
Infinite growth with my lottery system

Tatsumaki is killed by a powerful being by mistake and is compensated with wishes. Join his journey to being strong enough to do whatever the heck he wants

Orithium · Cómic
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22 Chs

Chapter 9

<2 Years later>

It has been a little over 2 years since I moved to the outskirts of the village, the house was livable and that's putting it in the nicest way possible, I decided to put learning magic on the table earlier than planned. The walls were worn out there was a bit of mold in lots of places, but it was livable, my goal isn't to live in comfort yet its to grind till I feel I have no equal.

I would perform tasks around the village to help earn enough money to take care of my needs, I was finally able to leave the village and it wasn't as great of an experience as I thought it would be, on the bright side I finally have a map for when I plan on travelling.

I asked the village chief to teach me how to read the map and after learning the basics best believe I maxed out the stats for it, along with my 6 senses, that's right 6 I thought after reaching the max value of a status but when I did the second pull for my sense I had more points than needed and it unlocked my 6th sense I had thought that I could add more points than needed to every stat but it seems not every stat can go beyond its limit, well good new is I's probably put the people in shokugeki no soma to shame.

The God's tongue I had hoped to achieve was accomplished and I have to say I have no regrets, as soon as I got it I was unable to eat for a while because there were too many flaws in the food I cooked and I took too long trying to fix it so naturally I took the easy way out, points into my cooking stat, cooking is one of the stats you can put more points in beyond the limit. With my stats far beyond the max I still had to practice a lot, but it was much easier and after a while of practice the food I ate tasted divine.

I had to practice with all sorts of foods to get what I wanted but it wasn't easy to remember every single proportion for each meal, so I added points to my memory stat, and I was able to achieve an eidetic memory, it was the best decision I had made in a while.

I was able to remember everything from my past life from the moment of my birth to my death every action I have ever done every anime or tv shows I had seen all their techniques their fights, I instantly started getting ideas for moves I could replicate with my Ki. With my food sorted out I could focus on more important things like my luck stat, I feel like I have been stalling I only ever continued to add points to my luck status, and it frightens me how much the world revolves around you once you are lucky.

I don't even have to go into the forest too long to find prey heck I even find prey that are injured just waiting to be claimed. The villagers noticed that they were unable to get a large enough amount of prey when I wasn't with them and claimed I was a lucky charm, it is annoying, but I didn't let it bother me. Last week I finally pulled the poll for Ki control and not the value for Ki control is officially maxed out beyond the max.

I took the whole of the week to practice control over my Ki, it moves around my body perfectly but I noticed that while I can control my Ki perfectly my body didn't move exactly the way I wanted it to so I put points in body control, now I can feel every muscle and fiber in my body a cool technique I discovered is that I can forcefully increase my adrenaline output it was an amazing discovery it felt like I was on a sort of high, after getting used to the new level of control I had over my body I practiced every fighting technique I had in my memory and with my increased intelligence I was able to create a temporary fighting style I can use before going to the Korin tower to learn martial arts from him.

The village chief brought up the topic of teaching Ki to some of the other villagers, I had refused for the first year but eventually gave in and thought them and surprisingly there was someone super talented in Ki control I never expected, Anais, yes it took a few months but the Matron eventually allowed her come to me for training, she was talented in training and Ki control heck she was much better than me since even after adding points I still took a while to master it, I was shocked how talented she was and discovered I could check the status for talent and as I thought she had a much higher talent for martial arts than everyone I was teaching, including myself, but how could I allow anyone be better than me in my own field? So I added points to my talent and I finally discovered one of the status parameters that cannot be added beyond its limits, talents, I added points to all talents I knew I could add, mathematics, sciences, engineering, programming, music and even cooking but no matter which one I pulled the lottery for it never went beyond the max points, you can add points to the fields after you learn them but not the talent itself.

Another thing to note is that Anais is no longer getting bullied and after staying around me for a while I decided to finally max out her loyalty, fortunately it didn't go beyond the limit by too much because I know that once one goes beyond the limit of loyalty it becomes an obsession.

The system unlocked a feature that showed emotions towards me, and I thought the first would be Anais, but it was the daughter of one of the villagers and while I appreciated her feelings, I had no intention on acting on them, so I ignored any signs she was giving during training I can't have these feelings mess with the grind.

While I can improve Anais' looks immediately, I plan on doing it a few years after we have left the village, once her feelings have developed properly then I will make her the envy of other women there is a possibility that the boys in the village will try to get on her good side once she is beautiful and I don't plan on doing all this hard work for someone else to reap my benefits.

I had a look at what other stats I could see from the system and sex appeal was also a part of it and naturally and a healthy male I had to see those that had potential to be sexy and see what type of body to expect when certain values were reached to I had a look at the stats of the women in the village from the sexiest to the most plain, everyone had a fixed stat it seems it has to do with potential, so if your stat was high and you decided to eat far beyond what you needed too then you would not be able to reach your full potential, speaking of potential Anais also had a high value surprisingly I can help but wonder if she was some forsaken child of the world at this point.

She has high values for a lot of things except her looks while it would be convenient to use the lottery on her love value for me I have a limit that I wont cross, I will manipulate ones loyalty since I have no tolerance for betrayal but I wont mess around with someone feelings for me so I plan on letting her figure it out for herself, I've got time maybe once I get with bulma she would have figured it out by then.

Now that I'm done rambling its time to accomplish what I've been planning for the past 2 plus years becoming the strongest on the planet

System pull the lottery for power level!

[Spinning the lottery wheel]

[draw result: 55,000]

Once the spin was done, I felt my body being filled with what felt like limitless power that would opt to spill out of my body but fortunately I had maxed out my body control and Ki control so none of the power spilled out and after a few seconds I was able to understand how much force I should use to avoid breaking things around me, I felt like I could destroy mountains which I most likely can now with all the power I have but I'm sure I'm feeling this way because it is a rapid increase in powers at once and it will most likely go away once the power has settled down and now its time for the great reveal, system show my stats


Name: Tatsumaki

Age: 8 years old

Race: Human

Health: 100/100

Mana: 45,000/45,000

Power level: 55,017

Vitality: 7,091

Intelligence: 21,450

Wisdom: 17,940

Charm: 8

Luck: 3,589,960


Observation (lv:MAX)

Language Mastery (lv:MAX)

Ki control (2,300,000/750,000)

Ki blast (13,400/1000)

<NEW> Body control (5300/100)

<NEW> Body senses (2000/100)

<NEW> Cooking (20,000/100)

<NEW> Memory (2350/100)


<NEW> Mathematics (100/100)

<NEW> Sciences (100/100)

<NEW> Programming (100/100)

<NEW> Music (100/100)

<NEW> Engineering (100/100)

<NEW> Mechanics (100/100)

<NEW> Martial arts (100/100)

<NEW> Cooking (100/100)


<NEW> Sex appeal (4,740/10)

Lottery spin: 0


I felt a sort of achievement from looking at my stats, I can say for sure that there are very few people on multiple planets that can harm me. I feel fortunate that I maxed out control of my body as if I had any less control over myself I would most likely be sleeping outside without a home to call my own, now that I have increased my power level, I should focus on trying to train my magic, I have so many ideas that are possible with magic constantly playing in my head thanks to my eidetic memory, everything is going according to keikaku.