
Last Luna

Belladonna is the last werewolf on earth, thanks to a freak event where a wolf was spotted man kind armed up and hunted werewolves down. On the run for the past two years Bella met a man also in the run from the law named Nicolas and starts to trust him, but she gets grabbed by a criminal organization not for the massive bounty in her head, but Tony, the mob boss, wants to use her as a means of negotiation, a tool to threat his opposition, in return Tony offered her protection, a warm bed, and her days or running was over. Nicolas in the meantime still tried to rescue her and met a man named Deno, who was sent by his siblings to kill Bella but he instead decided to protect her and told Nicolas he's actually a vampire and one of four lords that has no weakness accept for the bite of a werewolf. Anastasia Le Blanc, the vampire countess wants Bella dead at all costs. the last of their eternal rivals being alive holds back a grim plan they have for man kind. It is up to Deno and Nicolas to help Bella become a Luna, the fabled female alpha spoken of only in legend now. But can Bella become a Luna without a pack? Will she be brave enough to face the vampire lords? Or will she stand back and allow the vampires to have their way with man kind? Humans have hunted her down and caused her nothing but agony...

SaberTrueno86 · Fantasy
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231 Chs

Its the boogie man

Belladonna found herself in an environment she never knew of, the darkest pits of what man had to offer, if life had to continue as it did many years back she would guaranteed not to have ended up here, but now, seeing the women walking around, some topless, some barely with a shred of clothes, men with large firearms, she felt it some sort of nightmare.

The very lighting of the hall they passed made her stomach bubble, not of excitement, the green hue reminded her of vomiting, the smell of a strange smoke pungent in her nose, here and there she spotted a man or woman dragging on that cigarette, but it didn't seem to have a filter, is that marijuana?

The men in front of her pushed a door open and a relieving bloom of soft bright light made her blink, though the pungent smoke was still hanging she at least got away from that green Hell.

A posh office lounge, men still with rifles stood around but women on sofas drinking and smoking, their eyes came to Bella as soon as the doors closed upon her entry.

Behind a large table sat the fattest man she has ever seen, a tux, more a suit, grey and clearly custom made to fit his frame sat snugly on his humongous upper body, Bella felt sorry for that chair, in his chest pocket a red handkerchief, in his mouth a fitting fat cigar longer than his bald head.

"Ah, so you have arrived" his struggling to cope with the calorie throat produced words that made Bella flinch.

"Don't be afraid werewolf, I promise you here you are safe from the world" he said and rose from his seat, she heard the breath of joy that chair gave through its creeks, the sponge heaving finally happy that bulk of flesh left its agonising sit.

"Wh... Where am I?" She dared ask.

"This is the Latione compound, and I'm Tony Latione, the boss, I saw on television how you saved that baby..." He said and his puffy hand came to his chest "I was touched"

"But, if you said I'm safe? Why hold guns to me? And tie me up?" She asked.

"Its a precaution dear, you are still a werewolf, do you deny?"


"Then, no one will bring a blade to you, no one will throw you in a zoo where the world can laugh at you, no, become settled here, find peace here, and I will offer a world of protection"

She frowned "Are you, some sort of gang?"

"Yes, a criminal organization"

She couldn't help slip a laugh "Wow, I really am safe then, what better place to hide than between men wanted by the law?"

Tony smiled "Right?"

She realized it was similar to Nicolas' idea of in plain site, this might actually work "I... I can't believe I'm going to say this"

Tony puffed at his cigar and rose his eyebrows.

"I'll stay, please I'm so tired of running! Promise me I'll be safe and you don't even have to cuff me!"

He smiled "As I said, you are safe, you were safe the moment you stepped into my building"

She lifted her hands "Then un-cuff me, I thank you greatly, I don't want to run! If the police treats me like a criminal, the world see me as a monster, but you see me as just any other person, I will be here, I won't go anywhere"

Tony smiled nodding at his men, they carefully came round and cut the cable ties around her wrists, she rubbed them and a smile came to her face "Thank you"

"Now I promise you're not in a jail, you will have your own room, and your own servant to serve you food..." Tony lifted a glass "Drink?"

