
A Feast

It was strange kind of darkness. I was submerged in it and couldn't feel anything. Is this what death fills like, is this what momma felt? In our religion, it is believed that if you follow a righteous path and believe in the Twin Stars, you will be in the stars amongst them. If you follow a dark path and fall of the faith, then you will be thrown into the endless abyss, where you'll be tortured an large amount of ways. I'm starting to feel something, it's soft and kind of scratchy.

"mmph," I grunt and move around.

Apparently, I'm on a bed and it feels so nice. I open my eyes and see an unfamiliar roof. I look around and notice I'm in a tent. I try to get up but a sharp pain passes through my body. The clothes I was wearing was way better than the tattered rags I was wearing before. Looking down, I notice a band wrapped around my belly. At the end of the bed I'm on, is a man sleeping on a chair. My movement must have roused him because he soon wakes up.

"Hey there boy. You had quite the scare there." He moves to check on me. "You were lucky, if the arrow had hit even a tiny bit more upward, you wouldn't be sitting here."

I look at him dumbfounded and confused. He checks my wrist and neck.

"Open your mouth and stick out your tongue."

I comply and he sticks something onto my tongue. He holds it there for a second. He moves the desk to right of me and pulls out a bottle with purple liquid in it.

"Drink this. It should help the healing process. It should also be able to help you stand and walk."

The liquid tasted funny but caused a warm feeling in my stomach. The pain soon fades momentarily and I am able to move better. What was this stuff? I get off the bed and touch the cold ground with bare feet.

I tell the doctor, "Thank you for saving me."

He responds, "I'm not the person who saved you. Are you able to come outside with me. There is someone who wishes to meet you."

I nod and he grabs some shoes and helps me put them on. We walk outside and I realize I am in an encampment. There were soldiers walking everywhere and they seemed to be in bright moods. The doctor walks with me and greets some of soldiers along the way. He brings me to this large tent in the middle and opens the curtain. A man with blond hair and a blonde beard is standing up and looking at a map. His gaze was intense while staring at it.

The doctor clears his throat, "General DragonSlayer, I have brought the guess."

The General jumps and looks up at us, "Whew! You really startled me just now. Good job Doc."

This was the man who was fighting the Bandit King. He was wearing plain clothes with no sign of his armor anywhere. I did notice that he had a necklace on with the shape of a dragon on it.

DragonSlayer smiles, "Is this the kid survived that maelstrom of arrows? He looks no worse for wear. You truly are the best field doc in all of Asilla."

He walks over and smacks the doc's shoulder then hugs him. He then turns to me and start inspecting my look. It took him a short while and he grunts and approval.

He says gently, "Doc, you can head on back to your tent. I want to have a nice chat with the boy." The doctor smiles and pats my shoulder then leaves. I get a good look at the general and notice his face is kind but fierce. He seems like a beast that would leave you alone if not provoked but would kill you in an instant.

"Hello kid, may I have the pleasure of knowing your name?"

I respond, "Yes sir, my name is Ezekiel."

He rubs my head, "Got a last name to go with that?"

"No, I discarded that name a while ago."

"So, that must mean you are either a runaway or an orphan. May I ask which is it?"

"I believe that I am an orphan as my parents both died recently."

"That is very sad. It explains why you were wearing rags and stank to high Hyllla."

"Sir, were you the one fighting that lightning guy?"

"Indeed I was and before you ask, yes I did beat him. He was strong but not really knowledgeable in the art of battle."

I wondered, "Did you kill him?"

He sighs, "I had to, he was very dangerous to a lot of people. It also was my mission to kill him. I am now looking for the rest of his troops that were able to escape the battlefield. I really shouldn't be telling a kid this but I have my reasons for telling you.

He walks the map, "I have figured out from what you were wearing, your stench, and how you look that you have been living out in the forest for several nights. What have you been eating to survive?"

"I have been eating nothing but rabbit. I was too scared to eat anything else. My mother only taught me how to clean and cook rabbit."

He turns around and looks at me, "How would you like to have a real feast with different types of food? I can have you eat with us tonight."

I answer quickly, "Yes sir!"

He smiles, "Well, go get some rest in the medical tent. You will be enjoying fine dining with the military today. Tomorrow, however, we will discuss your fate and the path you will walk from now on."

He gives me a serious gaze and I nod to him. He pats me on the shoulder and walks with me back to the tent I was before. His prompting must have encouraged me because as soon as I got on the bed, I went straight to sleep. I had a very nice dream of being held by my mamma.

I woke to wetness on my face, I had been crying. It was night time and I got to my feet and walked outside. The doctor was standing outside waiting for me. He gently prompted me to an area filled with tables and soldiers sitting and chatting. Some of them smiled at me and greeted. I was being directed to a table where the general sat. He puts me in the seat next to him as the doctor sit elsewhere.

Lionel stands up, "Ladies and gentlemen, congratulate yourselves for we have defeated the Bandit King and his cohorts. This feast and banquet is not only for me but for all of you as well. I have never been more proud than I am today. We have all worked hard so get ready to eat, enjoy yourselves and be merry."

The soldiers burst into loud cheer. All types of food is then brought out. It was every type of eatable animal with gravies. Fruits and vegetables lined up tables from beginning to end. There were all kinds of scrumptious dishes. There was singing and dancing and some more entertainment. I really didn't care as I was too busy eating. The night passed by in a blur but it was the most fun I have had in a while. This truly was a grand feast.