

Orphan brothers , Jun and Batuhan had been making their livings using their talents as killers, a rather peaceful life by their standards, when their aunt shows up to tell them of their legacy they lost with their parents , and how they must hone their talents at the "Killer Academy". But things at the Killer Academy are not so simple as the red nights are enveloping the land with attacks on all students. Jun and Batuhan must find out the tragedies they are unaware of side by side to fighting for their land againts the Blackwing Academy and the Yosei Academy. How deep the roots of treachery go....they are yet to find out.

RedHeart_Lion · Action
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85 Chs

CHAPTER 41: Training



"All of you are getting better and better..." Professor Graham said as he sat down on the ground smiling .

"PROFESSOR.... THAT IS A VERY CLICHE WAY OF EXPRESSING HOW BAD OUR SITUATION IS RIGHT NOW WOAH!!!" Zakiyye screamed as Josh pushed him out of the way of the glass man's attack and faced him head on .

"Ghhh.." Josh grinded his teeth as he strengthened his abdominal muscles but he got pushed back , lost his footing and flew back into the tree.

Trying to take advantage of the confusion Jun shot a bullet towards Graham but the Glass man came in between and took the bullet and reflected it right back at Jun , failing to penetrate the Glass man's tough medium . Jun immediately jumped out of the way and it struck into a tree.

"Your bullets aren't strong enough Jun , if they can't even cross through Glass man they will never even reach the Yoseis." Professor Graham said placing his hand under his chin to support it.

"Forgive me professor but... we deserved at least one more fighter...Zakiyye is totally a support member....." Josh said as he pointed to Zakiyye , while his own body was battered with bruises.

"As if your strength is being of much use anyways...no brain nor any brawn.." Zakiyye snapped back at him.

"How about using that brain of yours to save your bones...oh wait ..you can't!" Josh came up with just a smarter reply.

"Then what would be the point of you being here at all.. Mr I just wanna save my own skin because that's all I can do."

"Well! You-" But before Josh could throw punches at Zakiyye , a shadow grew over them as the Glass man came in flying.

"Zakiyye is more capable than he knows , and it's not like the other group is doing too well.' Professor Graham smiled as dust flew in the area where Zakiyye and Josh got attacked.

Then he turned his head around to look at the rest of the four and saw them suffering at the hands of the Glass Woman.

Batuhan and Samuel had their swords crossed against the woman's swords . It was a battle of grit and they were slowly losing. She was pushing them back , but they were holding her ground. Suddenly a huge arrow came down on her from above but she jumped backwards and it fell on the ground.

Aleena rotated her fire lit Batons and ran towards the woman , she threw one of them on the side as it flew back while she waved the other one infront of the woman , however the woman dodged her wave while quickly turning around to catch the other one and threw it towards Batuhan and Samuel . Aleena looked back for a second , which was enough for the woman to kick her to the back. Bow caught her before she flew deep into the forest. As for Batuhan and Samuel , they reflected the Baton up into the air but in doing so they were pushed back themselves and fell on the ground.

The Glass woman took her chance and the moment the sat up , she had her swords swinging to slice their neck.

"Not so fast" Bow yelled and shot an arrow in between Samuel and Batuhan which hit the Glass Woman directly on her head causing her head to be pushed back for a mere second, which was enough for them.

"Grab her!!!" Samuel yelled as he and Batuhan grabbed her by the waist , also trapping her arms , and gripped her tightly as if their life depended on it ...which it did.

Bow and Aleena took this chance and ran past the Glass woman. Aleena's Baton returned to her hand as she threw it towards Professor Graham.

The Glass man , however, came in between and caught it but in that millisecond that Professor Graham was distracted by the Glass Man a bullet was flying right to the side of his head as he turned it affront , it hit his head and shattered into pieces . Professor Graham rubbed the side of his head it hit as he felt a small nudge on the back of his head, it was Jun with his gun against Professor Graham's skull.

"That was a fake shot huh.." Professor Graham said.

"Well I can't kill my own Professor ."Jun said.

"Well it was still a good shot....I will let all of you have this one."

He snapped his fingers and the Glass couple immediately disappeared.

The team , all breathing heavily , flopped on the grass and stayed like that ...for quite a while.

Jun too , retreated his gun ,fell to his knees and rested his forehead on Professor Graham's shoulders.

Professor Graham smiled and put his hand over his fallen head.

"I suppose I should treat all of you to tonight's dinner , good work." He smiled and rubbed Jun's head while the rest slowly began to help pick each other up.

"Thanks....for..uhh...taking my hits...." Zakiyye said as he laid on the ground next to Josh who fad fallen near him.

"No problem....I am the tank.....Sorry for calling you a support character...." Josh replied

"No problem...." Zakiyye replied.


*Principal Office-Killer Academy."

"So Samuel could enter my office.... aren't you a bit late to tell me that only now?" Principle said as he laid back on his chair , to Dr. Jackal sitting across the table.

"Well...I was looking forward to what else they could do..." Dr Jackal said.

"Sigh..... still this isn't as bad as that prank you pulled ... putting Josh on my table...that poor kid spent his night in a closed office..."

"That wasn't me Kuro...How crazy do you think I am?"

"More than you should be...crazy doc. ." Principal Kuro said , " Then I suppose it must be that spider girl , I sensed on Zahhak's shoulder..she must have come from underneath the door."

"Pfftt...some security you've got...."

"I am sorry I wasn't expecting enemy bugs and my nephew to invade when we designed it."

"Be ready for anything they say..."

"No word from Lily... I am beginning to worry..."

"She is quite able...I am sure she will be able to manage herself."

"Well well...such confidence in the woman you adore...I bet you even have a ring ready"

" I do actually .... I have had one since we met in the tournament." Dr Jackal said calmly.

"Wha.... wow...you really are good at staying mysterious aren't you....I only noticed now since you started patrolling alot these nights and stayed at the academy ever since she left for the mission...You have been staying back in case she returns and is hurt haven't you?"

"Perhaps ."


"Yeah yeah .... Kuro that boy..." Dr. Jackal suddenly had a serious look on his face.

"That boy last night... how many have disappeared by now...five and now six...." Principle Kuro said as he looked at the profile of a student , a boy named Hans.

" The rate is increasing .... the tournament needs to happen quickly..."

"Only a month left..." Principal Kuro turned his chair to look at the orange yellow sky ,through his huge window, the reflection of clouds on his face.

"The night...is about to turn red again..." He said.


Backstory of Lily and Jackal needed !!

RedHeart_Lioncreators' thoughts