
Knight of the Rabbit Goddess

An 81-year-old man passes away after living the life of a NEET. The strange thing about him is the unhealthy Obeseion he had with Kaguya from Naruto. Now he has the chance to serve his Supreme Goddess.

Ultimate_Gambler · Cómic
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2 Chs

Universe travels

"Who are you." Kaguya floats up to Netero

"My name is Netero Ōtsutsuki I desire to become your personal sword and warrior Kaguya-sama." He says and surprise is visible on her face.

"What if you betray me like my sons." Kaguya narrowed her eyes.

"I would never think of it my Goddess I have dedicated my life to you and now that I'm able to serve you I wouldn't dare betray you Kaguya-sama." Netero replied.

"Besides you need someone better than that trash over there that can't even stop some children from fighting you." Netero glared at Black Zetsu.

She cups Netero's face with both hands and smiles a genuine smile. She could tell he wasn't lying and was happy to finally have someone on her side.

"Mother don't trust this filth." Black Zetsu screamed.

"You bastard you couldn't even protect Kaguya-sama you don't deserve to be by her side." Netero's glare became more intense.

"Kaguya-sama stand back allow me to handle these pest." Netero turned back towards the regrouped team 7.

[With Team 7]

"Who is that guy he comes out of nowhere with the same name as Kaguya and Super gramps." Naruto said still holding his chest from Netero's previous attacks.

"I don't know but that thing behind him is insanely strong." Sakura said limping forward.

Sasuke and Kakashi stayed silent and watched as Netero came towards them.

"If you all confess to your sins I will give you a painless death." Netero shouts.

"What sins we haven't done anything you bastard." Naruto yelled back.

"You have committed the worst sin of them all YOU LAID YOUR HANDS UPON KAGUYA-SAMA!" Netero's conquerors haki blasted out making it hard for Naruto and Sasuke to stand while Kakashi and Sakura were pushed to the ground.

'Dammit every time I catch up to everyone there's also some else stronger I HAVE HAD ENOUGH.' Sakura screams and charges Netero.

'Oh she pushed my conquerors haki back.' "1st hand." Netero hands move into a prayer then he puts his right hand up and swings it down with a chop.

Netero's hands moved so fast it seems as though he hasn't moved at all. A giant golden hand came down with a chop towards Sakura.

"CHAAAA—-AARGH....BOOOM!" Sakura tried to fight back against the hand but was completely crushed instead.

"Sakura!" Naruto charged forward only to be sent flying by a side ways chop.

"Susanoo." Sasuke was engulfed by a massive purple avatar.

"Hahahaha you think that thing can stand up to me." Netero hands go into a prayer.

"Ha!" Sasuke's Susanoo slashes downwards with its sword.

Two hands caught the sword while 2 more shot towards the Susanoo's chest. "Argh!" The hands destroyed the armor and smashed Sasuke threw the back.

"Sage Art: Super Tailed Beast Rasen-Shuriken!" Naruto and his clone launched multi tailed beast rasen Shurikens at Netero.

Putting his hands into a prayer Netero formed a 96 with his hands. "96th hand." 50 hands went next to each other creating a massive wall of hands Blocking Naruto's attack.

"Dammit that didn't work either." Naruto click his teeth.

Kakashi and Sakura nodded towards each other and Sakura started running then leap up towards Netero. Netero's Statue sent chop towards Sakura as she pulled her fist back.

"Kamui." Sakura was teleported right infront of Netero's face. "CHAAAA!" Sending her fist out she smirked only to become surprised when Netero's body became covered in a hard golden surface.

Still stunned Sakura couldn't move as a Golden hand smacked her sending her flying into the ground. Coughing up blood Sakura got up holding an arm that was completely crushed.

'She thought a weak attack like that could break through my golden armament haki.' Netero smirked

"How dare you do that to Sakura." Naruto yelled.

"You will die here." Sasuke glared.

"You are mere children that don't know their place." Netero threw his hands out then brought them together in a prayer.

"HAAAAAAAA"! They all screamed

-30 minutes later-

Naruto was imbedded into the ground and bleeding profusely. Sakura was crying as she watched Sasuke get launched back to them.

"Guys I have a plan but I need you to give me all your chakra." Kakashi said

"Why." Sakura asked still holding your crushed arm.

"We can't beat them the only way is to send them to a dimension so far away they can't come back." He replied.

Nodding they all put their hands on Kakashi back and transferred their chakra.

'So they finally going to do it I actually want to go to a different dimension this Naruto one is boring but I should leave them a little gift.

Netero rises up and clasps his hands together then puts his left hand out and two with his right. "25th hand." The golden statue eyes start to glow purple.

"Kamui." Kakashi pushes all the chakra into his eyes and a portal starts to suck in Kaguya and Netero.

"Hahaha here's a little gift from me to you." Netero and Kaguya get sucked in along with the Statue but before it disappeared 2 jade beams blasts from its eyes at insane speeds.

"No wait take me with you." Black zetsu screamed as he watched them disappear.

"I can't put up the cloak I have no chakra." Naruto screams.

"Run!" Sakura tries to run but gets blasted by one of the beams. The beam tears through her stomach and destroys her entire lower body.

"SAKURA!" Naruto ran towards her forgetting about the other beam.

Kakashi saw this and pushed Naruto out of the way and got hit by the beam destroying his entire body.

"Kakashi-Sensei....Sakura." Naruto fell to his knees and tears started pouring down.

Sasuke stared in disbelief. "Naruto there's nothing we could have do——." The beams collided and formed into a massive ball before exploding out engulfing Naruto, Sasuke, and Black Zetsu."

[In a forest of a random Demension]

"I'm sorry I couldn't finished them off before they casted this on us Kaguya-sama." He bowed.

"It is alright Netero." Kaguya said.

"Kaguya-sama may I become your sword and shield and help bring you to the top of the universe." Netero said kneeling.

"You may." Kaguya smiled.