
DragonSlayer vs The Bandit King

The intensity of the situation was felt across the area. I could feel their energy coursing through my body and I definitely felt like I was in danger. A strong feeling of need flowed through my body. I need to watch this fight.

Tomars yells, "Lightning and metal do go together. I know you've been hiding how hurt you are from my lightning bolts. Don't worry, your death will be done in a flash."

Lionel responds, "You can only talk big when you have actually done it."

Tomars' spear started growing larger and longer. He then charges at Lionel so quick I only saw a lightning bolt. Lionel puts his sword vertically in front of him with the flat side near his helmet. A loud zap and clang rings across the land and through the forest.The force of the hit knocks me off my feet as a strong wind blows all around me. I quickly get up to see that soldiers and bandits had stopped fighting and are pretty much dead staring at each other. I could tell they weren't doing it to look fierce. They all wanted to pay attention to the real fight. I could say I felt the same.

Tomars charges forward with his spear. The head of the spear seemed to be growing larger. He moved through the grass like a lightning bolt. Lionel puts his sword in front of him with the flat side toward Tomars. The hit connects with sword. A loud zap and bang rings across the land. A minature tornado is created for a second and is dispersed outward. The wind pretty much knocked everyone, including myself, except the two fighters to the ground. I quickly get up to see them stuck in an almost elegant pose. Tomars was holding his spear towards his opponent , while Lionel was bracing his sword with his body to block the attack. He then leans back forcing Tomars to move toward him and angles his sword underneath the spear creating a horizontal slash. Tomars kicks himself upward to flip over the strike. The swing creates a cutting wind that passes over everyone on the ground and cuts through the trees where I am. I had to quickly duck and run to escape the falling forest. I was way too close to the action but no one seemed to notice me as I moved towards the army. I thought I would at least feel safe near them.As I was quickly making my way over, their fight continued.

Tomars was able flip over Lionel and make a quick strike towards his back. Lionel spins at the last second, performing a diagonal slash that doesn't touch Tomars but the wind from it is able to lightly cut his leg. Tomars grunts and does a most impressive move by swinging his hands opposite directions making the spear swing towards Lionel and slash an opening on his arm. It is also accompanied by several electrical discharges that shock the wound as it is opening. As his blood poors, Lionel seemed unfazed and quickly performs 3 strikes that look a star. Tomars dodges only using his upper body. The wind from the attacks is able to hit his legs and the blood shoots out. Still as quick as ever, Tomars does 40 lightning stabs toward Lionel and moves backwards. Lionel takes all the hits and rushes forward. Everyone is unable to see his face so they are only guessing at how he feels. Lionel swings again and Tomars moves his weapon to block. It was a fake however and he pulls back and actually strikes with his fist. Tomars was caught off guard and had to take strong punch to the face. He was actually knocked sideways and fell to the ground. Lionel was quick for a heavy looking guy and moved his sword downward to strike down. Tomars spins rapidly and blocks the hit with the shaft of his weapon. He must have been hit pretty hard on the head because he forgot about the strength of Lionel's attacks. When it connected, a large boom could be heard and a massive explosion could be seen. The Earth shook and it caused me to fall. I was actually able reach nearest soldier by the time the explosion happened. Everyone was already on the the ground and none of them dared get up. I was not going to try to be the odd one out. The soldier I was near didn't notice my presence, he was too enthralled with the battle.

The dust started to clear and the two fighters were still in the same position at the point of contact. A small crater was made in the ground.

Tomars coughs, "Not bad, but not enough."

He spins his spear creating an electric circle, shocking and cutting Lionel's legs. It looked like he was cut right above his knees. Red started to cover his sliver knee guards. He finally made a noise like a air being sucked between his teeth. He jumps back with his sword in a guarded position. Tomars kicks his legs out to move onto his feet. He was pretty wobbly on his feet and looked tired.

Suddenly a bandit stand up and begins to yell, "KEEP GOING BANDIT KING!"

When he yells that, the other bandits shuffle and move as if they were rising from a slumber and all start to rise. They all started chanting in unison with they guy who started it.








The yelling chanting caused the fighters to pause and look our way. They stopped paying attention to each other for a moment to figure out what was happening around them.

Tomars smiles and says, "Among the Many, I truly believe I have the underlings and compatriots. It is for these people that I shall continue the fight."

Lionel stares for a second then starts to yell, "What the hell are you idiots doing?! Get up and eliminate these crooks and bastards!"

At the behest of their leader, the soldiers rise up in unison. I realized that I was positioned towards the back, near a bunch of bowmen. I was rather close to where I had entered the clearing. The soldier that was closest to then takes notice of me being there

He yells, "Kid, what are you doing here? If you don't get away quick you could die on these bloody battlefield."

