
Knight of the Rabbit Goddess

An 81-year-old man passes away after living the life of a NEET. The strange thing about him is the unhealthy Obeseion he had with Kaguya from Naruto. Now he has the chance to serve his Supreme Goddess.

Ultimate_Gambler · Anime & Comics
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2 Chs


-MC 18 years old-

He was sitting in front of a tv watching Black Zetsu kill madara.

"Naruto and Sasuke why are you guys just standing their do something don't let him complete his goal."

"Eww what the fuck is that." He stops as he is awed by the beauty of Kaguya.

"My Goddess!" He drops to his knees and smiles.

Pausing the screen on a close up of her face he stares at the screen slowly pulling down his underwear and starts masterbating hard. "UGH KAGUYA UGH KAGUYA KAGUYA-SAMA!!!!"

-1 week later-

"Naruto touch my Goddess again and I swear I'll rip your inside out. Sasuke I'll murder your clan again how dare you do that to her. Sakura not going to lie you really haven't done shit to her but I still hate you, you useless bitch!" He screams at the tv screen.

He shuts his eyes and takes a deep breath as team 7 seals Kaguya. "GOD FUCKING DAMMIT!" Screaming he punches the wall then picks up a chair slams it on the ground.

After 10 minutes he falls against the wall breathing heavy looking around at his destroyed apartment he thinks of Kaguya and cries.

-MC 81 years old-

"It seems my time has come cough cough." He says kissing everyone of his 100 Kaguya statue figures and mini figures then goes to his Kaguya posters, body pillows, and covers kissing them too.

"Goodbye my Goddess." He closes his eyes.


"Hello there." A voice booms

"Huh what where am I." MC asks

"The Void it sensed your desire to meet this Kaguya and decided to bring you here."

"Does that mean I can meet her."

"You shall be reincarnated with 5 wishes."

"Thank you so much. For wish 1 I want to have all my powers, abilities, and skills to be 10 times better including strength, speed, and performance.

"Hmm okay."

"For wish 2 I want the powers and experience of Issac Netero."


"For wish 3 I want all types of haki."


"For wish 4 I want to sent to the Naruto world."

"👌I'll even throw in a random Kekkai genkai."

"For wish 5 I want the Golden Byakugan."

"Very well. Here you can make your appearance after that I will send you into a training room of sorts in the void." The voice said.

"Hmm okay I have to look good for my Goddess so let's do some of this and some of that."

-30 minutes later-

The MC made his body 6'3 slim muscular and tanned skin with dark blue hair and golden byakugan eyes. His face was sharp and handsome and he wore a dark blue imperial suit with gold linings and black dress shoes.

"I'm done."

"Good now here is the portal to the training room."

"Ok bye."

Walking into the portal he sees many different equipment and clones of himself. He immediately starts to train himself.

For the 5 years he focused purely on his body making it extraordinarily strong. After that he spent 5 years mastering his kekkei Genkai the boil release and all three types of haki.

After that he trained his Nen abilities and golden byakugan 10 more years he trained before he felt he was ready.

"I'm ready."

"Alright oh you are much stronger. What time do you want to be sent in." the voice boomed

"Drop me in when right before Kaguya-sama is sealed during the Final fight."

"Very well have a good life."

"I will thank you for everything."

Suddenly he falls through a portal and sees a finials dimension. Seeing Kaguya about to get hit by Sakura he moves his hands into a prayer.

"100 type Guanyin Bodhisattva." He shouts and his eyes glow golden.

[With Kaguya and Team 7]

"Don't forget about me we're both women so don't mock— ARGHHHH!" Before Sakura could land a hit a giant golden hand sent a horizontal chop into her sending her flying in pain.

"Sakura!" Naruto screamed as he watched her hit the ground creating a crater.

"Naruto focus we need to finish this and find out what that was." Sasuke yelled.

2 more golden hands came from the sky smacking Naruto and Sasuke into the ground at incredible speed. Although Sasuke used Sussano and Naruto used his nine tails cloak they couldn't block the palms and were crushed into the ground.

Coughing up blood Naruto gets back up and glares towards the sky to find his attacker. He spots a man sitting crisscross in the air with his hand in prayer floating down. Behind him was a massive golden construct with at least 100 hands.

"You bastard who the hell are you." Naruto growled

"I am the sword that slays whatever my Goddess wants me too, I am the knight that will keep her at the top of the world, I am Netero Ōtsutsuki." His golden Byakugan beared down on them.