

Orphan brothers , Jun and Batuhan had been making their livings using their talents as killers, a rather peaceful life by their standards, when their aunt shows up to tell them of their legacy they lost with their parents , and how they must hone their talents at the "Killer Academy". But things at the Killer Academy are not so simple as the red nights are enveloping the land with attacks on all students. Jun and Batuhan must find out the tragedies they are unaware of side by side to fighting for their land againts the Blackwing Academy and the Yosei Academy. How deep the roots of treachery go....they are yet to find out.

RedHeart_Lion · Acción
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85 Chs

CHAPTER 40: So far



Finally with everyone awake and healing , all of them collected in Josh's room. Dr.Jackal had left for some other patients .

Josh was sitting on his bed with the IV still attached.

"Okay so ... " Aleena spoke up , "Where do we even start..."

"How did Josh end up on the principal's office desk is the most interesting question to start with..." Samuel looked at Zahhak , Jun and Noir who were all standing together next to the door.

"That was....." Zahhak hesitated before saying it but he finally said it , "Aranea, she is our team member .... who has some ways....."

"You really dont want to tell us do you?" Jun stared at him , and Noir and Zahhak turned away their heads.

"Well you know, with the tournament coming up , we can't really reveal our cards to you just like that...and she sworn us to secrecy...." Noir said with a terrified look.

"Well I can guess a few things from what we have...but in respect of our hard built trust , we wont pry any further into it then ." Zakiyye said standing next to Josh's bed.

"How about Josh then.... Did you find-" Bow was cut short,

"THEY...ARE ALL CRAZY....." Josh said with such force that the room went silent .

"A..Ahem then.....Jun ..Zahhak , you guys went into the territory,....."

"We met a boy named Krystallo , he started off with attacking us but he was actually the one who told us Josh was there.....so there are a few people in their team that were up for causing trouble , not all of them , atleast Malak and Krystallo are good people....." Jun said .

"We got some information ... " Zahhak continued , " Their students had been disappearing too....he said....and that they suspect that it is a Yosei that's causing trouble....."

"A Yosei?" Samuel said , "One of their own? Attacking them aswell?"

"He says that Yoseis are cursed .... that the memories of their ancestors are carried onto them ..they remember everything their ancestors went through.....and that can drive some people mad if not controlled.." Zahhak continued.

"Laila was screaming at me about something like that.....but she wouldn't hurt her own ..that's for sure." Josh said putting his hand under his chin to support it.

"This is getting more and more complicated...." Batuhan said with a sigh.

" Its only a suspicion..." Zahhak finished , "It can be anyone ...but the Yoseis still seem to have more reason."

"What HAPPENED those hundred years ago .... we know nothing..." Jun said ,"We can't trust any information , or any person ....."

"The Yosei would know what happened exactly....but we need someone who is closely related to the people who had the most significant impact in what happened." Noir said , "Any average Yosei wont help ...."

"Even if thats what we need to do , how do we do it ? We can't contact the Yosei and I dont think its too practical to go into their territory like that again and again...." Aleena said , looking at Zahhak and Noir.

"We have a way to communicate with Krystallo ..... " Jun took out a crystal and so did Zahhak ...."he gave these to us but we aren't really sure how to use it ...."

"I think he said to wait.... he will be the one to contact us first.." Zahhak said flipping the crystal in the air and catching it. It was shaped liked a think needle.

"Sigh....well atleast , we know the cause of our students losing memories , most of them have recovered and returned , only a few are left , which includes , " Bow said as she looked at Batuhan , "The student we first paid a visit to."

"Huh...he hasn't remembered anything?" Batuhan asked.

"No, in fact he has been trying to escape the hospital through the windows.." she said ,"They have put up surveillance around him.

"So we have only dealt with the short term problem.... the main ones are still there." Jun said.

"Blackwing , Yosies and killers are being affected by something and they are all disappearing....there is definitely someone using some sort of mass hypnosis..." Zakiyye said.

"I could agree to that since Giselle did look like she was not the person she used to be...." Zahhak replied.

"Should we report this to the principal...this might actually be something major and dangerous.." Bow said.

"Not until we find that beast .... we heard he found....The adults are hiding things like in any cliche story." Samuel shook his head,"If we go up to them with so much information , they might cut off our investigation....considering how professor Graham whispered to warn me when we first met him."

"Yeah that too...." Zakiyye said.

The whole room went into silence .

"Well!! we have got this far and now we have people we can trust! I am sure we will come across something important soon enough," Samuel said as he tried to lighten the mood, "Our top priority should be the tournament now , the more freedom we get the better we can search."

"That is ...one way of looking at things."Noir said , "Or rather the only way..."

"Whatever it is , they might show up before we find them , might aswell train ourselves to be ready , we will crack the codes we get along the way." Batuhan said as he shrugged his shoulders.

"True" Josh said.

"Alright who is up for a party!?" Samuel said in a joyful tone, "We are all together in one piece , this deserves to be celebrated!!"

"We can't in the hospital .... Josh will likely be discharged tonight , how about we prepare the things at my house and then bring him over." Bow suggested.

"Sounds like a plan!" Samuel said, "You guys will join us right? You can leave tomorrow.."

"I would never leave a party...nor will I let him ." Noir said as he grabbed Zahhak's arm.


The room filled up with chatter as they divided their roles and prepared for a well deserved celebration.



He was lying on the bed , his mind still searching for his master. It was fuzzy , he couldn't remember the time he hadn't felt like that. He wanted to leave but his hands were tied to the bed. There was surveillance outside his room.

"Sigh" he continued to stare at the window but there were no signs of tonight being any different than any other.

"That boy and girl , they dont come to visit me anymore..." he mumbled to himself.

"That's alright..you dont have to wait anymore , the master heard you ... he is calling for you..."

The boy sat up and looked behind him to find a beautiful angel in all black , pink hair , neon green eyes.

She stepped towards him and took hold of his hand.

"My name is Giselle.... and I am here to take you to your home."

She smiled and the boy continued to stare.
