As the tired Lugh went to sleep, his mind drifted into a state of neither death nor life. Unaware a recently young Lugh finds himself dreaming of a place he used to call home and the people he used to adore.

This took way longer than I expected.

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