
A Choice

Waking up the next morning was like a breath of fresh air. My body feels refreshed and warm. I don't see the doctor anywhere, so I grab my new clothes and step outside. There were several soldiers moving around but no one was in a hurry. I didn't what to do so I walked towards the general's tent. The soldiers smile and greet me as I walk then I soon reach my destination. I pull back the flap and walk in and see the general and some other men talking.

The general says, "150 bandits were able to survive and disappear without a trace. It seems as if we have to let them go and let the local security find them. Men, we have completed our mission so I think its time to head home."

One large man nod and grunts, "It is unfortunate that we were not able to completely annihilate them but orders are orders. If they do cause a stir at anytime my local group will be able to stop them."

Another says, "We thank you General DragonSlayer for the help you have provided us. We will be forever in your debt."

"No, thank you for giving me something to do. A warrior like me is bored in this peaceful world. My men will pack up and be out of your area in two days. For now, you are all excused."

After he says that, he looks directly at me and motions for me to walk over. All the other men get up and walk around me to go outside. They don't really pay me any mind so I just move past them. I decide to sit on one of the chairs near the general and get a good look at the map they were looking at. It was an extremely large map with a lot of details.

Lionel says gently, "How are you? I know you had fun last night. My men really seemed to enjoy your company."

"I am doing great, I haven't felt this great in a long time. Everyone, last night, was really fun."

"Thats good. It was our pleasure to host you but now it is time to get down to business. Can you tell me how you ended up in the middle of our battle?"

I didn't think he meant me any harm, so I recounted the events that happened to me. He listened with a straight face and nodded every now and then. When I finished my story, he looked away and didn't say anything for a while. I didn't know what to do, so I studied him. He was man golden hair and lightly tanned skin. He had a rather bulky build to his body and radiated an aura of strength. The boots he was wearing looked like they were made from expensive material. He also wore this strange necklace that had a dragon crest on it. It glowed lightly and I could swear I say the eyes move to look at me.

He shifts and grunts, "I cannot say I'm sorry for what has happened to you because I wasn't there. I will say that I grieve for your lost and experience. That must have been hard for a boy like you."

I feel wetness run down my face and start to cry. He pats my head and watches me as I ball my eyes out. I could hear him saying, "It's okay," over and over again. It has been a long time since I've been able to cry. It takes a while but it eventually stops.

"Now that it is over, I have a proposition for you. I will give you two choices to make and I want you to think them over very clearly."

In my wobbly voice, "I am willing to listen, I just hope you don't threaten to kill me."

"Heaven no, child! The first choice is; we bring you to nearest town and put you in an orphanage that will take good care of you and handle your education until you become a proper adult and continue your life."

He pauses to give me time to think about that. It's not a bad choice but he looks like he is rather excited for the next choice.

"The other choice is that we take you back with us to our base and I adopt you as my son. You will train to be a warrior and my heir. You are probably wondering why I would offer this? You showed bravery on the battlefield and was able to travel long distances by yourself. I see potential in you and I have no children to call my own. I would be really happy if you decided to go with the second offer."

I was stunned silent by this offer. He was going to take me with them and train me to be just like him. It was a rather daunting offer. I was pretty offered a choice to live a normal life or become someone who fights constantly.

"Like I said, you don't have to answer right away. You can take a walk around the camp and think about it. Just so you know, I would like an answer before the end of the day. So, come back with an answer but remember it's your life , live it how you choose."

I was so shocked that I got up and walked right out of his tent. He was happy enough to walk me out. He gave me time to think so I decide to walk around. I walk to where we had the feast last night and see some people sitting down and talking. I didn't want to get in their way so I walk further. There were rows of tents and quick glances showed that this is where the soldiers slept. Walking even further, there were guards in front of some other tents.

I ask the nearest guards, "What are you guys protecting?"

They look at me and think for second then answer, "These tents hold all the confiscated weapons and gear of the bandits we fought. Aren't you that kid they found near all our dead bowmen. You were really lucky to survive and witness an epic fight."

I frown and ask, "Is there anything else? And I'm sorry for your lost."

They smile and say, "Its okay kid, this was battle and any soldier who dies in battle, dies with honor. There is one other thing we are protecting." He points to the very last tent. "That is where our brothers lay in eternal rest."

The guard nearest me holds up his necklace that he kisses. It was two diagonally slashed marks with a face above it. It was the pendant of the religion of the God of Death. It was a religion that believed that different types of deaths sent you to different realms. I didn't believe in it but I'm not one to judge. I thank the men and head towards the last tent. In the distance I see men on horses leaving the camp. It was large group of them but nothing in comparison to the army. They probably were the men from earlier and they were leaving. The tent I was walking to was larger than the rest and the guards in front watched me warily as I approached.

The bigger one asks, "What business do you have here kid?"

It wasn't a threatening tone but it was assertive.

I answer, "I would like to pay my respects to the men that have fallen. They at least deserve a prayer from me."

They look at each other and the smaller one says, "Alrite, but don' take too lung."

He had a strange accent but I quickly do as he says. A terrible smell assaults me as I walk in. The bodies all lay on the ground, covered in sheets and rolled up. Some of them were stained red from all the bleeding. They were all packed close in orderly rows. It looked to be around 500 dead men and women. I stop in front of all of them and pray standing up.

"Almighty Twin Star Gods, bless be these warriors who fought for their country. May they gain passage into your heavenly realm no matter what religion they were from. Grant them peace in the afterlife and everlasting happiness. May you welcome them Brrigg, the eldest. May you love them Syyliia, the younger. Bless them."

I do the traditional movements of my religion and continuously bless them. When I finish, I walk out and thank the guards for letting me pray. They grunt in acknowledgement and send me on my way. I continue exploring the camp and meet the cooks and hunters. There were a large amount nice men and women. Each and everyone of them were all doing something. I even saw them practicing battle formations outside of the camp. Apparently there were two captains,one was man named Cheneu and the other was a woman named Playaylia. Some soldiers even informed me that this wasn't the full scale their company and that they were one of 50 companies all over the country. They actually guard the most South West region of the country and are mostly used to forest battles. They taught me all kinds of things and answered all my questions. I ate lunch with a group of them and they all showed me their weapons. The engravings on them are actually old and conform to different abilities and powers. They even let me hold a sword but it was way too heavy for me. It didn't take long for the Sun to start setting. I told them goodbye and walked back to the general's tent. He was sitting and drinking something when I walked in.

He looks at me and smiles, "Had fun? I hope you have." I smile and nod. He gets straight to the point. "So, have you made a decision?

I make it look like I was thinking and shortly answer, "Yes, my choice is to stay with you guys."

He smiles gleefully.