
Last Luna

Belladonna is the last werewolf on earth, thanks to a freak event where a wolf was spotted man kind armed up and hunted werewolves down. On the run for the past two years Bella met a man also in the run from the law named Nicolas and starts to trust him, but she gets grabbed by a criminal organization not for the massive bounty in her head, but Tony, the mob boss, wants to use her as a means of negotiation, a tool to threat his opposition, in return Tony offered her protection, a warm bed, and her days or running was over. Nicolas in the meantime still tried to rescue her and met a man named Deno, who was sent by his siblings to kill Bella but he instead decided to protect her and told Nicolas he's actually a vampire and one of four lords that has no weakness accept for the bite of a werewolf. Anastasia Le Blanc, the vampire countess wants Bella dead at all costs. the last of their eternal rivals being alive holds back a grim plan they have for man kind. It is up to Deno and Nicolas to help Bella become a Luna, the fabled female alpha spoken of only in legend now. But can Bella become a Luna without a pack? Will she be brave enough to face the vampire lords? Or will she stand back and allow the vampires to have their way with man kind? Humans have hunted her down and caused her nothing but agony...

SaberTrueno86 · Fantasía
Sin suficientes valoraciones
231 Chs

I'm here for the wolf

"We're making good time, just a few more miles and we'll be crossing the border to Italy" Nicolas said drawing into the parking of a shop.

"I hope it will go smoothly" she said ducking again.

"Don't worry, we won't use a conventional crossing, that's why I chose the pickup, easier to just go off road and use some alternate routes, I'll be right back" he said getting out.

Bella watched him enter the shop then sighed sitting back and brushed over the healing wounds on the side of her face, there where the hair burnt off they were growing back but white as usual.

She dug in her bag and checked the two last boxes of hair dye, one brown the other black, she forgot all about the fact that she needed more, maybe Nicolas could get her some? Or she should just wait until they cross over into Italy.

Her door suddenly flew open and she shrieked, the man pointed a shotgun to her face and demanded "Get out!"

Bella lifted her hands "Oh, okay!" She said obeying.

The man prodded her back with the muzzle and shoved her in a van, inside two more men sat with weapons aimed at her, the shotgun wielder slammed the sliding door shut and they left.

"One move wolf and we blow your brains out, either way we'll get paid" the initial man said.

She nodded feeling her eyes tear up, where did she make the mistake!? How did they find her?

She remained quiet sobbing under breath but one of the three with her grunted "Oh spare us the tears, you're a werewolf!"

"Yes, I'm a monster right? You're all probably so afraid of me" she said and wiped her face.

"Not as you are now, you're lucky we're after the money puppy girl otherwise we'd first spread your legs"

She was shocked, more and more the darker side of man kind is revealed to her, and here she thought she would be frightening to witness on a full moon? Its clear she has a lot to learn about the evil in this world.

The man driving the van drew into an abandoned yard where large run down warehouse buildings stood long forgotten, they ushered her out of the vehicle and into a building where they proceeded to tie her down with chains, not once did the muzzles of the firearms leave her.

"Good girl, now stay put" shotgun said.

"What do you want from me!? If it was money why not just phone the police?"

"Ah yes we could have, you see the legal way of dealing with you is to hand you over, but, you probably never heard of underground trade have you?"

"N... No?"

"There are men out there willing to pay two million for your live capture, of course you must be handed over without the authorities knowing, two million, that's a lot more than the cops will give, and we settled for that" he said lifting a phone to his ear.

"Yes, we have the wolf, east warehouse district, the large abandoned one"


Nicolas hid behind a container watching the building, he was just about to leave the shop when he saw them throw Bella into a van, now though he thought about rather leaving her, she's a friend yes, but caught, Nicolas had his shotgun with him but what chance does he stand against a few armed men?

He stood back brushing his mouth, this was a gamble, one he couldn't afford to take, but then a hand patted his shoulder and he grabbed his own lips in an attempt not to let his scream of surprise slip.

The large man stood behind him with a broad smile on his face, but held a finger to his lips "You must be Nicolai?" He said and extended his hand for a greet "The name's Deno"

Nicolas frowned looking at his hand then up at him again.

"Not much of a greeter I see, well, I came for the wolf, where is she?"

"You're too late you bastard, she's already taken"

Deno frowned "Taken? Didn't you so carefully look after her?"

"She got snatched! What do you want with her anyway!? Also after the money you swine!?"

Deno turned and held a hand to the Lamborghini parked just behind his pickup "Does it look like I need the bounty on her head?"

"Th... Then?"

"I'm here to help save her of course, now where is she?"

Nicolas peeked around the container and pointed "Four or five armed men has her in there"

Deno summed the place up, scanned the yard, the tallness of the roofs "Hm, black market trade, I see what's going on here"

"What do you mean black market?"

"Its the easiest cash in you can get these days, just report her to the police and bag the cash, easier than winning the lottery, now this scene here is clearly someone who's more greedy than the devil himself" Deno said drawing Nicolas back in behind the container when a limousine and two SUV's drew up next to the van.

"Who's that?" Nicolas asked.

"I'll take one guess, the mob"

Nicolas looked at him "Mob?"

"Who else would look that scaly, its obvious Nicolai"

"Its Nicolas by the way"

"Nicolai fits you better, you look like a Nicolai kind of guy"

"Its Nicolas...!" He said loudly but ducked at the shots firing in the warehouse, Nicolas looked back around the container and saw the men drag Bella to the limousine then left the yard.

"Yes, it is clear now" Deno said "They wanted the girl but didn't want to pay, such joy being above the law isn't it?"

"They are not above the law!"

"Oh, but its clear they don't mind killing someone to save some money"

Nicolas scoffed and watched the convoy leave, but behind him Deno was already heading to his car "Hey!? Where are you going!?"

Deno stopped holding his hands wide "To follow them of course?" He said and opened his door.

"Wait, let's take my truck, its a little less conspicuous than the Lambo" Nicolas said running up to the vehicles.

"I'm not leaving this here!?" Deno said pointing at his car

"We'll come back for it later! Just hop in!"

Deno sighed and climbed in with him, Nicolas planted the gas and set off after the convoy, still thinking of a way he could bail Bella out, but now though, being in the hands of a mob, it made things a lot more difficult.

He looked over at Deno smiling as he sat watching the convoy ahead of him, the large man seemed not to have a scared hair on his back for this mob, he was so cheerful.

"My goodness what a bounty" Deno said and Nicolas blinked seeing him lift Bella's half drunken bottle of vodka "Mind if I take some?"

"Oh, well sure, but don't you think we should focus on getting Belladonna out first?"

Deno lowered the bottle gasping after his drink "Belladonna? So that's her name? How magnificent, did you know that name belongs to Rome's goddess of war?"

"I don't care if its the goddess of lavatories! Do you have a plan to help her?"

Deno smiled and lifted the bottle "I do, and it involves no one getting hurt, so just relax Nicolai, I'll handle the mob, all you need to do is keep following them"

Nicolas frowned watching Deno continue drinking that vodka as if the world will end tomorrow, something about him didn't sit right, he himself might even be such a mob boss.