
Jujutsu Kaisen: Restricted Psychic

An anomaly. A mistake within a mistake. Sachi Zenin was a irregularity of mind and body. The unknown power she wields is enough to contend with the self proclaimed 'Strongest' His birth was prophesied throughout the heavens. People cheered at his cradle. Her birth was unhonoured and only surrounded by death. One is confined within a cursed system. The world's blessed child. The other is unrestrained by the cursed laws. The world's mistake. Undoubtedly, their births shifted the balance of the world. One that was blessed by birth. One that was liberated by birth. A new chapter every 2 days! This will also be a slow paced story. This is my first book!

Rynin · Cómic
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62 Chs

I Can Finally Sense You

"Hhmmm." I patiently waited as Grandpa assessed the spear. I remember how I tried to upgrade its performance (it was only moments before) the liquid dripping from the top and somehow sliding down to the bottom. And most of all, I recall how it shone a bright baby blue just for a moment.

"Sachi! You've successfully improved it!" He quickly hugged me with his free arm, glee evident on his grinning face. "That's good. What's the grade now?" I question. 'It won't really matter if its a small upgrade. However, progress is progress.' Grandfather smiled mischievously as he twirled the spear in his hand.

"From low end grade three to... drumroll please!" I slap my hands against the table fast. Faster. Quicker. He raises his hand. "Stop!" I listen closely but I don't miss the throbbing in my hands. "For the grand reveal! The answer is... Tell me already! "LOW GRADE TWO!"

Huh. 'An entire grade of improvement. Awesome.' "Ehhmmm!" I clear my voice before speaking "Now that you've trained me for over a year." I pose as if there is something stuck in my throat. "Can I fight a cursed spirit?"

"Sure."..... Hmmmmm. That just happened "You sure." He nods calmly. "You've grown alot throughout the time I've been training you. You can now made grade two weapons at the age of 9. Sachi your potential is simply limitless. You have not yet enrolled in Jujutsu High but I'm sure you will eventually reach grade one with ease. Of course you can fight a cursed spirit!" I ponder this information. 'He is right. I guess I'm pretty special. Cool' I tilt my head to the left. "Maybe within the next two days." I place my head in a normal postion and nod.

'Well that was interesting. I do really want to know what grade I'd be. But it seems I'm probably grade two or three. Which is good I guess. But then what was Naoya's rank then? What is his rank now. Is he stronger than me?' I stare at the sky above my head. Limitless.

That's what he said. My potential is as big as the sky. But I want more. I want it to be beautiful,immaculate and as boundless as the true sky above the sky. The stars will soon become my lights. The planets my children. The universe my canvas.' "Heh." 'Maybe if this sorcerer thing doesn't work. I'll be an author.'

Two days later...

"Ready Sachi?" I nod with intense vigour. His smile only gets wider. "On your way you go." He ruffles my hair. I show a short smile and close the door. I walk away from the mansion a clear spring in my step.

"I'm off to hunt a Curse."

"Show him he's the worst."

"His mother never loved him."

"So I'll make sure I cook him in my oven!"

I sing whatever comes to mind as I travel along the path.

"He is weaker than dirt."

"When I walk all over him it'll hurt."


Oh yeah. 'I need to check the document Grandpa gave me. Let's see.'

Curse name: Soundless

Location: Saitama

Description: An entity that does lack ears yet still seems able to hear. Its has a stitched mouth and wears a completely black haori with the words quiet on the the back. It's skin is a pure white almost glowing and it's eyes are fully black.

Notes: It's injured multiple sorcerers and a few have gone missing, presumably killed.

Grade: Special Grade 2

"Saitama we go!"

After a pretty long while of traveling I arrive at a cave in a hill. I draw a tool Grandpa told me was essential. I then utter the incantion.

"Emerge from the darkness,blacker than darkness. Purify that which is impure."

I feel something emerge from the odd square. 'Pretty sure that guy said this before he disappeared against Toji. A barrier Grandpa said. An illusion.' I look up only to see the the spots of the stars and the painting of the dark. 'Apparently it draws out curses. Cool.' I walk forward towards the car and enter it.

'This is already a bad situation. I now lack space. This is only 6 meters in length.' My steps echo thought the cave. 'I bet the curse hasn't noticed me. It wouldn't notice Toji.'

My steps keep echoing. I arrive at the end of the cave and see a large area. I tap my left foot against the ground. Invisible green energy spreads through the area. 'Nice! 80 meters of space. I can fight freely.' I stretch my limbs and then-

Woosh! A strike zooms past me. I wait for the boom. It doesn't come. Silence is all I hear. 'Unnerving.' I move swiftly and try to tap the ground. Boom! A lond bang happens under my foot. 'If I didn't reinforce my feet, they would have been blown off.'

I touch the ground. Boom! Once again I lift of into the air. However, this time I float. 'Nothing. Its name was Soundless, perhaps it's got something to do with noise.' I try lifting of a piece of rock by the wall. Boom! 'Yup. Right as always.'

I keep floating until suddenly. Slam! I feel a powerful force collide with my stomach. I smack into the wall and create a loud shockwave. 'Oof. That hurt. How?' A flurry of strikes come towards me aiming at my heart. 'Wait? My heart. Is it using the sound of my heart? So I need to change it somehow.'

Instead of continuing my former idea. I wrap my body in dense psychic energy. The attacks stop. 'Where is it now? I should-' I see a strange entity waking towards the area. I hold my breath. It seems to be looking around, yet it's eyes are unfocused and it can't see me even though I'm only a few meters away.

'It can use its others senses except eyesight. A binding vow? Or was it born like that.' I step forward. As expected an attack comes flying at me. 'I can't see this. I can see Grandpa's flame ball. Cursed energy I have to focus to see it because its not yet formed or molded properly. Sound attacks?'

I quickly move my body to the left and dodge it. Crack! I hear a sound similar to a whip cracking the air, as it zooms past me.

As I was looking at the curse, trying to find away to combat it, an idea struck me. 'Can I use my sensing to locate cursed energy or a being?' After a moment of thinking it through I go forward with the plan.

I tap my foot on the ground. Crack! The ground I was once on crumbled. 'I can sense his body. But how do I attack without sound. This is hard, I bet Toji could do it with ease.' Shrugging my mind of those thoughts I contemplate a plan.


(A/N) Hello. First time I'm commenting. Just want to say. Thank you to PraisetheSun, AnimeGamer_X_8553 and faeeeee for the stones.

I do have over 25k views on my book(thanks) so I would greatly appreciate it if you commented more about what you think and your ideas. Thanks!

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

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