I point towards the two powerhouses and reply, "I can't"

He doesn't turn to look but nods, "Alright, alright but get behind me and keep your head down. I don't want to see a dead child on the ground."

I comply and swiftly move behind him and duck as low as child my size could. The other soldiers turned and looked at me but otherwise didn't do anything else.

I hear some one yell, "Ready the shields arrowhead formation and get the spear-men on each of them. Bowman notch your arrows and prepare to fire at the enemies that are the furthest away."

The bowman near me raise up their weapons and pull back the strings. As they were doing that arrows manifested out of then air but they were made of fire, lightning, rocks and air. Glowing insignias appeared on each bow with different colors on each.

The man I assume is their captain yells, "FIRE!"

The arrows launch into a colorful blob and soon disappear out of sight. A moment later, I could hear screams and explosions and could only picture what was happening


An audible howl could be heard from the soldiers in front and loud clangs soon followed. Some arrows were shot back this way and two bowman to my far left dropped to ground. I watched in horror as one of them looked like he was burning from the inside with flames shooting out of his eyes and the other was electrocuted so much that he swelled and popped. The other bowman started shooting more arrows after this. They were trying to suppress the enemies fire but even more arrows were being fired back them and 5 more bowman died just like that. It was all so disgusting that threw up on the ground beside me.

The bowman in front of my says," It's okay kid, we still 800 bowman in this group and a large group is firing from the left side with more vigor. The Majestic Army of The Kingdom of Asilla will never fall!"

His reassurances weren't really helping my upset stomach. I turn away from to look back at the two leaders. At the moment, they were paused and staring at each other with such energy that it radiated through my body.

Tomars soon speaks, "You need to learn to treat your troops better. They could save your life through faith or end it through hatred. I, for one, can tell that I am loved by my bandits. How do think I was able to survive all these years. I stole from kings and queens and democratic groups and I have yet to be caught or killed."

Lionel responds, "My troops will act with discipline and truly be majestic. I have as much faith in them as I have with myself. They will prove to you that they can massacre a lowly group such as yours."

The Bandit King laughs, then charges at Dragonslayer with all of his vigor. Lionel parries the charge, spins and aims for Tomars' abdomen. He leans forward with his spear and sucks in his stomach, dodging the hit. This time there wasn't any wind slash, which was surprising. Tomars then lifts the spear upwards, it increases in size and falls downward toward Lionel. He stabs his sword into ground and raises his hands to actually catch the falling spear. I looked rather heavy but he was still standing.

Tomars says, "You definitely have some strength to lift this thing but can you handle it getting bigger?"

The spear grows exponentially, increasing it weight and pressure. Lionel is still holding it, but his feet are sinking into the ground. Tomars jumps on top the shaft as it grows to a size the completely covers the sky above the bowman. They can't even fire anymore because it is blocking them. If it falls, it would kill everyone underneath it, which is where I am. I begin to sweat, cry and pray that I don't die.

Lionel is still holding it up as it stops growing and says, "The armor I am wearing gives me the strength of a dragon and everyone knows that dragons are stronger than giants."

Tomars responds, " That is true, but since you are occupied with a full sized giant spear, you can't block this."

He does a back flip onto the ground and attacks Lionel with an onslaught of punches and kicks, that are charge with lightning. He hits 10 times, then 20, 30, 50,75, and at the hundredth hit, he uses a dropkick. Lionel staggers for a bit and looks like he is about to fall but stays upright. Tomars goes to strike again but runs into Lionel's foot as he kicks out. Tomars goes flying a good distance away and coughs up blood. He looks as if his noes is broken. Lionel centers right hand on the spear and grabs his sword with his left. He swings the sword upward and strikes the spear repeatedly on the same spot with such force that the wind and noise deafens everybody else. A crack starts to appear on the spear.

Tomars yells, "No!"

He reaches his hand outward and the spear starts to shrink and move towards him. The moment it reaches him, it had returned to the size it was before. The crack, however, starts to grow. His spear breaks in two as he grips it.

"No, no, no! What the hell have you done? This spear was the very first thing I had stolen. You dear break my legacy."

He then charges up all of his remaining electricity and prepares to strike with the pointed half of the broken spear. Lionel does a stance that yells out, "I'm waiting." This was it, the final move. The clash that would decide the winner. They were going to make the killing blow and was going to see it. I really was going to see it until a drove of arrows came and was headed towards where I was. The arrows killed large number of bowmen, including the one protecting me. He was ignited on fire and was screaming. I couldn't help as I was pierced through the abdomen with an arrow made of stone. Before my eyes closed and felt the cold embrace of death. I saw the Bandit King charge towards the poised knight and then darkness.

I am just going to say that the main character is not actually able to see most of the fight. He pretty much sees lightning striking an unflinching knight.

DatBoicreators' thoughts