She nodded coming over to him "That would be nice"

Tony poured a glass and slid it over the table to her "Now in return, you will become part of my family, but that requires you do some jobs for me"

Her smile stretched wide on her face "You're even offering me a job!?"

Tony blinked "Uh, well yes"

"Then I accept!" She said cheerfully.

Tony bellowed with laughter lifting his glass "Cheers to that!"

She leaned over and they clinked the glasses together.

"But just to be clear little wolf"

"You can call me Belladonna"

"Ah, Belladonna, its going to be crime related jobs, collecting some dept to be exact"

"Collecting dept?" She asked.

"Yes, I don't want you to kill people, all I want you to do is threaten them a little, shake them up, and you being who you are is the perfect candidate for the job"

Her smile fell "You, want me to scare people by telling them I'm a wolf?"

"Yes..." Tony said placing his glass down "I'll be honest with you my dear, when I heard you saved a baby, I saw you had compassion, but when I heard that runt Oliver phone me to say he has you, I realized that no matter where you go, or what you do, to the world you will always remain a wolf"

Bella realized he was right, so much for being heroic, she looked up to Tony and lifted her glass again "Well if they want to fear me, then let me use the fear in return for a soft space to sleep in..."

Tony smiled and lifted his glass "Granted my dear"


Deno tucked at his collar and looked at Nicolas "Right, all you do is stay behind me, don't shoot or anything, I bet you there is a hooker or two in there that doesn't deserve a stray bullet"

"What are you up to?" Nicolas asked next to him.

"I'm going in of course, to get the wolf out"


Deno smiled "Bella, you gave her a nickname? How sweet" he said and headed to the doors where the two men stood guard.

The back allies of that particular part of town was a little no go zone for your average person, Nicolas has found himself in similar environments many times before, only now he didn't think he'd ever dare tread here again.

The darkness surrounding this half of the world helped none, even darker shadows made this alleyway a looming place for all the scum in the criminal underworld, yet Deno walked like he belonged, a dark prince fearing nothing, his leather coat making him seem like death itself stalking its next unlucky victim.

"Stop right there bozo, what's your business?" One man said lifting his jacket to expose the holstered handgun.

"Dear me is that a gun!?" Deno asked, Nicolas frowned to the man, unsure if that was for real or a brass balled bluff.

"It is you idiot! Now fuck off or I'll show you how real the bullets are as well!"

Deno lifted his hands "Very well, no need to get your panties in a knot my dear man, I'm here to see your boss"

"No one sees the boss without him wanting to see you!"

"Oh! Then how might I get his attention?"

The two men looked at each other then back to him "Fuck off ye lunatic!"

Deno shrugged and turned away, but then he lifted a finger and turned back "Wait, what if his two gate guards were asleep at the job? Is that a legitimate reason for him to come out?"

"No! You're testing us now asshole!"

"What about everyone...?" Deno said slowly.


"What if his entire building was to fall asleep?"

The men grunted giving each other an agreeing nod then went for their firearms.

"Okay look we'll go!" Nicolas said but in a blur Deno had both their heads and made the two craniums crash into each other, the men went down instantly.

Deno looked at Nicolas "Deary me, it seems they fell asleep at the job"

Nicolas swallowed "Uh, yeah"

"Oh well, let us be on our way then" he said and pushed the doors open, inside the two interior guards wanted to make an uprise but Deno had them knocked out in a blink as well.

More men came and Nicolas stood flabbergasted at Deno swiftly taking them all out, when the eighth man hit the floor another came out with a silenced pistol and fired, Deno froze looking at the man, then turned to look behind him.

"You...?" He turned to the man again "Did you miss?"

The man looked at his pistol then shot again, yet Deno still stood, he looked back at Nicolas frowning.

"You want to tell me? What kind of mob boss hands his men blanks!?" Deno said walking to him, he wanted to fire again but in another swift move Deno knocked him out as well.

"This is so much fun! I have forgotten the pleasures of a good fight! My deepest thanks young Belladonna!" Deno said effortlessly beating more men senseless as they proceeded down the hall, the last man at the door got a knockout blow but Deno held him up, turned him to the door, then banged the door three times using the man's head.

"Who's there!?" A call came through.

"Its the boogieman–!" Deno said and laughed menacingly.