

Orphan brothers , Jun and Batuhan had been making their livings using their talents as killers, a rather peaceful life by their standards, when their aunt shows up to tell them of their legacy they lost with their parents , and how they must hone their talents at the "Killer Academy". But things at the Killer Academy are not so simple as the red nights are enveloping the land with attacks on all students. Jun and Batuhan must find out the tragedies they are unaware of side by side to fighting for their land againts the Blackwing Academy and the Yosei Academy. How deep the roots of treachery go....they are yet to find out.

RedHeart_Lion · Action
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85 Chs

CHAPTER 39 : Malak

"Laila! What is the meaning of this?" Malak said with a stern tone , one he didn't use too often.

"T..They have Noel captured ! We have to listen to what he says...." Laila said hesitantly.

"I will not let you harm anyone who had nothing to do with what befell us.... "

"No wait!-"

Malak blew on the rose and it disappeared into the air leaving behind white sparkles that dispersed with the wind.

"Malak!!!" Laila cried in desperation.

Malak raised his hand and bent his finger towards himself , causing the white speck Noel was communicating through to float towards him.

"Noel..." He said.

Noel , who was sitting there in the dungeon , almost jumped up from the shock.

"Malak!!?" He cried back , "Yo..you are alive!? You are back?!" He had tears in his eyes but he refused to let them fall.

"You look funny."

"Be quiet!!"

Noel snapped back embarassed as Zakiyye pointed out the weird expressions he was making .

"Let me talk to them.." Malak's voice vibrated out of the speck of light in front of Noel.

The speck floated towards Jun .

"I apologize deeply for the problems we Yosei have caused all of you." Malak's voice came out.

"Who are you?" Jun replied back

"Hey Jun !!!" Krystallo jumped in as he heard Jun's voice. Laila was visibly boiling with anger but she didn't say anything.

"Krystallo?" Jun's voice echoed out of the speck.

"Yeah . Its me... The one who is talking to you is Malak . Our team leader ." Krystallo replied back.

"Ohh..but...Malak..you weren't there before.." Jun asked suspiciously as he looked at Zakiyye.

"I was badly injured and under intensive care , I only just recovered." Malak's voice came out.

"How were you injured ?" Zakiyye said hastily as he leaned in closer.

"I was attacked by own companion.." Malak said , " We too have been suffering from the same kind of attacks as BlackWings , Krystallo told me what a BlackWing friend of yours told him about his friend turning against him."

"I was there , I saw it.." Jun said back thoughtfully.

"Yes what he said was quite similar to what had happened to me ..... so it means we have a common enemy ."

"I wouldn't say that..." Jun replied ,"We barely have any reports of such a happening as of someone turning and attacking their own....most of the attacks we had to deal with were from your team..."

"My team.....has quite a history and there seems to be alot of misconceptions that took birth while I was in coma....I will talk to them. I can guarantee you that there will be ...ABSOLUTELY-" He said that part out loud for Laila and Noel to hear , who flinched , "No trouble from our side."

Jun and Zakiyye looked at each other. Zakiyye nodded.

"Okay then," Jun said ,"To have our trust , we would like you to remove the curse your teammate has put on Josh."

"I have already done that..."

"Eh...." Jun was shocked , this was the first time he had found someone so reasonable among the Yosei , aside from Krystallo.

"Hahahaha, I would never or let my teammates harm an innocent person.... and normally I wouldn't ask anything for return but.."

"But?" Zakiyye said

" I would like you to release Noel and let him return to us. It is under my honor that I will not let him harm any of your students."

"Sure." Jun and Zakiyye said with ease.

"Eh..." This time . it was Malak who was shocked.

"Well...we have all the information we need , and Josh is cured, he is extremely annoying and a hand full-"

"Wha!?" Noel intervened but his protest was ignored.

"-Besides , giving him back would be good for building mutual trust. " Jun finished with a sigh of relief.

"I...s.see.....ahahah...you killers are quite a bunch aren't you.." Malak laughed.

"The Yoseis dont get to say that..." Zakiyye said as he looked at Noel.



"My my....." Dr Jackal said as Josh's health suddenly improved drastically. His recovery was fast , he had stopped sweating and shivering. His blood pressure was close to normal.

Bow and the rest of them sighed a sigh of relief and almost fell on the floor , actually they did fall on the floor .

"Thank goodness..." Aleena said . Zahhak patted her back .

By evening , Josh had finally opened his eyes.


*YOSEI TERRITORY-Garden falls."

The light of the setting sun gave the falls an orange and yellow texture as they reflected off the surface of the clear water.

Laila and Malak sat there , not talking to each other , on the stones , staring at the falls.

"Well...." Malak finally broke the ice," We got Noel back..."

Laila didn't reply.

"Laila..." Malak said and Laila couldn't restrain herself anymore.

She stood up from the stone and started shouting.

"How could you apologize to them!? To their kind!? You saw it yourself!! Those days we let them into our home, The first few of them and how they tried to destroy everything!! How many of us did they kill... and we just suffered. This land belonged to the Yosei and the Blackwings ! So where did they end up coming from. Don't you remember how the nights turned red!! They turned red from OUR blood!!!!! And you just lowered yourself to them!? To those who just got power from spilling our blood!?" Laila was breathing hard , her voice tired from screaming.

"Laila..." Malak got up and stepped towards her.

"Don't you remember!!?" Laila finally shouted after which she fell down and started crying , crying like there was no tomorrow.

"I do remember." Malak sat down on the ground , in front of her, "We Yoseis are cursed with having the memories of our ancestors..... we live them everyday....and they just keep passing onto generations....it wasn't you who went through this, you weren't even born but yet you suffer those times..."

"If you understand then why-"

Malak cut her short,"It is because I understand that , that I am able to move on. Laila you cannot make decisions based on what happened two hundred years ago..... you can learn from that time , yes and the first thing you should learn is that spilling blood only leads to more of it. You cannot obtain justice that you are fighting for by committing injustice ... against ANYONE."


"Calm your rage and control your hatred because none of that is yours...you are just a sincere girl who would do anything for the ones she loves." Malak put his hand on her cheek and wiped her tears," And it is heart like yours that are most vulnerable to falling into the trap of hatred..."

"Listen to your heart , ofcourse, but also use your senses..... or you will fall ,as any of us would." Malak patted her cheek and she stared at the ground as Malak's words calmed her and brought her out of her rage and grief.


I have said it before and I will say it again- Malak is my personal favourite

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